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Girls on Vacation ~ General Chat Comments, Quotes & Thanks for Pictures & Videos April to July 2017

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Why do you think that is DES?   Do you think it's possible that they don't show enough inside the apartment, and by enough I'm talking about sex?  I don't care what anyone of you say about whatever reason you are here for, everyone is here to see the tenants have some sort of sexual relations.  When the girls are out having sex and not doing it in the apartment, it tends to be a good reason for people to speculate and be obsessed with what is going on outside the apartment.   The truth is that I don't believe you when you say that you don't care "where or what they are dong"......sorry mate.

I understand where you are coming from, and yes,to be honst I am slightly annoyed with at least part of the cast here - because they are obviously having fun outside of the appartment, probably involving sexual intercourse, and it sucks for me, and for us as a viewer, that they keep their "real life" out of the views.

That been said : the prostitution comments are wrong in several ways.

First : it is 99% of the time unproven, baseless (*). And unless the forums have migrated to a North Korea host during the night, in all the western world, the burden of proof in on the accusation. "Speculation" is the defense of the hypocrites doing that kind of stinky accusations, but even if english is not my native language, I am pretty sure that speculation is expressed with "I think that ...." or "I believe that ....". When you are stating something as a fact, you are slandering or comitting libel, not speculating.

Second : Call me bleeding heart liberal, feminist, SJW or whatever, but the main drive behind these prostitution accusations is the inability to even conceive that girls, women, can have sexual drives, and have whatever partner they want ... just like men !!!. Frankly, the new sport for trolls on the forums is to flame bait the people like BBSq or Naga who act, in good fun and good spirit, a bit "protective" of their "girls", but many trolls are acting like the the religious father or brother of the girls, who only want to lock them until they can offer their virginity to their future husband or some crap like that. Free willed girls having one night stands, hunting for guys in parties, engaging in swinger parties ? UNTHINKABLE ! It must not be true ! They must be paid for that ! Prostitutes !!!!

Third : In the end these people act like they don't care, make fun of people who enjoy the girls and what they have, but in the end of the days, they are the most obsessed. Spending their night with cam 6 open, throwing up torrents of bile in the forums like drug addicts. Acting like they are better than the ones who "cuddle" the girls, yet beeing no better, and perhaps even worse.


(*) and yes, I am aware that for SOME girls, this thing is a reality - when one (past) tenant receives calls with speakers on in plain english in the apartment, you can't disregard the subject. But the overwhelming majority is not, yet EVERY SINGLE ONE of the girls has been accused at some point.

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26 minutes ago, Noldus said:


5) Do not flame-bait, flame, or attack other member’s comments or tenants actions without explaining yourself. Treat others and their Comments and/or Quotes with respect. Especially in the RLC Apartment and Old Dudes threads, treat other members and tenants with respect. It is fine to disagree with another's opinion or to critique the action of the tenants, but do so in constructive ways using socially acceptable language. Do not be an annoyance, or members will file reports against you, and Mods will be irritated and will ban you.

I will say the following:

1. Why is it an offense to call someone a prostitute? We
    Do not live in the 15th century!

2. Here at RLC, 70-year-old voyeurs pay to be able to masturbate when
    They see naked 23 year old daughters or granddaughters. Is this respectful?

Use girls for voyeurism = O.K., talk about possible prostitution = not O.K.?

Is not that double moral fom finest? Is not that actually hypocrisy?

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1 hour ago, HarleyFatboy said:

Why do you think that is DES?   Do you think it's possible that they don't show enough inside the apartment, and by enough I'm talking about sex?  I don't care what anyone of you say about whatever reason you are here for, everyone is here to see the tenants have some sort of sexual relations.  When the girls are out having sex and not doing it in the apartment, it tends to be a good reason for people to speculate and be obsessed with what is going on outside the apartment.   The truth is that I don't believe you when you say that you don't care "where or what they are dong"......sorry mate.

They only go out to the church and of course to continue the painting stuff that they clearly loveeee so much and do night after night...this girls,specialy the twins,bell,etc don't have intimate life even less sex less at all.....of course when they comeback of the church and painting stuff they take long baths like they are takings now and washings the downstairs good...just for higiene porpoises...gosh...nothing more to say..some just like to be screw by this girls....for those enjoy the massages craps etc...

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Let me see:

The twins went out in swimsuits and came back in lingerie.

Gina went out in a black bikini and came back in a red swimsuit.

Stella went out in a black and white striped bikini top and came back in a colorful

Kylie went out in black swimsuit and came back in black bikini-top and stellas colorful bikini-panties.

Will someone tell me now that they changed the clothes because the things were wet from swimming in the sea?

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14 minutes ago, vlkvlk111 said:

I understand where you are coming from, and yes,to be honest I am slightly annoyed with at least part of the cast here - because they are obviously having fun outside of the apartment, probably involving sexual intercourse, and it sucks for me, and for us as a viewer, that they keep their "real life" out of the views.

You can cast the blame at those who do not want boys or men in the girls apartments :dodgy: Obviously they have listened to the complaints :dodgy:

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2 minutes ago, balt2103 said:

Let me see:

The twins went out in swimsuits and came back in lingerie.

Gina went out in a black bikini and came back in a red swimsuit.

Stella went out in a black and white striped bikini top and came back in a colorful

Will someone tell me now that they changed the clothes because the things were wet from swimming in the sea?

You forgot the big pussies cleanings of both Stella and Kylie..the twins I didn't see it they thook shower or not..they all having sex outside and rlc users are gifted with with crap back massages and paintings.And still some will be fine with that and will defend that.

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25 minutes ago, balt2103 said:

I will say the following:

1. Why is it an offense to call someone a prostitute? We
    Do not live in the 15th century!

2. Here at RLC, 70-year-old voyeurs pay to be able to masturbate when
    They see naked 23 year old daughters or granddaughters. Is this respectful?

Use girls for voyeurism = O.K., talk about possible prostitution = not O.K.?

Is not that double moral fom finest? Is not that actually hypocrisy?

70years old!? Bro I am not young but not that old next week I make 36..

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