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Girls on Vacation ~ General Chat Comments, Quotes & Thanks for Pictures & Videos April to July 2017

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2 minutes ago, DES7469 said:

You did better than me cause I got nothing.:cry:


17 minutes ago, Amy3 said:

If you guys could sum up the girls apartments in 1-3 words what would they be? 

Let's try this, if we rephrase it to say "What would you tell the girls:"

  • Get a degree.
  • Keep healthy.
  • You are pretty.
  • You are young.
  • Party on.
  • Be disciplined.
  • Somebody Loves you.
  • Ignore CamCaps jackasses.
  • :biggrin:
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oh what gets me is in most of the couple apts they have guests who don't mind having sex on cam and they are not even getting paid for it but if one of the barc girls actually does something stop the presses hey if the guests can have sex on cam for nothing is it too much to ask the girls that are getting paid to throw us a bone once in awhile ,again just saying

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2 minutes ago, EMMETT111 said:

oh what gets me is in most of the couple apts they have guests who don't mind having sex on cam and they are not even getting paid for it but if one of the barc girls actually does something stop the presses hey if the guests can have sex on cam for nothing is it too much to ask the girls that are getting paid to throw us a bone once in awhile again just saying

I still prefer not to have guys in the apartment. But as long as it's been since we had a girl bate in the open I take that at this point. But with my time zone and work they'd be done when i got home anyway so it don't matter.

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6 minutes ago, Foamy T. Squirrel said:


Vamos a probar esto, si replanteamos con decir "¿Qué le dirías a las chicas:"

  • Obtener un grado.
  • Mantener saludable.
  • Eres hermosa.
  • Eres joven.
  • Fiesta en.
  • Sea disciplinado.
  • Alguien te ama.
  • Ignorar CamCaps asnos.
  • :biggrin:

The first thing I would tell you is ... Girl, get 24 hours of partying and 7 days a week to follow ...
Put the sexiest veins you want and visit all the clubs and clubs that your pocket allows you ...
Have all the relationships you want with the guys you want, (you'll be well known by many)
Do what you want and when you want ...
That yes, be very clear, when you are off the project.

If you are inside the project, your place is the house ...

or is it that the people in the houses are not young?

Is that they have less rights?,

is that because it is a couple's floor have obligations that do not have these girls?

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Just now, DES7469 said:

I still prefer not to have guys in the apartment. But as long as it's been since we had a girl bate in the open I take that at this point. But with my time zone and work they'd be done when i got home anyway so it don't matter.

how can it be real life if there are no guys  girls have sex with guys well  so how can it be the private lives if there are no guys? not wanting guys in the apts means they will be doing just what they are now staying out till the next day hell if they are getting laid I would just as soon see it instead of knowing what they are probally doing but seeing nothing but empty beds

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