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Girls on Vacation ~ General Chat Comments, Quotes & Thanks for Pictures & Videos April to July 2017

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4 minutes ago, vortios said:

No, it's true, that out of context by itself does not mean anything. Same as when one of my clients calls me when they come to sign a contract to my office and says "I would like to have nice company tonight at dinner"
On its own it says nothing, that's true

Just like Rosie continually washing her nose out the other day ...

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Just now, vortios said:

That is the dust of the house, that she is allergic to dust ...

Of course you see, an innocent explanation ... but it did start immediately after she had been out the house for many hours.

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2 minutes ago, balt2103 said:

¿Podrían todos estos problemas provienen del hecho de que tres de las chicas tienen sus amigos allí?

Esto, en mi opinión, es la única cosa que ha cambiado desde el pasado.

Only one of the sisters (the one who came back the first) seems to be having contacts with a boy outside the house.
Gina's partner is neither waiting nor waiting. Further. Gina did not go out with the other twin, but with Stella and Kv

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2 minutes ago, balt2103 said:

Could all these problems come from the fact that three of the girls have their friends there?

This, as I see it, is the only thing that has changed since the past.

Having friends there is not the probleme, having friends in the appartments is what led to the "party-era" all the girls were with some friends and that's one of the reason why they had so much fun :) 

And btw last night i watch some old clip from when michelle and candy were in the appartment, and even back then the parties were more fun even if candy was constanlty hidding and didn't show any skin ... and everyone was complaining about that time but it looked less ridiculous than what we are watching right now ...

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Just now, BBsq69 said:

Por supuesto que se ve, una explicación inocente ... pero sí empezar inmediatamente después de que ella había estado fuera de la casa durante muchas horas.

Lol is that you do not know that not sleeping, does it have those consequences?
Tired, with lack of sleep, and allergic to the dust you can not breathe ... with as much as you ere and you have not yet realized ...

In case anyone is lost this is also an irony.

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They are going to give the 12 and the girls without giving signs of life.
By the way, I can not imagine that marcalas 6; 25 I can not assure and one of the sisters reading and mobile.
Maybe interested in the sister.

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15 minutes ago, vortios said:

Lol is that you do not know that not sleeping, does it have those consequences?
Tired, with lack of sleep, and allergic to the dust you can not breathe ... with as much as you ere and you have not yet realized ...

In case anyone is lost this is also an irony.

... really? I was using sarcasm.:biggrin:

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