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Girls on Vacation ~ General Chat Comments, Quotes & Thanks for Pictures & Videos April to July 2017

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morning everyone. well looks as if everyone is home. I take it nothing happened early this morning. With this new combining both apts. into one forum there are to many pages to try and catch up on. Trying to catch up on 15, 20 pages just does not work. well that is all for my morning rant.

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There's like too much to keep up with at the moment. I've missed tonnes but Belle facing her window earlier :biggrin: I just caught that properly.

Anything could happen even a sexy naked dance in the LR.

The turn around has been unbelievable.

Like I said sexy naked dancing by My Belle:heart: is good for the soul. And I think/want her to do it as often as possible ... if she wants to.

Get Rosie and Belle their own roommates apartment now, they are the best together. 


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43 minutes ago, vortios said:

Maybe I'm not so desperate or have as much time as you to connect 24 hours a day, I have my objections, and between them is not being stuck to see other people. One of the reasons why I complain about this mockery. And I tell it to whoever wants to read me. You have no obligation whatsoever.
Maybe those you call Troll have more right to write here complaining than you do.

send you complaints to RLC and in this forum we will discuss what we see on the screen, That is the purpose of this forum, not to constantly complain.

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2 minutes ago, ed2 said:

Hi mod!

Isn't this trolling: 

trying to disrespect other member, just because they are of a different opinion

what did I do

Have you read these rules for posting in this forum ?

5) Do not flame-bait, flame, or attack other member’s comments or tenants actions without explaining yourself. Treat others and their Comments and/or Quotes with respect. Especially in the RLC, Camarads, VHTV, And VV Apartment and Old Dudes threads, treat other members and tenants with respect. It is fine to disagree with another's opinion or to critique the action of the tenants, but do so in constructive ways using socially acceptable language. Do not be an annoyance, or members will file reports against you, and Mods will be irritated and will ban you. 

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I suggest that we get back on the topic at hand, if you all wish to continue this discussion there are threads specificaly for these type of discussions, but in this thread we will talk about what goes on the vacation girls apartment only !!!


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Just now, euromike69 said:

hot-girl-waving-smiley-emoticon.gif Hello Cacjc,,welcome back :biggrin::biggrin:

I didn't go anywhere it's just hard to chat when you haven't got premium account

so iv'e just been enjoying what you guy's are posting

I noticed today we have a bit of a discussion going on so i thought i would break it up by saying hello

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Just now, Sergio said:

Dear, I do not know what you want from me, I do not tell you about those long posts that in the end are nothing, the fact that I compare you to Benfold helps me understand what kind of person you are, the fact that you are on this forum For a long time, you do not have the right to speak ill of other people, maybe watch 24 hours a day these young girls have burned the few neurons you have in your brain.
just relax

Off topic....... post on topic please. You too have been warned !!!

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3 minutes ago, isidore57 said:

Noldus,,   Bonjour,  Belle est elle sortie  ?   je viens de revenir sur le forum  et je ne la vois pas ....    Merci d'avance

B2 cam 2 nice, sleeping Belle. Enjoy

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