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Anna & Alex - Part 2

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2354 Alex has been making some form of frame for bondage for an hour now with Anna rubbing down the sawn edges. Now a second couple have appeared and the guy is helping Alex fix the bondage device and assemble it. It will place the woman in a squatting position with her hands also bound to the frame in front of her.............. interesting!

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3 minutes ago, Oldstalker said:

2354 Alex ha estado haciendo algún tipo de marco para la servidumbre durante una hora ahora con Anna frotar los bordes aserrados. Ahora una segunda pareja ha aparecido y el tipo está ayudando a Alex fijar el dispositivo de servidumbre y montarlo. Se pondrá a la mujer en una posición en cuclillas con las manos se unió también a la estructura frente a ella .............. interesante!

They are the same couple of always friend. The a real idiot and she a stupid that it is left to do anything, even almost llegar a maltreatment... of the same race that Anna and Alex... God the breeding and they get together...

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Whatever they are the girls will end up tied to them and anal fucked. Probably some face slapping. 

When they they moved to VH I predicted that their apt would turn into a sex dungeon for Anna. From seeing the last times she was tied up in an uncomfortable position I could see that she didn't really like it as much as she wants to like it. She is not in good enough health to handle it. This is why she started working out yesterday. Cause she knows she needs to be more flexible to handle it.

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