waldi Posted June 3, 2017 Posted June 3, 2017 14 minutes ago, golfer06 said: thanks groomy. i hope they do come back. it's nice to see a couple that doesn't have to be tied up or slapped around but can just have normal sex. I'd like to see Dana again , slapping is what she likes, I think it's a "normal" sex for her
Hectorxx1 Posted June 3, 2017 Posted June 3, 2017 35 minutes ago, Gudari said: Eso es todo correcto, pero por lo que yo sé, los inquilinos advierten Cams sus huéspedes justo antes de entrar en el apartamento y que incluso han llegado a ver la muestra una vez dentro del apartamento. Para mí, es difícil pensar que han llegado sólo para promocionarse y el primer día tener un intercambio casi lleno. Mi conjetura es que este par de invitados ha estado haciendo intercambios mucho más tiempo y si tengo que admitir algo que pensé anoche que no sucedería nada más que otro borracho por la forma de comportarse en el comienzo del huésped. Anna dio el paso para que esto suceda, tratando de besar a los huéspedes durante la noche, aunque entonces se cagó como siempre por qué no completar todas las motos. I get what you're saying but legally they have let guest know and have waiver form sign either before or after. If one their guest is underage and she happen to get naked. VH would be in legal troubles and tenants would face jail time. I am sure that they have meeting priory to the visit where they talk about their apartment and the project. Course people are always a bit nervous when they know people are watching so liquid courage is always at hand. Also having your host be the first to get naked does take off the pressure they might feel. Last night the girl was not ready be naked until Anna was far more naked than her as well guys before she felt at ease. Anna does try make the female guest feel at home and try her best ease them getting undress. I give Anna props for been a good host. 1
Gudari Posted June 3, 2017 Posted June 3, 2017 1 minute ago, Hectorxx1 said: Entiendo lo que estás diciendo, pero legalmente invitados han dejado que conocen y tienen forma de renuncia signo ya sea antes o después. Si uno su invitado es menor de edad y que suceda a desnudarse. VH estaría en problemas legales y los inquilinos se enfrentaría a penas de cárcel. Estoy seguro de que han satisfacer priorato a la visita en la que hablan de su apartamento y el proyecto. por supuesto personas son siempre un poco nervioso cuando saben que la gente está viendo el valor para que el líquido está siempre a mano. También tener su anfitrión será el primero en desnudarse no quitarse la presión que puedan sentir. Ayer por la noche la niña no estaba listo estar desnudo hasta que Anna era mucho más desnudo que ella también chicos antes se sentía a gusto. Anna lo intenta hacer que el huésped se sienta como en casa femenina y tratar su mejor facilidad que éstas caigan desnudez. Doy apoyos para Anna sido un buen anfitrión. I agree with you Amy but please! If you start something... it ends as it deserves! The couple was fully prepared! Anna is an idiot and deceives us!
golfer06 Posted June 3, 2017 Posted June 3, 2017 4 minutes ago, waldi said: I'd like to see Dana again , slapping is what she likes, I think it's a "normal" sex for her i like dana a lot. but i don't like slapping & i don't think she likes it. i think she has other problems that we don't know about that makes her accept being treated like shit. some type of physical, sexual, & emotional abuse from childhood resulting in lack of self esteem. rex is an asshole. 2
waldi Posted June 3, 2017 Posted June 3, 2017 Just now, golfer06 said: i like dana a lot. but i don't like slapping & i don't think she likes it. i think she has other problems that we don't know about that makes her accept being treated like shit. some type of physical, sexual, & emotional abuse from childhood resulting in lack of self esteem. rex is an asshole. I wouldn't be so sure, btw are you a doctor?
Amy3 Posted June 3, 2017 Posted June 3, 2017 20 minutes ago, waldi said: I wouldn't be so sure, btw are you a doctor? If you could have heard the translations of the shit he was telling her, not the last time, but the time before that, you might change your mind. Put it this way, Rex seems to have an edge over her life and thus control is his to maintain and therefore she submits to his will. I'll say no more about this. 1
waldi Posted June 3, 2017 Posted June 3, 2017 4 minutes ago, Amy3 said: If you could have heard the translations of the shit he was telling her, not the last time, but the time before that, you might change your mind. Put it this way, Rex seems to have an edge over her life and thus control is his to maintain and therefore she submits to his will. I'll say no more about this. do you believe in everything they say to microphones? I'd never think you're so gullible
Amy3 Posted June 3, 2017 Posted June 3, 2017 6 minutes ago, waldi said: do you believe in everything they say to microphones? I'd never think you're so gullible If you are suggesting that the things he said were somehow a game, no, I don't believe it. If that make me guillible, so be it. I trust my intuition. 2
Hectorxx1 Posted June 3, 2017 Posted June 3, 2017 3 minutes ago, waldi said: do you believe in everything they say to microphones? I'd never think you're so gullible That is bit rude. It doesn't take huge leap to see the Rex has an abusive relationship. It not uncommon for female and male to stay with abuse partners because of fear or other personal issues. Your opinion is no more accurate than other what they take when that couple visit. 2
ashleyxyz Posted June 3, 2017 Posted June 3, 2017 1 hour ago, Amy3 said: Yes, I could tell Anna really likes this girl. I do too and her horny boyfriend. It was great to see Anna have some fun with her, they were laughing and really interacting with each other. 2
ashleyxyz Posted June 3, 2017 Posted June 3, 2017 Are they still there? Is this the same folks from last night? i just got on here
golfer06 Posted June 3, 2017 Posted June 3, 2017 42 minutes ago, waldi said: I wouldn't be so sure, btw are you a doctor? i have a degree in a specialty that you may have heard of. it's called life experience. and i have several family & friends who were the victims of such abuse. and they are still troubled by it as adults & it never really goes away even with extensive therapy. so if you consider it to be normal i wonder what you would think if your sister or daughter were treated in such a way. i'm sure that you would be fine with it ,right? 2
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