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That should be in your rule book. Rule #1 Look up the word Voyeurism. Rule #2 this is what we won't out of you. #3 If you can not perform Voyeurism out in the open not cover up or have thing blocking the view then please don't sign up for our program and please don't ban people for speaking openly if you don';t like what they say. All we trying to do is make you a better web site

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i wanna make myself clear i have no problem with any tenents in the apt.i find mona to be very pretty.the only thing i ask for is for vv.to find a better server so the lagging will stop.im not a paid member but i used to be and this is why i wont pay anymore cause of the lagging.in these apts.i know i would be pretty pissed off if i was a paying member and if im watching a cam and something is happening and all of the sudden i have no screen or the lagging kicks in.vv please have a little consideration.on those who spend there money on you monthly and give them what they wanna see that is all im asking for.vv put yourself in our shoes.wouldnt you be upset and stop paying if this was constantly happening to you?i will leave it at that.

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13 hours ago, canito said:

i wanna make myself clear i have no problem with any tenents in the apt.i find mona to be very pretty.the only thing i ask for is for vv.to find a better server so the lagging will stop.im not a paid member but i used to be and this is why i wont pay anymore cause of the lagging.in these apts.i know i would be pretty pissed off if i was a paying member and if im watching a cam and something is happening and all of the sudden i have no screen or the lagging kicks in.vv please have a little consideration.on those who spend there money on you monthly and give them what they wanna see that is all im asking for.vv put yourself in our shoes.wouldnt you be upset and stop paying if this was constantly happening to you?i will leave it at that.

We are currently working on the new and better version of the site. We really hope it will have no lagging, more nice features like timeline and archive and new design. Thank you for your pure criticism people here, i really appreciate it. We just need more time to fulfill the task. Meanwhile, to make it more interesting, the casting is in process and the changes in apartments are taking place.

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On 14/05/2017 at 3:06 PM, golfer06 said:

tout à fait d'accord avec cela. il semble que chaque fois que je pense peut-être quelque chose de rejoindre vv stupide est fait. tant pis. probablement pour le mieux.


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8 hours ago, nack said:

I don't think the paying customers are getting any lags !!

nack is correct. Every site does this. Servers are expensive. RLC will lag for free-loaders, and even CamCaps has a limit for "Guests" before they are asked to register or pay for the servers.

The simple fact is that if you want a site to improve and provide you with the service, then you must invest in its success by offering to provide funding for the service.

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