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3 minutes ago, Russ said:

Alguém sabe o que há de errado com Lina ela está doente há muito tempo

See in the timeline that she has bandages in her abdomen, possibly surgery. She lifted the blouse to Alex indicating possible pain there. Or bothering.

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7 minutes ago, Russ said:

Does anybody know what's wrong with Lina she has been sick for a long time

When Eric and Layla came back Layla sat next to lina and lina put her hand and showed her what looked like a large marble to a golf ball size symble. I think she gat something about that size removed from stomach area

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2 minutes ago, koshxxx said:

Quando Eric e Layla voltou Layla sentou-se ao lado de lina e lina colocou a mão dela e mostrou-lhe o que parecia um grande mármore para um tamanho de bola de golfe symble. Eu penso que ela gat algo sobre esse tamanho removido da área do estômago

Possibly because it is full of bandages there.

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