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Silvia & Josh

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On 2017-5-6 at 11:06 AM, Russ said:

Silvia & Josh são tão bons quanto Sveta & Vlag, mas eles precisam tentar diferentes posições de sexo 

Sveta and Vlad had a bigger apartment and more options to implement innovations.

Silva and Josth on the other hand with what they have there, surprising not in more positions at times that follow. And Silvia can get better with each passing day. With or without clothes (principally).:biggrin:

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On 2017-5-7 at 11:10 AM, Maturin said:

What guarantee is there that having two couples makes things not boring?  Unless you speak Russian and can understand what they are talking about perhaps, but as we see time and again 2 couples = awful, scripted misery sex, starts at 10pm, no one makes eye contact and finishes promptly 2 hours later.  Apart from that weekly dose of couples misery sex there s nothing for the rest of the week, not even nudity between them.

Stop putting couples together, it's not a guaranteed recipie for success.  I'd much rather watch these two lovebirds being carefree and nude in their own home than see them skulk around the house all week because there's two other people there that they don't know.

I really don't know why the philosophy of these sites is that there has two be a man and a woman in the house together and it would be even better if there were couples because that will equal more excitement.  It doesn't and 99% of viewers can't even understand what the people are talking about anyway.

@VoyeurVillaNews You really should try an apartment with one single girl or a lesbian apartment - when you are casting all you need to do is question whether the girls like to walk around naked and are fine with masturbating whenever she feels like it.  No special script or event or awkward parties will be needed if you just hire some people that are fine with nudity and like to masturbate a lot.  Just try it for 1 month with one apartment - when you see what a success it is then you can give me a lifetime free membership for convincing you to try it! :D

We have an apartment like this, or rather two in RLC exactly on the model that you point to.
See your result on. Or how they hold it there.
See, however, the examples (photos) of Silva and Josth and thus will be understood as the reason of their acceptance for all here. Of course.:biggrin:

My feeling here only.

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4 minutes ago, Russ said:

Tory acaba de hacer Nik grito porque se enojó con él, Consigue que el niño de aquí ahora :huh:

He's a child, that is clear, but she abused him, handling it as she wants. This couple sucks and has no future. I hope that there is another party and she ends up fucking to another because this has no solution.

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None of these teens know what they are doing. IMHO, they are too young to be doing this. They need to mature and live a life away from their parents before making this kind of decision. It's too soon. Sorry, I'm a buzzkill. Carry on. 

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18 minutes ago, Amy3 said:

None of these teens know what they are doing. IMHO, they are too young to be doing this. They need to mature and live a life away from their parents before making this kind of decision. It's too soon. Sorry, I'm a buzzkill. Carry on. 

but we want your namesake to stay!!!!

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