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1 minute ago, rammer said:

You mean like are soon to be impeached President?  The deal maker?

I see no signs at all of impeachment proceedings at all, for what ? you would impeach Trump for what ?

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Not yet.  Too early.  Are you up on current events?  Took a real long time for the truth to come out for Nixon.  He resigned.  Trump won't.  The noose it getting tighter. 


 Our Local House of Representative Speaks out. Dick is one hell of a good guy, and truth be known this how most of the Mid-Westerns think and believe.

No-brainer – Hillary wrote the anti-Trump dossier E-mail
Tuesday, 06 February 2018 10:33





We know that Hillary Clinton’s campaign and the Democratic National Committee gave negative research firm Fusion GPS over $1 million to find evidence that then-candidate Donald Trump had colluded with Vladimir Putin’s Russia to fix the 2016 election.

But how deeply involved was the former secretary of state in preparing the dossier that emerged?

If you believe that Hillary would pay an organization like Fusion GPS and not oversee every last detail of their work, you don’t know Hillary Clinton.

She is obsessive, particularly when it comes to negatives to use against a political opponent. She and I used to worry over every word in our negative attacks in Arkansas and against former Sen. Bob Dole in the 1996 election.

Have no doubts: This dossier was, as we know, funded by Hillary and, therefore, it was almost certainly written under Hillary’s minute and forceful supervision. No freelancing allowed.

If the Clinton campaign was funding it and Cody Shearer was involved in preparing it, you have to know that Hillary Clinton was running this project personally — although, of course, secretly.

This dossier was conceived, funded, mapped out, written and peddled to the media in Hillaryland. It’s not Christopher Steele’s dossier. It’s not Glen Simpson’s or Fusion’s or even Cody Shearer’s. They are the hired help. It was and is Hillary Clinton’s handiwork.

As the campaign against Trump stalled out, Hillary grew desperate. Her standard negatives weren’t working. Trump’s divorces, tax returns, bankruptcies, his university “scam” were all not working. He was nipping at her heels in the polls and his negative ratings had not yet knocked him out of contention.

So Hillary brought in her big guns — the black ops, secret police, detectives she had kept around ever since she first used them to besmirch women whose charges of sexual harassment, groping and even rape were hindering Bill’s rise to power. Now, under the direction of Cody Shearer, she put them to work digging up material to “prove” that Trump was in league with Putin.

But, there was one problem: He wasn’t. Even her top operative came up empty, so she resorted to Plan B: She made up the “facts.”

She put Trump in a hotel room in Moscow with hookers. She fantasized that Mike Cohen, Trump’s lawyer, went to Prague to set up the collaboration with the Russians. She included every rumor and fiction she had to to make the story of collusion stick.

But she couldn’t release it under Cody’s name. It was radioactive. He was involved in a scam relating to the Cheyenne-Arapaho indian tribe that had been induced to give the Democratic Party $100,000 in the hopes that the government would intervene in a drilling rights dispute on tribal land. He was also implicated in taking money from Bosnian Serb leader Radovan Karadzic to arrange his surrender to the International War Crimes Tribunal. It turned out to be a scam as well.

So Hillary hunted for a more reputable source to whom she could attribute the dossier, preferably one who would be treated respectfully by the FBI. She found one in Christopher Steele, a former British spy in Moscow who went on to lead the MI-6 Russia bureau.

Having worked on the international soccer scandal with the FBI, Steele was trusted at the Bureau and credible with the media. So, by Steele’s admission, he met with Shearer, who provided him with much of the material in the dossier. Then, under Steele’s name, it was peddled to the media.

This dossier has Hillary’s fingerprints all over it. It was, simply, a campaign document — no more, no less — that unfortunately sent the FISA Court and the FBI and Special Prosecutor Robert Mueller off on a wild goose chase to find evidence that Trump had colluded with Putin to fix the election

FBI, DOJ knew Clintons funded anti-Trump Russia dossier, hid it from FISA Court E-mail
Saturday, 03 February 2018 18:22





The blockbuster memo just released by the Republicans on the House Intelligence Committee makes it abundantly clear that the FBI was staffed and led by pro-Clinton/anti-Trump zealots who would stop at nothing to keep him from office or remove him once he was there.

They’re still at it.

The Nunes/GOP memo shows that the top leadership of the FBI and the Justice Department knew that the dossier prepared by Christopher Steele and Fusion GPS was paid for by the Clinton campaign and the Democratic National Committee — but hid its partisan origin from the FISA court.

In other words, our top FBI and Justice Department officials omitted key information from the FISA Court warrant application in order to convince them to let them spy on Trump transition and campaign officials — American citizens. Would the Court have looked at the warrant in the same way if they knew it was commissioned by the Democrat nominee for president to discredit her opponent?

The FISA court is really on a par with the Supreme Court in that its decisions cannot be appealed. Its standard of proof for issuance of a FISA warrant is extremely high. Concealing that the dossier was funded by a partisan group is a major mistake and perhaps indictable.

Former Deputy Director McCabe told the House Intelligence Committee that the FISA warrant to spy on Carter Page would never have been issued were it not for the dossier.

But the FBI knew that the dossier was never verified. The memo also states that the FBI’s counter-intelligence attempted to verify the sources in the dossier and found that it was only “minimally corroborated.”

Defenders of the Justice Department say that the dossier was not the sole source used before the FISA Court but that news stories added to its credibility. But the Nunes memo makes the point that the corroborating news story they cite was a Yahoo! News story published on Sept. 23, 2016, by Michael Isikoff that was based entirely on Isikoff’s interview with Steele himself.

So, the use of the article to bolster the dossier is an exercise in “circular reporting.”

During his research on the dossier, Steele’s expenses were paid by the FBI, even as his consultant fee was paid by the Clinton campaign and the Democratic National Committee. His credibility was based on the FBI’s vouching for him. But, as the memo reveals, he was actually  fired by the FBI — “suspended and terminated” — for leaking the dossier to Mother Jones and for concealing his meeting with Yahoo reporter Isikoff and other news media and then lying about it.

Steele pretended that he quit his partnership with the FBI because he was angry at its failure to pursue his findings aggressively. Now it turns out that this was not true. He was fired because he lied to them and because he revealed his confidential association with the FBI to the media.

Steele and Simpson repeated this lie. Steele told various media outlets the tall tale and Simpson testified before Congress that Steele had ended his relationship with the FBI after he read a New York Times story indicating that the agency did not seek a link between Trump and the Russians.

This degree of co-ordination among the media, Steele, Fusion GPS, the DOJ, FBI and the Clintons was laid out and predicted in our book “Rogue Spooks: The Intelligence War on Donald Trump.”

It is becoming increasingly apparent that Christopher Steele was not the main author of the dossier — Cody Shearer was.

Steele admits that Shearer provided him with material.

Shearer, who the Clintons had called upon time and again to discredit women and others who testified against Bill Clinton, was the key black ops guy in Hillary’s orbit. He and Clinton rony Sidney Blumenthal sent a horde of spook memos about Libya to Hillary Clinton when she was secretary of state. Now, facing the biggest challenge of her life — discrediting Donald Trump — she may have turned to her old familiar pattern and brought in Shearer.

For his part Shearer could have made up most of the fictitious meetings and encounters breathlessly reported in the final Dossier.

But Shearer had a terrible reputation and was widely seen as unreliable — and somewhat wacky. So the Clintons needed a front man to be seen as the dossier’s author. They relied on Christopher Steele because of his credentials as an ex-operative of MI-6 and his access to the FBI.

Then, when Steele — desperate to get out the phony charge of Trump-Russia collusion — leaked to the media — first to Yahoo’s Michael Issikoff and then to Mother Jones — the FBI “suspended and terminated” him.

To fill the gap left by Steele’s termination by the FBI, Sen. John McCain, R-Ariz., got the dossier and, through Andrew McCabe, arranged for a meeting to give the dossier to FBI Director James Comey. (McCabe is, of course, a Clintonista who’s wife’s state Senate campaign in Virginia was funded by the Clinton machine). From Comey, the dossier went to President Barack Obama and thence to the media, accomplishing the Clintons’ mission, albeit too late to swing the election.

So was the dossier created to give the FBI ammunition to use against Trump?



Are you serious?  Dick Morris?  I guess we should stop.  Watch Fox News and be happy.  You are entitled to your own reality.  I'm entitled to mine.  We still need to figure out the bet though.  We will down the line.  Take care buddy.  It's time to check out the girls.  Thanks for the conversation.  Talk to you later Dude.

1 minute ago, rammer said:

Are you serious?  Dick Morris?  I guess we should stop.  Watch Fox News and be happy.  You are entitled to your own reality.  I'm entitled to mine.  We still need to figure out the bet though.  We will down the line.  Take care buddy.  It's time to check out the girls.  Thanks for the conversation.  Talk to you later Dude.

Thanks you too man, it was fun debating with you, Yes Dick Morris LOL. BTW I watch the local news, I want News when I watch the News not opinion TV LOL.

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3 minutes ago, rammer said:

The road in front of my house needs to be upgraded.  I would prefer that rather than a wall in Southern Texas.


Goes to show, how one thinks. If it makes you happy, you can pay for your own road. The city you live in is responsible for the streets. (NOT THE PRESIDENT) If they can't pay for the roads, talk to your politician in your district, and don't be surprised if they tell you the reason they can't. "We can't fix the roads because we need the money to pay for the GI Joe with the Kung Fu crip."  Fact! Get Over It!!!

Listen up, Impeach Trump crowd: President Donald Trump, won't be impeached. "Let me repeat myself, Mr. Trump, " WILL NEVER GET IMPEACHED! He won’t. So let it go. Move on and take your MoveOn.org money with you. Trump will finish his term, and at this rate, with all the off-the-walls howling that’s been interrupting the few sane mouths left in Washington, D.C., and in the media, be happily on his way to a second. Why is this assured? Because there, is no impeachable offense, only B/S at this point. 

Larry Flynt may be floating $10 million to anyone who can bring the dirt that will finally impeach Trump. Yawn. Not only is that a minuscule amount for the porn kingpin, but it’s a tiny amount he knows he won’t have to spend. Fact is, the left has been crowing for Trump’s impeachment before he even took the oath of office. If impeachable offenses were looming in the background, trust on this, they would’ve been brought to the forefront long ago.

“Will Trump Be Impeached, Removed Via the 25th Amendment or Resign?” blasted a Newsweek headline, just a couple days ago. The left has been on a constant march to create a frenzy of talk of impeachment since November using one of its most successful tools of the partisan trade, delusion. Those on the left, already cloudy of mind because of all the deception they peddle, truly believe that if they say something often enough, it becomes truth. That’s how Barack Obama sold Obamacare, for instance, on the wing and deceptive prayer of a mantra that said, “you can keep your doctor.” (FACT!) That’s the underlying strategy behind the Impeach Trump movement.

It goes like this folks: First, call for impeachment. Rep. Maxine Waters served as the left’s handy, useful idiot on this score, taking the lead in calling for Trump’s ouster,  preemptively, before he’d even had time to serve. But she set the stage nicely for Step Two, send in the media hounds. The media has done an excellent hatchet job of taking this crazy impeachment talk and running with it as if it’s credible news. A reputable media outlet would either ignore the calls or put them in context and explain how ridiculous they are. That’s not happened. Instead, the media has used a couple of loon calls for impeachment as the platform to spring a long-running cycle of impeachment talk, with each day’s stories serving to fuel even more. That’s how, in just a few short months, talk of Trump’s impeachment has moved from the realm of ridiculous and fringe, from the lips of say, Waters to the covers of mainstream media magazines and focus of mainstream media broadcasts.

Look at the Newsweek piece, which reads in part: “How is the Trump presidency likely to end? It is a question that has been asked more frequently by more people about President Donald Trump than about any other commander in chief in modern history. This past week has again seen musings thrust back to the forefront about how the most unorthodox, unpredictable and unpopular president in modern history could exit the White House. For some, his impeachment should already be on the table. ”That’s because the media has entirely willingly put it on the table.

The media has created this impeachment frenzy, then stepped back and feigned casual observer, unbiased reporter, balanced recorder of history. It’s a lie, abominable deceit. And the American people aren’t buying. Trump, won’t be impeached. In fact, the more the left calls for his impeachment, the more complicit the media becomes in this impeachment call, the better for conservatives. It’s just opening the doors for more Republican seats in 2018 — another Trump term in 2020. Peace iPirate :cool:


The thing with Politics is No Two People will ever share the same views. To Each Their Own.


The Good Lord or Satan will Bust Donald Trumps Ass when the time is right.   I'm more Inclined to think will be Satan who gets the deed on that chore.  :biggrin:


Just a matter of time.  It will be sooner than later.  Over under is 3 years for the betting folks.  I choose under.

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