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Rose, Layla & Eric

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13 minutes ago, Gudari said:

Well, as in the new work, a trial period short and if they pass it, they can stay longer. For me, that ok.

Longer, but not forever. Participants are staying in the program very often too long, what makes the website boring. they can't treat it like a job, permanent job, some kind of part time maybe, but nothing else, at that point the most important are a viewers.

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1 minute ago, sr71gn said:

Eric no puede enfocar sus propios ojos que hoy vamos a hablar de un lente de la cámara

In the end it has get it! And just before the sex between Silvia and Josh! I think that now Eric (Max) and Layla have gone directly to the hospital.

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1 hour ago, golfer06 said:

the point of complaining is that the majority of us want to see them all for a little longer. we know that they are all pretty good & we'd rather see them as opposed to an unknown entity. and in case you missed it we are allowed to express an opinion just as you are. but to tell someone to stop expressing themselves is what's wrong. talk about reality i guess you just do what everyone tells you to do without question. if that's the case i feel sorry for you. we registered your opinion for what it's worth & we will continue to register ours.

If VH, is following these forum (and believe it is) already saw the impact that this "competition" and motivation is causing.

Everyone here is worried in principle about losing S & J (newer, but with a respectable presence, as they worked for it) or Layla and Eric, for being "survivors" of everything that has already happened here. All weather conditions.
I at least am.
I do not know the real reason for this decision from Alex_Lina, but I observe for this moment of transition and still in environment adjustments, very inopportune.

Motivate an incentive between them, OK (first and second places), but penalize, even more when conditions are not stable and favorable yet, I disagree.
Think of a different loser prize.


We will hereinafter further indicate (with approval) who is not in the context of the project.

Our posts (some) already play this role here. 
Physical rule: for every "action" there is a "reaction". And the reaction will of course be on our part. In a way or another . In the short or medium term.

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2 hours ago, golfer06 said:

now you're talking. that would be a gr8 idea. this way everyone would know what was expected & adjust cause without agreeing to the rules beforehand they wouldn't even get in the gate.

I would work a little longer for a rotating condition. Better planning both of who is inside and who promotes change.

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