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HFB......Say what you want thread!!


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19 minutes ago, vortios said:

Leave them, if we see, the race goes inside.
What is happening is something we have already talked about on other occasions, but there have always been many people ready, who did not want to see what was happening.
And it is not because we are luminaries, but because we were not so blind, as not to see what is finally happening in the houses of Barcelona.
And nobody here is happy for that situation, it would be the stupid genre to think about that. Only their blindness does not let them see reality.

They want to hide it with insults, with things that have little to do with the important issue, but of course, that would be like admitting that they are wrong ... and their pride does not let them admit their mistake.

Amen brother!!!

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On 6/23/2017 at 6:39 PM, euromike69 said:

Didn't you mean to say..."Amen Lover"!!!::):biggrin::biggrin:

Yes, I guess that is what I should have said.  I am a "Lover" of the way he thinks and his objective posts!  At least he is open minded and not trying to defend or show favoritism towards the girls, just hoping they are stupid enough to buy that shit and put on a show for you :)   What I'm seeing more and more of is people not wanting to admit that they are not getting their monies worth out of RLC and to make themselves feel better, they come down on others that go against their way of thinking.  I really don't give a flying shit why they do it but as a non member these days, it sure seems the way it's going.  How anyone can defend all the hours and hours the girls are constantly away from the apartment, is beyond me.

Anyway, I'm trying to get caught up so I can unload my stuff from this weekend.

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1 minute ago, HarleyFatboy said:

Yes, I guess that is what I should have said.  I am a "Lover" of the way he thinks and his objective posts!  At least he is open minded and not trying to defend or show favoritism towards the girls, just hoping they are stupid enough to buy that shit and put on a show for you :)   What I'm seeing more and more of is people not wanting to admit that they are not getting their monies worth out of RLC and to make themselves feel better, they come down on others that go against their way of thinking.  I really don't give a flying shit why they do it but as a non member these days, it sure seems the way it's going.  How anyone can defend all the hours and hours the girls are constantly away from the apartment, is beyond me.

Anyway, I'm trying to get caught up so I can unload my stuff from this weekend.

Smart way of turning it around :biggrin::biggrin:

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Actually Harley just give it a rest already,,,,,people wake up everyday and work hard for their money,,,just leave them alone and let them spend their money as they see fit,,,, You wouldn't like it if someone kept telling you how to spend your money.

Even if you think they are wasting their money paying for RLC,It's still their money,,they worked for it so they can do as they please,,,you are not a public servant here,,you are not curing hunger or accomplishing world peace,,,,just drop it already. 

You are no longer with RLC so why waste so much time talking about them? They no longer have any impact on your life, money or well being so all that you are doing by trying to convince other is pointless.

Like I said just leave people alone and let them spend their money on RLC if they want to do so,,,if they get tired of it then I'm sure they will cancel and leave too.

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1 hour ago, euromike69 said:

Actually Harley just give it a rest already,,,,,people wake up everyday and work hard for their money,,,just leave them alone and let them spend their money as they see fit,,,, You wouldn't like it if someone kept telling you how to spend your money.

Even if you think they are wasting their money paying for RLC,It's still their money,,they worked for it so they can do as they please,,,you are not a public servant here,,you are not curing hunger or accomplishing world peace,,,,just drop it already. 

You are no longer with RLC so why waste so much time talking about them? They no longer have any impact on your life, money or well being so all that you are doing by trying to convince other is pointless.

Like I said just leave people alone and let them spend their money on RLC if they want to do so,,,if they get tired of it then I'm sure they will cancel and leave too.

LOL  I have never told anyone what they should or shouldn't spend their money on and if I did it was in error.  All I have ever tried to do is post things about RLC in a different light so that people can make up their own minds of what they want to do.  You and your band of brothers and couple of sisters are not the only people on this forum with a brain.  I hate to bring that up to you but most of the times that is what people reading this forum see from you all.  There are NO brainless people on this forum, it's just that some may or may not be as informed or see as much as some of you because due to their work schedules or family interests, just simply don't have the time to devote to the site, the translators, the girls social media, like you and others do.

Sorry to disappoint you but I'm not going anywhere fast as slow as I can!!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Why did my posts get deleted from the B1/B2 threads???  I didn't cuss anybody out, just stated it like it is.  If that is the bullshit way you mods are going to mod a forum.....then fuck you!!!!!  What a bunch of panty waste motherfuckers.  Keep sticking up for the guys that only blow smoke up the tenant's and you all's asses.  I've never seen the type of censorship that you mods maintain on this forum, on any other forum I've been a member of........what a bunch of hypocrites!!

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Really Harley,,,you want to say that I spend more time on here than you do,,,,,,,,you are literally in every single fucking thread and in ever Topic about every apartment,,,,, I stick to only 3 K&K and the Barcelona Apartments,,,,,dude quit lying to others and your fucking self,,,,you can never quit CC or RLC this is your life and all that you know,,this is probably the only place that you can have any interaction with anyone in the real world.

You are here every freaking day,,,you even have the fucking time to read through pages and pages everyday,,,,you can't lie about that because you say it all the time about being caught up,,,,You are just a bitter ass fucking dude,,,you have no life outside of CC,,,,,,And I'm 1000% certain that your life is fucked up because you are the most angry person on here every fucking day bitching about a website that you hate,,,,who the fuck does that?,,,,You devote all of your remaining pitiful life devote to the things and 2 websites that you hate and despise.....what the fuck where you doing yesterday on a Holiday,,,,you spent the entire day on CC bitching about RLC,,,,the day before that the same shit,,,the week before that the same shit,,,,,the month before that the same shit,,,the year before that the same shit,,,,,people are just looking at you as the stupidest and most angry human being alive,,,,,You promise all the time to quit RLC and CC but you never ever do it.......That's why I know for a fact that you cannot do without this website and people like us,,,,If we don't shit you'll never get to eat.:lightbulb::lightbulb:

53 minutes ago, HarleyFatboy said:

You are right about one thing......I'm not paying for the crap they are delivering and have been delivering for quite some time now.  Don't tell me that I need to find something constructive to do outside of CC & RLC when you spend exponentially more time than most on those two sites already.  I do plenty outside of them, maybe you should try it once in a while!  It's a forum like any other forum, who died and made you god to where you can tell people what they can and can't say on a forum?  Forums are for general interests and people on them should be treated the same and not treated differently because their views and opinions are different than yours!!


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On 26.6.2017 at 1:27 AM, euromike69 said:

Actually Harley just give it a rest already,,,,,people wake up everyday and work hard for their money,,,just leave them alone and let them spend their money as they see fit,,,, You wouldn't like it if someone kept telling you how to spend your money.

LOL.... harley should not tell people how to spend their money


1 hour ago, euromike69 said:

So why are you whining about them being here? which is it do you want them gone all the time or do you want them to find a way to be here more often. And you ain't paying for anything so why should it be any concern of yours? You and Crispost need to find something constructive to do outside of CC and RLC seriously. You have nothing to contribute but negativity about a website that you are no longer a part of anymore.


But euromike can tell peple how they should spend their time??????

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1 hour ago, euromike69 said:

,,you are literally in every single fucking thread and in ever Topic about every apartment,,,,, I stick to only 3 K&K and the Barcelona Apartments

yes, then please don't come to my conspiracy thread

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