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Everything posted by disneykid

  1. I’ve often wondered who Nina is texting all the time.
  2. She’s done it again Kira feeling abit horny Nina jumped out of bed and stormed off down the hall leaving Kira a little bit pissed off
  3. Come on Nina what! have you done to cam 5 its abit too high now !
  4. Nice to see Nina in a dress ,she looks lovely, Makes change from her dressing gown
  5. I’ve just watched the replay and I have to agree with you Kjeld I think they might be friends, When they came in no shaking of hands just Hi how are you ,
  6. Kira seems to have something on her mind that is troubling her , She is not her happy self today I must admit I love those black pants she is wearing
  7. Kira having trouble waking Nina again ,throw a bucket of cold water over her that will wake her up quick
  8. Do they sell womens toe techter shoes on ozon for Kira
  9. What’s this has Kira got a night off Looks like Nina is cooking the meal tonight! As. Kira told us. On cam1 it’s chicken soup
  10. I can never understand why they let the birds out when they are eating it seams a bit daft to me
  11. Isnt it lovely Kira gets on well with Nina s dad .she was having a good laugh with him this afternoon
  12. If Nina went to bed same time as Kira ,instead of sitting up half the night on that bloody computer she wouldn’t be so knackered in the morning with Kira trying to wake her up , Kira must get pissed off doing it everyday the thing is it won’t change
  13. dont know if anyone is interested Live on freesport now ST Petersburgh V Moscow ice hockey
  14. Kira is alot happier tonight thank goodness .even though she has sold her drum kit. it must be about time they moved the computer again ! Master chef is cooking another tasty meal, cant see what it is the kettle is in the way!
  15. Another crisis in the household what’s Nina done know? Thats the problem when you are living together 24 hours a day due to lockdown little problem sometime turn into big ones Kira is very upset today which I don’t like to see hopefully they will sort it out
  16. Thanks Sturm for your comments .its been a bit of a learning curve for me ,but i hope im getting there There is never any malice in my comments . Looks like Kira put her foot down with the computer in the bedroom/ should never been there in the first place
  17. I was only joking it wasn’t meant to be in bad taste sorry
  18. Where is Kira going to sleep tonight /bed or sofa?
  19. How do you know .have you tried it then!
  20. Might be abit warm down there
  21. No such luck Its a back massager Though i have noticed Nina has quite often has a feel down there
  22. That computer needs moving from the bedroom ,it’s not fair on Kira she was again sleeping on the sofa
  23. Yes I did miss it has anyone got a video of it?
  24. It doesn’t happen often but when I does they know how to satisfy each other but today they both looked knackered they haven’t had it on the sofa or in the bath in this apartment yet ,maybe one day
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