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Everything posted by disneykid

  1. It’s now cam8 ,but the girls don’t seam to be listening! does it really matter as there s not much action these days in the bedroom ( only sleep)
  2. Beware ! The scooter girls are on the road!
  3. I don’t think there’s much chance of that ,
  4. Doesn’t Kira look smart when she is dressed up for work ,a proper business woman. I could do business with her anytime
  5. Looks like they were watching Masha & lex they might be getting the mood for later on ( always hope)
  6. Thank you for that I think Kira should have explained she speaks better English. I hope you have left a little bit of sex for us when you get home . I know what small vacations are like (wink wink) been on a few myself Hurry home we all miss you
  7. The one they are in now is small but not as bad as I expected ,the girl’s l seem quite happy there I must admit it’s a bit of a queeze in the bath for two .but very friendly
  8. The picture of Nina on the sofa was taken in the first V H app, which I think was the best one ,
  9. Maybe Kira will be lucky as it’s off camera I must admit Nina sometimes is a bit reluctant to have sex when Kira is as horny as hell
  10. Nina spoke to the camera in the hall telling us they are going away for a couple of days she did say where but I could not understand can anybody help !
  11. Thanks Kjeld you got it in one ! A 10 minute job we,ve both been saying this for awhile,l
  12. Sorry I meant to say the girls haven’t moved it ,still in the same place , It needs to be behind where Kira sleeps
  13. What about cam7 it’s in the wrong place
  14. Looks like cam7 Is staying where it is why did they move the hall camera it was aright as it was!
  15. Why did they hide the birds in the wardrobe ?
  16. N&K are off line are they sorting the cams out?
  17. That girl that visited N&K tonight ,is she a relation of Kira?
  18. Apart from top chef Kira , we now have top cake maker Nina ( what a team)
  19. Why hasn’t the bear got a phone Stuck to its ear. It would feel at home to with N&K
  20. How about Pulova at least it sounds russian
  21. If you work from the bottom you pictures are in the right order(ha ha)it s nothing personal just having alaugh!
  22. Has the bear got a name, if not how about Barney
  23. Nice to see the smile back on the girls faces after last nights little upset These little things will happen when you are together 24 hours a day Sometimes you need a little space away from each other, I know it’s hard in lockdown
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