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Everything posted by disneykid

  1. I very much doubt that will happen the RLC Russian Apartment s we’re closed down over a year ago That’s why N&K left
  2. You should know by now when Kira gets the chance it’s no holding back Nina never says no but just moans a lot! The main thing is they both get satisfaction.
  3. Cam 6 needs to come off the radiator and fixed to the wall Cam 7 needs to fix on the wall behind Kira s shoulder like it was in the last app bedroom
  4. Give them time they will have the app, looking like a lovely home I think they are at ground level this time ,not up in the clouds I think a couple of the cameras might need adjusting sometime Lovely to have you back ,good luck,
  5. The girls are back online
  6. I bet if the girls had done the cameras themselves they would be working by now
  7. If you are that desperate to see the girls ,there’s plenty of videos on VH
  8. It comes to those who wait!
  9. I forgot to mention that the girls together often watch VH sites You know they looking because they have smiles on their faces . They are only human like the rest of us Go for it girls!
  10. I was watching the girls in the bedroom ,I was on cam7 ,Kira was sitting looking at her phone it was on CC she had a little giggle showed Nina , So yes Kira does sometimes look at CC Nothing wrong with that !
  11. It will be nice when the girls get turned on (sorry I’ll refraze that) when they turn the cameras on its been awhile ,I hope they are ok
  12. It’s like waiting for a bus that never comes
  13. Nice to see the girls again although it was in their old app fixing cam2 (they still look lovely) It would be nice to see them in their new app
  14. Can someone please explain what this realm number is thank you
  15. I thought the same , maybe they are waiting till they put everything away I hope they have nt gone it will be like loosing a member of our family
  16. The new tenants I’ll give them a month ,maybe two with what ive seen
  17. Does anyone know when N&Kwill be back on line.
  18. A few weeks ago a man and two women came to have a talk with N&K who showed them round the app, Maybe it could be them!
  19. What a team ,don’t they work well together ,these two girls deserve a drink ( cheers)
  20. Looks like the girls are sleeping at the new app tonight They need a good nights sleep as they have worked hard the last couple of days Kira made sure the cats and birds were fed and watered before she left Sweet dreams
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