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Everything posted by disneykid

  1. Thank you sturm I am happy now a very special night as the saying goes it comes to those who wait ,and it was worth waiting for,! it was nice Kira got what she has been longing for a while a smile of satisfaction thank you girls I will stop moaning now you are great (the best)
  2. I just had thought about the computer table ,if you could move the water bottles from where they are now The computer could go there ,it would be quiet apart from the birds plenty of light from outside and from the kitchen No one would be disturbed
  3. Kira was having a bit of fun this afternoon waving and blowing a kiss at the hall camera Thank you Kira x
  4. I agree the computer is in the wrong place ,it’s causing problems between the girls. if anywhere it should be in the living room i also think Nina needs to put her laptop down sometimes and give Kira a bit more attention. To me things aren’t quite right at the moment,, maybe what happened at the weekend Come on girls get back too your old self and have a Bit of fun You. CAn. Count on one hand the times they have had sex this year that’s about once a month ( not good) So cum on girls get your finger in , sorry I meant out (ha ha)
  5. Siince. The girls. Have been in 24 hours a day.lockdown Together. Allot. Of the fun and laughter has disappeared It’s more about computers lighten up girls we all love you
  6. Both naked on the bed Kira up for it Nina rejects her again Is there a problem Between them in that dept?
  7. Kira s very happy this morning ,is she on a promise later I think she would be better off with a desktop lamp in stead of the big one next to her,
  8. How can Kira work in the bedroom , with Nina snoring her head off in bed,
  9. Looks like abit of tension in the house. Kira doesn’t look too happy
  10. Will said I agree Plus Nina Has got to much to loose if she was tempted by DE and no there will never be a another 3 some I hope Kira will be alright when she return from her trip which I think was to her parents in Moscow Let’s hope it’s happy family’s again.
  11. Does Kira know! Nina is flying by the skin of her teeth
  12. Sturm you talk a lot of sense, ihave to agree with you
  13. This morning Nina has her wedding ring on again dont forget in russia they wear it o n the right hand
  14. What a lovely picture ,I think the girls should take a copy of it and frame it and put it on the wall!
  15. are they on cam caps reading all the comments ,they are having a laugh peace presides anyone know what site they are on ?
  16. I think Nina is feeling a bit guilty even the bird are worried I hope they sort out their problem
  17. if or when they christen the new mattress things will be fine again, all will be forgiven(hopefully)
  18. kira is easy going ,but the time comes when enough is enough
  19. I don’t like seeing a sad Kira
  20. The problem at the moment in the house is not lockdown but Nina can’t leave her computer alone, Yesterday when Kira was out all day Nina was on the computer for over12 hours, Kira came home and had to start cooking ,when it would of been nice if Nina started tea (but no) the game was more important Sorry to say this but Kira now number 2 to the computer They never go to bed at the same time Nina is always about an later having played her game in the living room
  21. It needs testing out for bounce!
  22. Waking Nina up in the morning is a chore for Kira Sometimes I think she does on purpose just to wind Kira up
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