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Everything posted by disneykid

  1. I think it was Thursday between 19.00 and 20.00 Petes time Nina was in the loggia with the window open ,then she opened the curtains in the living room That’s about all I can remember Hope that helps.
  2. They had a big thunder and lightning storm last night Nina was taking pictures on her phone out of the window Kira was quite happy eating her tea
  3. What would you say , sorry Dear I had abit of back wind (haha)
  4. What is Kira laughing at ,did Nina fart as she cum,
  5. I presume the girls have the keys to their new app. They have been taking lots of boxes and cleaning stuff with them plus they must have been fixing up the cameras the last few days
  6. The girls are like any married couple at home They have their computers other people watch TV ,It’s normal life , They might look bored ,but they are quite happy watching films on their laptop
  7. The girls didn’t look happy in this app, so a move might be good for them Will they still be on VH ( I hope so) The people moving in will they be on VH and managed by N&K?
  8. Come on girls give us a clue From one of your merry band of supporters
  9. You bet with both of them
  10. Whatching a replay of the girls with their tender lovemaking last night , With all their up s and downs true love shone through at its best Kira knows how to please Nina Thank you to you two beautiful girls
  11. Kira the goddess of St Petersburg
  12. You dont have to watch N &K there are plenty of other sites!
  13. I’m not bored the wife won’t leave me alone( ha ha) I’m knackered
  14. Nina moving her finger on her laptop
  15. Must be getting near time for Sleepy and Randy for their once a month session in the bedroom One can only hope
  16. Having sitting bored in lockdown I thought I would give the girls nick names How about Nina ( sleepy) and Kira( Randy)
  17. That must be a first Nina out of bed before Kira ,
  18. I really don’t know how Kira puts up with stropy Nina she must have the temperament of a saint
  19. Nina waxing Kiras face , Have they started down below yet!?
  20. Butch almost had his dinner today ,had one of the birds trapped under the piano Nina had to come to the rescue
  21. Thank you girls for a lovely session last night ,we always get quality with you two Thank you Nina I think Kira is happy know . It was worth waiting for! same time next month(only joking) hope to have more this month Thanks again girls keep watching CCs Alls well that ends well
  22. I do feel sorry for Kira she s all stripped off and ready to go ,gives Nina a massage Nina all over Kira I thought this is it , but no Nina turns over to play a game on her phone, Has Nina got a problem?l No wonder Kira gets frustrated and pissed off, Itmust be about time for their once a month session in the bedroom, If Nina is willing cheer up Kira one day you will be lucky
  23. That was very well written I have to agree what you said I think Kira thinks a lot and is very deep with her thoughts, But I wouldn’t change her
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