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Everything posted by disneykid

  1. Does anyone know how old B&S are.they seem to be having problems with them
  2. After Nina s mum and dad had left ,Nina came straight into the kitchen gave Kira a big hug and thanked her for doing the cooking ,which I thought was nice a touch, that’s love!
  3. It’s nice that Kira gets on well with Nina s mum and dad it a pity it doesn’t work the other way round
  4. The front will be covered but the back is open You know the saying (you can kiss my arse) maybe Kira s
  5. Maybe they will be wareing PPE and masks
  6. Is there a party tonight? Kira cooking Nina tydying up Are we invited?
  7. A long time cumming but i bet they feel better for that. Next time pahaps Nina looks after Kira ,that would be nice
  8. The girls are sitting on the sofa Kira with wandering hands all over Nina but to no avail you. Might as well give up Nina won’t give in easerly one day it will happen
  9. Why does her mum keep coming round. does she want a part of the action Many a good tune played on an old fiddle Also it started well but gone downhill now Another wasted appartment
  10. I do agree Nina is tease but with Kira out of action last week she was randy and ready to go, but then she must be used to it by now
  11. the question is why Nina get Kira all sexed up then rejects advances
  12. Nina has been teasing Kira all afternoon for sex ,they get. Into the bedroom Nina turns over and goes to sleep No wonder Kira gets pissed off, ‘(one day Nina might give in
  13. Kira is it possible to move the coffee machine away from cam 1 its. BLocking the view
  14. Maybe with W/W lockdown the system might be over loaded
  15. More signal problems again tonight
  16. Looks like a server problem
  17. Any one having trouble getting into N&K tonight
  18. No wonder Kira gets pissed off with Nina half an hour to wake her this morning same again this afternoon It’s like waking the dead
  19. The easy answer is if you don’t like them go and watch another site ,there’s plenty on Vh
  20. Now that is a pussy bath
  21. He must of been gay he didn’t get a hard on
  22. Has Kira had her. Project accepted She seamed very happy
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