There once was an artist named Saint.
Who swallowed some samples of Paint.
All shades of the spectrum.
Flowed out of his rectum.
With a colourful lack of restraint. 🤣
There was an old man from Sprocket.
Who went up to space in a Rocket.
The Rocket went bang.
His gonads went clang.
And his bum ended up in his pocket. 🤪
A 50 year old man asked the trainer in the Gym. "I want to impress beautiful girls, which machine should I use?"
The trainer replied. "Outside the Gym, there is a ATM. Try that." 😂
3 little ducks go into a bar. "What's your name the barman asks the first duck?" "Huey" was the reply. "How's your day been Huey?". "Great, I've been in and out of puddles all day... What more could a duck want?"
What's your name he asked the 2nd duck?" "Dewey" was the reply. "And I've been in and out of puddles all day as well."
He turned to the 3rd duck and said, "I suppose you are Louie...?"
"No", she said grinning... "My name is puddles!" 😂