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Everything posted by kitek

  1. Another lesbian couple, this time from Czech Republic.
  2. This is the oldest apt. with original mattress which had stains so Maya removed the top layer of the mattress. Maya is now sewing the edges with new sheet on top of it.
  3. Last night Lena's friend admitted he didn't shower for 2 days. Lena got offended by that and said she showers 2 times a day. She talks about Alex: I told him that I can give him everything back and he agreed to that. Then he looked at her with angry face and said: You are seeing someone. Lena: I don't see anyone. Then she told him that she wants to be free. btw. Who is getting the nude pictures of her if she doesn't have someone else.
  4. Lena came back today after 24 hrs absence then her guy friend showed up while she was showering. Alex came back later and greeted him, shaking his hand. She got ready and left with her friend.
  5. From some brief conversations they're flying somewhere and everything is kept in secret. Ilona wanted talk to Sara in her room but she didn't and said lets go downstairs out on the balcony.
  6. She has some potential but that's all she will show... Taking selfies and sending to someone
  7. She is good at building tents which is not good for RLC viewing :no:
  8. Ilona is new to Barcelona and doesn't know anyone there. When Sara was leaving for the weekend she complained to her that they leave her alone all the time. Sara said it's her fault because she stays home all the time. Ilona said she wants to go out and meet people but she doesn't know much English. Sara said she talks with Czech guy she goes out with in English. Ilona asked Wala aka White to take her out somewhere when she goes out next time.
  9. Last night Paul was accusing her of lying and cheating with some guy called Sasha which she meets weekly and keeps texting him all the time.
  10. Again she was taking pictures of herself this time nude and sending them to someone. When he walked in the room she jumped out of the bed covering her tits. I was right that they didn't see each other naked, what are they doing on RLC :idk:
  11. Just to clarify she was talking about work for next 6 months on the phone, it doesn't necessarily means she will stay in this apartment for that long, she may as well leave after one month, time will tell.
  12. I wonder what's up with the TV being on night & day :screwy:
  13. I wonder if they ever saw each other naked (Attachment Purged)
  14. Some info: Lera & Alex live in Prague for about 2 years, she is from Kaliningrad. When her mother visited them Lera complained a lot, she doesn't doesn't feel well in this apartment etc. Her mother said it's a nice apartment and she didn't see anything like it back home. Lera said that Alex complains about her not giving him any attention. Lera said that a lot of guys flirt with her. Alex comes from a broken family, his father didn't care about him and still doesn't even when he is in Prague. Lera sometimes does makeup work.
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