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Everything posted by kitek

  1. They're fighting with the covers 2nd day in a row
  2. Sara had modeling session over the weekend and she will work like that for 6 months of her stay at the end she will go for a trip to Goa.
  3. Some info from today White was surprised how Sara could stay a week alone in this place. Sara met some guy who moved from Czech Republic to Spain. He works as a cook. White was asking Sara what "amigo" means but she didn't know. Maybe one day she brings the guy over.
  4. How you call a guy who has many casual sexual partners?
  5. Why not? She didn't move out, getting paranoid about this place is not healthy
  6. Last night while he was in the bathroom she was on her stomach rubbing herself then she turned around took pictures of herself. When he was on his way to the bedroom she quickly covered herself and pretended checking her phone. :wtf: (Attachment Purged)
  7. Are you saying he has a twin brother or something? ??? So far I have seen same guy except the visitor from last night in this place.
  8. She is not getting naked for the guys but for the viewers, if you didn't get it yet. VV meetings encourage this type of behavior.
  9. Without Nastya RLC seems hopeless to find the girls, they left October 18 and still nothing is happening. :idk:
  10. You can tell they don't really want to do it, they forcing themselves which is sad because there is no fun in it.
  11. kitek

    Tver - Split 1

    Master plan is to fuck her before she leaves...
  12. This new guy has not much with him just a small backpack and one bag with not much in it. Lets see how long he stays...
  13. kitek

    Tver - Split 1

    2 new cameras should be in bedrooms on the other side of the bed. Bird view cams are useless
  14. VV staff meeting tonight, everybody left.
  15. Maybe there is a party tonight since she bought groceries and is preparing the food now. He is forcing kisses and she slapped him.
  16. he is translating everything from French.
  17. kitek

    Tver - Split 1

    she is stuck to his dick tonight :screwy:
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