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Everything posted by kitek

  1. Lately she keeps on hiding for long periods of time. :no:
  2. Alex got up and was in the kitchen eating the other guy showed up and greeted Alex shaking his hand Look on Alex face was priceless Alex is acting like nothing is going on
  3. Alex just got home and they're sleeping in the guest room He was about to open the door but didn't. She knew he was coming back home and moved to the other room. Alex in the kitchen Wake up RLC they're not couple anymore at least not in this apartment.
  4. kitek

    Tver - Split 2

    I don't get why Mods are tolerating rule breaking on this board. Just look on his board
  5. Report him to ban his ass from this forum, I see same links on other forums. He is here to make $$$ from the downloads. He is abusing forum RULES 6) Do not utilize 3rd party file services that pay you per click, such as ul.to, or other paid sites.
  6. Red-head gets finger banged and licked tonight. Can't see much as the brunette keeps covering everything.
  7. Red-head masturbated alone under the covers in the guest bedroom last night. Not much action except some kissing between them.
  8. Mr Know it all you need to take break from VV seriously.
  9. I wonder why would they end up on VV ???
  10. They're still a couple even if they have done some photo-shoots
  11. Lena (guest) told Max aka Lev that her relationship is falling apart with her boyfriend in Moscow. She is 25 years old and wants to start a family but her boyfriend doesn't want to have kids now. They live in Moscow with his mother who is smoking and farting all the time. Max laughed. Meanwhile she has already started seeing new guy who wants to have family. Max is suggesting her that she should try to be with the new guy at least the kids would be happy that they don't have to see grandma who is farting and smoking.
  12. Vala aka White told Ilona that she had a fight with her boyfriend last night.
  13. Some info from last night talk: They went on vacation to Italy, Sara was with her boyfriend and returned separately. Sara says she is very happy with him, it's a dream come true relationship for her. Ilona said she had a boyfriend but it didn't work out.
  14. interaction takes place most of the time on the balcony where nobody can see/hear them this is rare view
  15. Red-head left the tub first and went to bed where she was bating under the covers.
  16. and the door glass is still missing... VV is not going to fix it so no privacy for the new "players" :idk:
  17. Upstairs she is not showing much at the moment on contrary this morning she had something going on under the covers but she made sure nothing can be seen.
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