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Everything posted by Albion

  1. I don't want to tread on toes regarding naming people, but he looks like a 'Kevin' to me. he's not as keen on the proceedings as his lady is. certainly not keen to be pawed by Henry. Although his lady doesn't seem bothered by that. Again, not wanting to preempt the naming process, but if you have a 'Kevin' then it follows that you have a 'Sharon'. As seen on the green strips across car windscreen tops on the classiest of vehicles. 😀 That's what I'd name them anyhow. Others may disagree. That is their prerogative.
  2. Who is the guy in the yellow sweater? I know he and his lady friend were visiting the other day, I'm just not familiar with the couple. I mean, I know they go through couples and singles like people are going out of fashion, but still one feels one ought to know the players in this weird game.
  3. Possibly compulsive obsessive? Lord has similar tics like touching things a certain number of times and arranging things in the kitchen to suit his preferences. He moves the swivel chair too. Likes it in the centre of the galley kitchen. Maybe he met Macy in group therapy?
  4. what is he wearing? Animal ears duck slippers and a cock sock. Wow, really got my juices flowing I can tell you. Much sexy.
  5. The masked avenger is back. Macy looks as excited as a blob fish. She looks like that all the time though, so hard to tell if she's bored or pissed off. Malibu Stacy is excitable. Probably a good match for the masked avenger. The big girl has found the pizza so she looks happy. And that's probably time for me to stop watching this apartment. Nothing of interest here.
  6. That young man needs to learn about pacing himself. Less booze more action. If he was with someone that was willing to just go for it, (Albion looks in the mirror) and didn't play games with him all night, he'd be fine. And being a young man, he should be ready to go again after twenty minutes. A guy like him should be able to go all night. And he's agile, so none of this missionary position nonsense. Full Kama Sutra; 'Position the ninth - the inverse camel' or whatever. More than happy to go the full camel with him. Right now I'd go full camel with anyone willing. 😆
  7. Ha, never say never. That's what my dear old mother taught me. Never know what you'll miss out on if you only ever say no. 😀
  8. I'm greedy, I'd have both. Kimi too. Why not? Studly men. Manly men. The kind of man you want around you in the event of a zombie apocalypse. 🤠
  9. That's a different guy to the one I saw earlier. So second one today. Is she going for a speed record too?
  10. Nika is an odd bird. her smile sometimes worries me. Almost like she's not really in this world. Happy in her own, but just not quite here. Which isn't a criticism. Just something I noticed. Probably a result of Galek being ignorant of her existence half the time.
  11. He's been there before. Pretty sure of it.
  12. Dunno, Inessa seems pretty attached to the sofa bed in the living room. 😏
  13. There's still spilled food on the cooker hob from three nights ago. Because apparently Shawn doesn't know about spoons and used a slotted spatula to plate up the rice he'd cooked. I doubt they wiped down the breakfast bar surface after having sex on it. You'd need to be crazy or have a death wish to visit that place. There must be a clause in the contract about keeping the place sanitary and fit for habitation. Every time I see this couple I just cringe.
  14. More partying tonight? I see cake and plated up somethings.
  15. Millicent has found a man. All is right with the world. have you noticed that she always eats before she screws? Almost like she needs to charge her batteries.
  16. Been said many times. I have my moments, given half a chance.
  17. It must be quite an odd feeling to see your intimate moments on the internet being critiqued. lol. Now I'm not judging anyone, in the early days of the webcam revolution I was a member of a website and regularly had my junk out for a roomful of other webcammers. This was before the days of big sites like chaturbate. It was a small and intimate circle of people and so i know what it's like to have demands from over eager people and how you learn to just ignore them and do what you do to the best of your ability. There weren't forums of camcaps then though. So unless there's an archive somewhere with grainy little videos of my whang bobbing about, there's no evidence I ever did webcam shows. it just struck me as being a bit strange to see your taint in freeze frame for all the world to see and pass comment on. How the world changes. eh? now everyone is zooming and skyping and whatever else. Cams have become a daily thing in every sense. It's all a bit soap opera now. All this here, VHTV, very soap opera. Especially certain groupings of apartments. Odd. As frustrating as soap opera too. When people act out of character, or your perception of their character. Sorry, just musing. I did have a point to make but it escapes me now. Early senility creeping up on me. 😆
  18. It's surprising what innocent seeming words become when you google translate. for example, the first time I tried writing 'slap their ass', I typed 'butt' instead of 'ass' and google translated the phrase into 'kick them in the head'. which is lovely. 😮 True story. Still no Dylan. Sad now. 😭
  19. The way he just keeps going even when unwell is admirable. Plenty of losers on VH would just take to their bed and simper. Not this man; medicated spray to the back of the throat and off he goes. Brave little soldier. It's inspirational. He damaged a finger earlier and was just laughing it off. I've seen grown men go pale at the sight of a 12 inch splinter. Stifler would just grin and pull it out. Broken leg; he'd fashion a splint out of rubber bands and cutlery. Severed arm; he'd just hot glue it back on. He's a marvel. All that and godly good looks. I don't know about the rest of you but I'm smitten. He looked right at the camera and my heart skipped a beat. I had to go and have a little lie down. It's almost unfair that one man has so much raw vitality.
  20. Is it just me, or does that look like Lord? Different hair colour but facially he's very similar. Do I mean Lord? I can't remember if he was lord or Ju-Ju. never really paid attention to the names. Yeah, convinced it's him. The obsession with tidying the kitchen and the affinity for the kitchen window with the shelf where the cams don't really reach. What a dick. it's obviously him. What's with the mask? Did he leave owing money or something? That mask can't hide compulsive behaviours.
  21. You know it won't be hot. It'll just be people sitting around drinking and playing cards. with a few mad moments of wearing onesies and dancing. Then eventually someone will go off into the bedroom and there will be a drunken fumble, and then at some point later Stifler will attempt to screw a girl and last five minutes before collapsing. The rest of the partygoers will either leave or do nothing in the living room until dawn, then crash out watching music videos. I've seen enough of these parties to know how it goes. There is no hot. Apart from the man himself. Simples. Edit to say he's looking well sexy with his fresh haircut. Well sexy. Bomchickawowwow!
  22. Look at him now preparing party food. Is there nothing this man can't do? And he's not well. He's perfect. In another universe I've married him. We'd have three Irish Setters or Golden Retrievers. Live in a house that he built with his bare hands. Mostly. Because houses come flat-packed now so that would make things easier. I've seen him tackle IKEA furniture. *sigh* 😊 He is a god among men.
  23. Барби, вы очень смелы, чтобы попасть в царство CamCaps. Похлопайте этих плохих парней по заднице. Дилан присоединится к вам позже? 😉
  24. Connor visiting. No Dylan. 😞 Hopefully later. Need my fix. I'm Jonesing real bad. Come to papa my little Gerbil. Come to papa ...
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