I’m doing pretty well actually. Thanks for asking. Of course, there is no door in this place. I’ve calmed down quite a bit. Yeah, I guess I still harbor I’ll feelings over what happened and what it did to me, but I don’t worry too much about it anymore. The damage is done and it is what it is. I do wish there were more varieties of opinions here and I do think the clubs ruined this forums beyond measure. But, oh well! There’s nothing I can do about it and I don’t really care to try. If someone turned the cc light off, I’d be fine. I do still read this forum occasionally, mostly just long enough to use the bathroom, lol. VHTV really seems to have done exactly what I said it would do. That is, adopt this very seedy business model that I think if the viewer knew the truth about they would gasp in anger and sadness. Well, if they have a heart they would. I just can’t seem to enjoy something that I know is essentially corrupt and I can’t really laugh along with the running jokes about the demise of another human being, who may very well be in a rather desperate situation. I’m not saying that all of the underling tenants are angels, but the system that VHTV instills is morally questionable and it’s not something I could in good conscience support or pay them for. At least not more then a free view is worth to them. But, even that is pretty short lived. I don’t even know who most of these tenants are anymore, except some of the old ones. None of them do I find the least bit interesting. If I had to pick a tenant that I would be curious to know their story, it would be Karolina. I think that’s her name. The Asian girl with the perfect tits, who is clearly trapped in a hole guarded by filthy overseers. I’d like to know her story. The real story, the whole story of how she ended up in this situation. Of course, then I’d just cry and get upset about it, but I am curious. Don’t worry, I have no interest in coming back here to resume the life of Amy3. Honestly, what I have been doing since I got thrown overboard is return to my life and my work and believe me it’s something that I appreciate now more then ever. I know what being here can do to me and I don’t want to do that again.
How are you doing Bluewinner? Hope you don’t get in trouble for daring to speak to me.