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Slipper Guyquad

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Everything posted by Slipper Guyquad

  1. Sorry i'm not explaining it. You keep having this attitude towards me like this is my fault in some ways. If you knew anywhere near as much as what i do, then you'd have no need to say stuff like this. Either ignore my posts or just accept them.
  2. Very difficult, as Leora is not only dealing with 3 or 4 different things, but talking about them at the same time. So over an hour and a half, it can do your head in! From what i can ascertain so far today, Eva is still unwell so that is bothering her and Paul, any talk of Poland could be to do with Malia, as a lot of people there are evacuating into Poland, Malia's situation is very concerning right now and she may very well have to get out of there quickly, i think there is some talk of Paul at least getting out to somewhere but i'm not sure where and indeed why, i could be wrong regarding that. G-H will be able to do a better job and confirm or deny i'm sure when he gets chance to. (Whenever she mentions airplanes, i can tell you she's not talking about flights!) So all this is playing on Leora's mind. Which is why LB's sudden re-emergence is ridiculous - But typical.
  3. No. On the couch earlier. Nothing for 2 months, then 2 calls in 3 days.....
  4. Yes she has had 2 long chats with Paul tonight. But also a short one with LB too.🙄
  5. Oh i get it, an incense burner but the smoke comes out of it to look like a waterfall. Nice.
  6. Well you can keep updated here of course, and don't forget re-sub at any time. Just watching the news - People evacuating huddled around fires, huge pots of soup being made to give out. 6 months ago, Malia was enjoying the freedom of the West, now she's been plunged back into the dark ages of the Soviet Union, through no fault of her own. We're the lucky ones.
  7. Both calls were to Paul. Latest - Over 800,000 now evacuated, street fighting continues, closing in on capital city. As yet today i have no Malia update.
  8. She's upset again, keeps checking the news. She said to Paul she wanted to stop watching for a while because it naturally upsets her but obviously she can't, especially because of Malia.
  9. Latest - Ukraine TV still on air despite broadcasting tower being bombed, Russian forces entered another city in the last 2 hours, Putin said be angry at failures.
  10. Her number one priority right now is making sure Malia is safe, it's all she's thinking about.
  11. Latest is 600,000 have evacuated the country so far, and Ukraine officials say Russia is now shelling city centres and residential areas.
  12. Paul's ok. Malia, it's very tricky as the situation is changing each and every day. I honestly can't get any full info if she is evacuating or not. It's all unclear as you all can imagine - Even Malia isn't sure right now. But with the plan of Putin's clearly not going as well as they'd thought (Russia's military showing a lack of experience) this very well may get worse before it gets better.
  13. True about LB, but i can tell you she has shown all to Paul, when she did the striptease for him on her bed (nov. 7), she then sat back on the couch and had the tablet in between her legs where you could see everything (And he was, shall we say, reciprocating!). And besides that night, she's got them out for him at least half a dozen times as well.
  14. Last one, no. Too quick and too messy. Oh, you mean Leora's...... 🙃
  15. I could easily explain what's happened today, which is how i know these things. But the attitude stinks. So to meeeeself its kept. Enjoy the bullsh....Sorry, Speculation instead.
  16. Sadly i have predicted (in private) ALL this today. Quelle Sur-fucking-prise indeed. For once, LORD ABOVE - FOR ONCE please don't let it start again. But i'm not too hopeful.....
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