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Slipper Guyquad

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Everything posted by Slipper Guyquad

  1. If that's the case, i'll be very surprised seeing as how things have been recently, especially this week. They've been more 'full on' than all this year. So to suddenly stop again? I know it gets weirder and weirder, but even that would be baffling after this week!
  2. More than once Brokk, it happened earlier this year too!
  3. All i know is that is the third time recently she has gone downstairs late to collect a bag which she leaves near the door, and the other times she takes it with her the next day. No idea what it can be and why, but it happens.
  4. She's come back with the paper bag yet again, near the door. So not a call, she went to collect this. No idea what that is for, that keeps happening! We've never seen what's in it!
  5. Well i guess it depends on what she has to say, it may not be wanted to be picked up, like when she goes on the balcony or in the toilet. It often changes.
  6. It's not far off though is it? Calls Paul, Calls her friend back in Russia, but now goes outside to make a third call. Well it's not to either of those 2 is it.
  7. And after the Skype with her mate ends.....she's off downstairs for a call......😒
  8. No, her female friend back in Russia, talking a lot about her Salon training.
  9. Thinking about it, this happened 2 fridays ago too, coming back around this time and calling Paul soon after, the night he fell asleep when she was talking. Same time and pattern.
  10. She has one of her 'usual' shirts on, and nothing else. With Masha and Holly visiting another apartment together, that alone is big competition already.
  11. I doubt she's been with him, simply because she's home before 9pm.
  12. And maybe this week's 'Big Thursday' turns out to be Friday instead....
  13. She's home! 20.37. So an early night. Maybe it was the salon all along then.
  14. That is my thinking, especially after the call taking place. Like i said recently, there was no way she could carry on like the first 4 weeks, she has to keep him sweet, simply to keep hold of him - Regardless of today, just in general. It IS Friday, a day she usually goes there, but 2,3 hours training and then, he finishes work....
  15. I have my uses. First was Paul, second has to LB, simply from how soft and girly she sounded - & on the balcony. I think she has gone to the salon, she took one of the pumpkins with her, that's something she would do. BUT - Calling LB not long before leaving.....Well.....We do know he is The Perfect Man right now. Let's see what time she comes home.
  16. This is footage of how RLC choose which cams to make free each day.
  17. Thanks, i have no problems with any banter, it's when the piss is taken for no reason, that's what get to me, makes me think why bother writing anything when the reaction is always the same, regardless of what i write. This is why i enjoy contributing, it helps believe it or not. But sometimes it puts me off.
  18. Thanks! And no - The Doctor has just put me on Prozac for depression. Glad you're doing ok.
  19. Not naming names but i have 2 and only one is online and in the room right now.
  20. I see my Canadian stalker is back to his old tricks, i can see you. Thanks, just what i need.
  21. So no Thursday show this week, but ok, because it was becoming too regular in a sense, how we thought this beforehand due to the last 4. And that can only be good for her too, in that sense. As great as she still can be, one thing that even she, i think, wouldn't be fond of is being too predictable, too routine. And also, it does look like there is more of an effort to sleep earlier, maybe only taking little steps so far (that bloody phone though), but at least it's there.
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