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Everything posted by billycox

  1. I've been away for a few days. Did some people completely lose their minds while I was gone? Are some people [with a straight face] actually suggesting that 911 was a conspiracy? And their proof is because they saw it on the internet? Along with Big Foot, Obama not being born in the USA, the Loch Ness monster, Joseph Smith finding golden tablets, Roswell alien landings and the Knicks hanging on to Carmelo Anthony? I also can find a site that says that Pamela Anderson's breasts are real. I'm not buying any of it. And there's lots more, but I've offended enough people for one day. I have to go now and read more about Oswald being in cahoots with LBJ.
  2. Found the problem. Down on the tool bar along the bottom, I had the sound TURNED OFF. Sorry to waste your time. Now, in the words of Groucho Marx, I think I'll just go and drill a hole in my leg and let some of the sap run out.
  3. OK. Thanks. Odd though. I have sound everywhere on the internet except for all the sites on RLC. I'll just have to live without the Gooner's humming.
  4. What has happened to the sound? Is it just me or is there no more sound available on any of the sites? Are we being punished for something?
  5. Is it just me or have we lost the sound on a lot of these sites? The only good side effect is that we no longer have to listen to the Gooner humming. But there seems to be no sound on many of the others also. Anyone else experiencing this?
  6. My grandfather used to say" As you go through life, take notice as to how many more horse's asses there are out there than there are horses to put them on." The Gooner fits into this category. I agree with others about his lack of social skills and his innate meanness toward Alma. But there's something else at work here. He's so personally delusional that he thinks he's Mr. Cool. Have you seen him come alive when another woman visits? Very pleased with himself and assumes others are also. I have a news flash for him: Cary Grant you're not. [Does that date me?] But all of this is academic because she will most certainly extricate herself from this intolerable situation and get on with her life. I wish her good luck. My hope for him is that he buys a mirror. They'll be gone soon and maybe we'll have someone interesting. I say, bring back Meerkat!
  7. You're welcome. I appreciate your support.
  8. I wish people would leave this girl alone. Her only fault seems to be that she's overweight. I have a feeling that there's a psychological problem there and she's painfully aware of it. She has been at their apartment a lot lately, but has been a good friend to Alina for a long time. Sometimes she's Alina's only connection to the real world while the 12 year old husband plays a killing video game whenever he's awake. The "chubby" girl is loyal to Alina and helpful and her closest friend. I like her better than anyone on here. The negative tunes would change if she ever lost 45 pounds because then she'd be a knockout. [Take a close look at her face. She's very pretty.] She has enough personal problems and she's good for Alina. Leave her the hell alone. Don't you have any sense of decency at all?
  9. I've only watched them for a short period of time [boring], but it appears that: 1. These two guys lead pointless lives. 2. They are getting hammered all day on vodka [or whatever that is] 3. They now have a gun. Am I the only one who thinks that this might possibly be a bad combination?
  10. Other couples have commented on this site? Really? Do you happen to know when? I'm not doubting your word, I'm just interested in reading such comments. Has there been any back-and-forth between couples and people who contribute to this forum? That would make lively reading. Or am I just being naïve because I'm new to this? I find the whole prospect fascinating. Idiots aside, there seem to be people on this site who genuinely care about what's happening [the dog situation, e.g.]. The thought that the tenants might know what the people on this site are thinking interests me greatly.
  11. I'm sorry. I didn't mean to insult any of you 12 year olds out there. I only elevated him that high because he can get an erection.
  12. Is this comment supposed to be funny? You're being unkind to this girl whose only transgression is that she's overweight. If she lost 45 pounds, you'd be one of the first ones drooling over her because she's actually good looking except for the excess weight. Maybe she has an image problem that causes overeating and she gains weight which causes more eating, etc. All I know is, she has been a good and loyal friend to Alina through all of Alina's problems with the 12 year old she married. The heavy girl is a nice person and I like her. There are plenty of jerks is these apartments without picking on this poor girl. And that goes for the insensitive moron who agrees with you.
  13. She was on the couch for a while. Then Goon Boy got on the computer nearest the camera and blotted her out. When he began humming loudly to whatever he was watching, I bailed. She has to be hanging around planning her escape from GB. It's the only explanation. I just don't get why she got involved with him in the first place. He has the personality of a stop sign.
  14. I agree with you about that leg. I don't care how well it's "preserved", I'm not eating anything that's been unrefrigerated for six months. And how appetizing is the hoof sticking out? They have it covered with a towel. Would you like to dry your hands with that? I think I'll go have lunch now. Or...
  15. I'm somewhat new to this situation, so bear with me. Has anyone been able to get the dog beatings recorded? This would be very helpful if they could be forwarded to RLC and let them know that they stop the abuse or people will withdraw their $. Unfortunately, money is usually the answer to most problems and it's the only thing they will listen to. Glad I haven't seen them beat the dog because this, along with child abuse, drives me insane.
  16. Thanks. It seems like all he does is stare into a screen, except when he's at the kitchen table. Have you ever seen Goon Boy eat? He gags down the meat quicker than a timber wolf. Sometimes she'll sit next to him eating like a normal person. I just don't get it.
  17. When I checked in with them a few minutes ago, Alma was nowhere to be seen. Goon Boy was at the computer nearest the camera. It appears that he's wearing a wedding ring, which I had never noticed before. Has he always had this? Did I miss something? She's not really married to GB is she? Please tell me that she isn't quite that needy. Is this why she doesn't leave? I'm a little slow. Please fill me in.
  18. I was just watching Antenna Boy play with the new dog. He doesn't have any more idea about playing with a canine than playing with Leora. He may mean well but is just inept when it comes to anything resembling affection. He seems uncomfortable and awkward with it. This doesn't make him a bad guy, just one of the last guys she should have to fill her needs. She's clearly better off now that she has the dog. Now if she could just work on something with two legs...
  19. This very interesting. Three times this week, complaints have come across my desk from people I know concerning the Muslim situation in England. A friend in Greenwich says that in parts of North London, there are more Muslims than there are Londoners. An elderly lady of my acquaintance has cancelled a trip from California to England because she is a devout Christian and is fearful that she might express her views in public and would be in danger. A NY friend has done some research and has come to the conclusion that the Muslims have finally figured out a way to win. According to his figures, the average "Christian" family - world wide - is having 2.1 children. The average "Muslim" family - world wide is having 6.3 children, which is exactly 3 times as many. Do the math for a couple of generations. And now, I read all of the above on here. This has been an interesting week so far. WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON?
  20. With all due respect. I doubt very much that the man next door wrote TAKE ME OUT TO THE BALLGAME. Was his name Jack Norworth? Mr. Norworth wrote the song 106 years ago. If you knew him 40 years ago. that means that he wrote it 66 years before that, making him...well you do the math. I'm just sayin'. Don't mean to be a pain in the ass but there are many legends surrounding that song. Most of them are not true.
  21. Sad to see them go. They seem to be the best adjusted couple on here. Max always [almost always] treated her well and there is genuine affection between them. You didn't have to ask WHY IS SHE WITH HIM? like you do with Leora and the Antenna or Nora and the Stop Sign or Alina and the 12 year old or Alma and Goon Boy. I wish them luck and happiness with the new child. Nice people.
  22. She's either packing or doing spring cleaning. Just saw her fold up and put away the dog's leash. What does that mean? And where is he? That dog is one of the most interesting characters on this entire site. Squirrel calls him Qualude, which is very appropriate. Good dog anyway. Hope he's OK. More concerned about that dog than many of the people. Alma's partner, Goon Boy, for example.
  23. billycox

    Newbie questions

    Just out of curiosity Squirrel, how do you know that 4 apartments are in Siberia? How did you come upon this information? Just wondering. Siberia? Yikes!
  24. And to cap off this "worst week", Alma has left and Goon Boy is in charge of their apartment. He apparently has found a way to turn off lights so that going there is like looking down a mineshaft. On the other hand seeing him or anything else there when she is not at home is also... Have a nice new week.
  25. This is all true because it just occurred to me that the most interesting individuals here this week have been the 4-legged ones. Maybe it is time to clean house after all.
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