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Everything posted by dougiestyle4u

  1. RLC's customer service is nil, zero, nadda, sweet fuck all, piss poor, dismal, non-existent. Get my gist. They gladly take your money. They might follow complaints about cameras blurry or cams offline or small issues. If anything, they listen to returnee names that subscribers would like to see back again. In this case both subscribers and RLC are fucked in the head. Need NEW faces and bodies FFS!!! In my opinion, RLC has compounded their problems by keeping the same tenants for too long, constantly bringing back returnees and fucking with free cams. Basically, they eliminated their advertising by closing or constantly manipulating the free cams and by providing less material for camcaps and xcamfan members anything to talk about or even talk well of the deadbeat tenants. Therefore, both badmouthing of RLC/tenants and less members logging into camcaps and xcamfan now has drastically caused the major decrease in people across the world to subscribe or peek into the RLC site. Hey RLC, I did your homework for you so get up off your lazy fucking stubborn arrogant ass and listen to your concerned former and wannabe subscribers and viewers that still wish a successful turnaround to the original concept of a voyeur cam site. Normal tenants living their real life in front of cameras so voyeurs can observe their daily activities within the walls of the apartments and RLC. SIMPLE FFS!!! RLC - are you afraid to directly communicate with subscribers and supporters on camcaps and xcamfan? Don't you realize that both camcaps and xcamfan can be a great benefit to your site with the free advertising by us talking well and promoting your site? When you suck then we badmouth you. So time to be our friend and work together. You see the declining numbers RLC so wake the fuck up. If you choose to ignore my advice and others that are saying the same thing then good luck with your next adventure after your RLC site crashes and burns as the internet traffic numbers have shown the steady steep nosedive. Being #1 voyeur cam site has it's benefits but you are #2 now and getting worse so are you okay with that?
  2. Kinda disappointing to know that quite a few of the tenants are or were porn stars (male and female). It definitely takes away from the thought of being a voyeur to normal next-door-neighbor type people. Fuck, might as well get prostitutes off the street and give them a free apartment to do their business. Believe it or not, I do respect prostitutes. Sure I will still take a look to check out the girl's body but it minimizes any voyeur thrill. It is just like watching a porn movie or clip. I guess extreme porn will soon be part of VHTV (piss showers, piss drinking, scat, extreme bdsm and more). Not saying that would be a bad thing but voyeurism is becoming a dying pasttime and need to search other ways for that type of enjoyment. At least I practice my voyeurism thrill when the opportunity presents itself. No point explaining how females excite me since it is my specific thrill but mostly every woman should know that I am imagining what her naked body might look like or how appreciative I am when they knowingly or unknowingly give me my voyeur thrill. Thank you ladies. To me, nothing wrong in looking at a female as if she is a sex object as long as you don't cross the line. I have complimented some women that weren't overly pretty or a bit chubby and highlighted their positive features or how awesome they were to talk with and how they even made me comfortable and happy being with them. Their reaction - hugs, kisses and thanking me for expressing my uplifting honest thoughts. With respect to watching these voyeur cams sites it always was to see and observe average people living their real life in full view for us to enjoy. In your face cam nudity and sex is not the same (might be exciting to see the first time but repetition is a damn killer). So all you women out there - mmmmmmmm and rock on. Many ways to be eye candy. Don't have to be a skinny flat chested model to be appeciated and be a fantasy for some of us guys.
  3. Any chance that Bea (big boobs Red) from the archived Sadie apartment will ever return with her own VHTV apartment? Sure would be awesome and a definite must watch cute big titted redhead.
  4. Any chance of Bea (big boobs Red) returning with her own apartment? PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE!!!
  5. Everyone thought or was hoping that the reopening of B1 would save and reinvigorate RLC - NOT!!!
  6. And they never ever learn. They keep suggesting names of past tenants that they would like to see come back again. Duhhhh!!! Them dumbfucks. So how can RLC change or get better if dead weights reappear for third or fourth helpings of subscribers money? So funny but pathetic. RLC is totally lost with no plan B, C, D or E but only R & F for Returnees and subsequent Failure.
  7. - I have a suggestion or request for Marla. Get totally naked and then stand in front of the stationary bike for a bit. And then, it sure would be beautiful and amazing to see her plop her big curvy sweet NAKED ass on the seat of the stationary bike and then watch her ride like the wind as her butt cheeks bounce side to side. Come on Marla - give it a whirl, give us a thrill, you can do it just for us who appreciate you and that nice yummy ass. And Hector can stand there and watch his woman doing pedal power while going nowhere fast - lol. I bet the naked front view, back view and side view would be orgasmic to see. Big boobs swinging/bouncing away as her ass sways to the motion - mmmmm. Ooohhhh just the thought of it and a visual imagining Marla naked and pedalling on the bike would be an amazing voyeur thrill just to watch Marla in action. She can listen to her music and pedal to the beat. If it excites Hector, he can stand there and jerk off because I sure as hell would. Marla, you go girl - love your curves. Hector, you are one lucky bastard - lol. I see you arguing sometimes but that is normal and real life. Anyways, thanks for being real tenants and living a real couple life for us (you are a great reminder of the good old days of how RLC was in it's infancy). They suck now and I try to push VHTV to others. Sadly, too many VHTV apartments are too heavily into porn but, to me, Marla & Hector are true voyeur material/tenants. Compliments to both of you.
  8. That is because camcaps doesn't discriminate - they welcome anyone with a brain, half a brain or no brains - lol.
  9. As a client or paying customer of RLC you should ask yoursef "do I keep paying for this shit product or should I just cancel or not renew my subscription?" RLC's job is to provide a product that suits them and also provide some level of service to it's customers. You, as a paying customer can complain directly to them all you want but you do not tell them how to run their business. It is you that has a choice - accept them as is or walk the fuck away. You should know RLC's track record over the many years - THEY DON"T GIVE JACK SHIT OR A FLYING RATS ASS ABOUT YOU OR ANY CUSTOMERS. TAKE IT UP THE ASS OR SAVE YOUR MONEY. SIMPLE. Do yourself a favor and check out the other voyeur cam sites. Too many subscribers are hooked or addicted to RLC because of how good they were years ago. They suck shit now so "take a pause for the cause" and expand your horizons by checking out the other sites that do offer free cams.
  10. Like I have said a few times already. RLC subscribers are bipolar. They want new girls. Then they suggest names of possible returnees. So happy to get returnees. Want new girls. Suggest names of possible returnees. Happy to get returnees. Want new girls. See the fucking pattern. The word bipolar is appropriate when referring to RLC subscribers. Just give up on RLC and don't walk but run away from RLC's shit shows. Kick your bad habit since RLC will fuck with your mind, if you even have one FFS!!!.
  11. Not sure why they were offline today but if you noticed the major cleaning over the last few days it is because they are about to relocate. On the VHTV voyeur cam site forum there was mention by Sophia that their lease arrangement will be terminated and the threesome are looking for another place. Wonder if the homeowners found out and dislike the porn style activity taking place. Might not be considered to be porn by some but just a swingers lifestyle. Well, it could be classified as porn since the video cameras and images are broadcasted on the internet 24/7. Will miss the two charming girls but hopefully they will be back into the "swing" of things.
  12. I guess from all the posts that RLC is all about Leora. Even the reopening of B1 has done shit. Good luck subscribers.
  13. More returnees. Good for all the bipolar RLC subscribers who asked for all new tenants but are happier than a pig in shit with more of the same bimbos. Some want other past tenants to come back too. Subscribers sure love their RLC - lol.
  14. Maybe Harry and Meghan since they like being in the public eye and like to air their dirty laundry - lol.
  15. Same here especially when they do the "good to the last drop" cleanup - no wasting anything. Even sucking the limp cock to further drain all the last minute dribble.
  16. I thought that I seen both girls visiting Jules together. Both show nudity and fuck so they should both move in for added pleasure and increased viewing of the big breasted and bigger built girls. Jules - don't limit yourself to just one. More than a handful is fun and exciting.
  17. Give her an apartment, dammit. At least more to look at than all the skinny small tit youngens.
  18. This is the first time that I seen her without the glasses and she is quite cute.
  19. Was that Marla's sister visiting yesterday? She looked quite similar to Marla and what caught my eagle eye was that she had pretty good size tits too. Appreciate nice women.
  20. I have been a bad boy once or 100's of times - lol. When it is futile I just walk away to calm down or move onto another topic. I don't name call an individual but do cuss at groups of certain people or titles such as RLC owners/managers. I would sooner give up and lose an argument just to end the stubbornness and arrogance of the other person. It is just like trying to inform others about safety - if they don't want to listen - then go ahead and eventually get hurt - I tried, fuck'em. Can't teach the world to sing in perfect harmony.
  21. Yeah - I glance over it and it is so hardcore that it even pumps me up enough so that I get angry to want to add some fighting words but I know when to not step into crossfires or in front of a firing squad - lol. That topic is a no-win situation.
  22. WOW!!! Amazing to see and read all the personal badmouthing and namecalling on camcaps - makes xcamfan appear more like "peace and love" - lol.
  23. I am an xcamfan member. My first time using Imgur to get my pics. Reallifecam November 2019 Alexa site traffic at #1722. Right click the link and open in new tab or window (couldn't get the pic to show, only the link). If you zoom/enlarge you will see Reallifecam at #992 in roughly August 2019, about 90 days previously. I looked back in the archives and the Russian apartments were closed in June 2019. https://imgur.com/a/4PGmDG6 - Reallifecam Alexa site traffic November 2019. https://imgur.com/a/UOPa2Fg - Reallifecam Alexa site traffic today September 7, 2021. RLC has been in a gradual slump over the last 2 years but recently it has been just nosediving to #4,525 today. So before the Russian apartments closed RLC was under #1,000 according to Alexa site traffic but now at #4,525 which means it is looked at much less often compared to all other internet sites. Never ever seen RLC this bad - obviously a lot of subscribers quit and less viewers of the site. Hope the links work but I included the numbers in case somehow it wouldn't open (they open for me). For your curiosity - VHTV is currently around #5,800 but was better at #5,300 a few weeks earlier. VHTV seems to have some problems with apartments/tenants and the site has slowed down from what I see. Perhaps VHTV will leapfrog over RLC soon and be the #1 voyeur cam site. And voyeurhouse,com has been trending better lately but still not even close.
  24. Freedom of speech is an entitlement for everyone. I just get tired of subscribers saying that freebies have no right to complain or that non voters have no right to complain. I just turn their stupid fucked up nonsensical logic around and say subscribers and voters have no right to complain either. @Alladino you are correct about freedom of expression for all. Yes, I will bitch and complain if and when I want. Sometimes I stir the pot just to get certain know-it-alls riled up and get a heated discussion going. I will badmouth RLC until they close up or improve their site - their choice as to how they want to end up (be better or a complete failure).
  25. Even back then when she was with Paul she did her sexy teases but watching her interact with Paul and how she had to control the sex with Paul was an ordeal but fun to see because she wanted it so bad. Watching her suck his cock and then swallow his cum and clean off her lips of cum spill over with her fingers and then lick and swallow it - JUST FUCKING BEAUTIFUL. She can be a naughty dirty girl which I like in a woman - hehehe. Sorry, but I hated the yappy dog that drowned out Leora's cocksucking sounds and her moanin' and oohs and aahs.
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