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Everything posted by Howard

  1. I'm wondering if Maya is going through a depression phase. While they go to sleep the same time, its' Stepan who is up in the morning 1-2 hours before Maya. It use to be that Maya woke up earlier. She also use to be more 'energetic' (i.e. frisky). Maybe that was their routine when she had a job to go to. Could be that since she doesn't have a steady job, why get out of bed? Something isn't clicking with this girl. She's not running on all cylinders.
  2. She has to lay off the tanning bed for awhile. Her lower half has her looking like an African-American (or would that be an African-Russian?).
  3. Two videos (MAB link has both files attached). First one of Raul being a slob screwing Desiree (didn't last long and you can tell she was disappointed). Second clip she had him put another rubber on so she could get her happy ending. She humped quickly so she could get off before he does. DesireeBoink1.mp4 DesireeBoink2.mp4
  4. I don't think she bated. She's sick. So unless she's uncontrollably insatiable, she may have given herself the day off.
  5. Somewhat disagree. I think Silvia (and Josh) had (past tense) the potential to be like Leora on RLC (in other words, be more popular...attract more viewers). Silvia is a bit more reserved than Leora but I thought she/they were finding their zone in the old apartment. It has only been a week or so and it is obvious (to me) she isn't comfortable. Taking a cut in pay doesn't help but I don't think the atmosphere is conducive for getting the best out of her. Then again, it has been only a week. Maybe she needs more time to find a way to fit in that is comforting for her.
  6. OK....who do I have to bribe to see the clip of Saturday night/Sunday morning's "fun time" in the bedroom?
  7. This may be a stretch. But if its raining where Leora lives and I know its raining where Maya lives, I wonder how close they are to each other?
  8. Still can't figure out what she finds attractive in him. All day he is either playing video games or surfing on his iPad.
  9. These two are my fantasy. I'm going to set up a Go FundMe page so ya'll can contribute towards my plane fare. Those who pledge more than $50 will get a "shout out" with each thrust into Layla or Silvia. :)
  10. Kira is pissed because she wasn't getting enough attention. What makes little sense is she prefers to be on the giving end vs receiving.
  11. It is a strange (but understandable) question to ask considering they are naked and shagging on-line for all to see.
  12. Something is off with her. She's been going straight to bed when she gets home in the evenings instead of being a bit more social with Stepan on the couch.
  13. It's about respect. And even if you're a US citizen and exercise your right of free speech to desecrate the US Flag, you can thank the American citizens of past generations for allowing you to do so and not be punished (although you would be scum in my eyes and in the eyes of the court of public opinion). And for the US Flag to be used as a rug in a third world country...a country (like 99% of all others) who are dependent on the US for their technology, economics, forward thinking and so much else is an outright insult. Then again, I'm talking about 20-somethings who most likely came from a broken family, might not have finished high school, don't work and see no problem publicly fucking in front of cameras for the world to see. Disrespect...Shame?? Doesn't exist with most of these folks.
  14. Tibor rapping. Gonna put out a single and it will be fa-shizzle....da bomb....dope! [Media Removed]
  15. From what I recall, she last bated w/ Paul in the house when he walked in on her in the GR just as her happy ending was about to happen (maybe 18 months ago).
  16. I don't disagree with you. No matter where you are, most people are good people. But for those who are bad, no doubt the knowledge that your victim has a gun to defend himself is one helluva deterrent.
  17. Have you shot a pistol, AR or shotgun previously? Have you ever taken a firearm safety class? Firearms are not the problem. What happened in London answers that question. The problem is unless you're Israel or the US (the latter in limited capacity), everyone plays defense. It's time to play offense. California has the strictest laws regarding buying firearms. Has been for 15+ years. Yet statistically, there are more crimes involving firearms year and after year. But, the state will have you believe different because to save money, they have reduced the penalties regarding committing a crime when using a firearm. Same in regards to imprisonment. Its more difficult for the state to convict a crime involving a firearm because the prisons are full! Instead of building more prisons, the state decided to reduce the consequences involving a conviction. They are also releasing felons before their due date (and let's be honest, the vast majority of these assholes will commit a crime within the first few weeks of their release). Prison isn't about rehabilitation. It's just an adult "time out" until they can once again be evil. I use California as an example not just because I live here, but its also a 'country' in its own right; being the 6th largest economy in the world. Society needs to be proactive (offense) vs reactive (defense) when it comes to all crimes; especially terrorism (which we forget can easily be classified as your local idiot robbing you at gunpoint). Now, if you don't mind being a potential victim, then we don't see eye-to-eye. Everyone's life experience is different. In 2014, Iceland, with its population of 310,000 had only one murder that year (and I think less than 10 home burglaries). Why? 96% of Icelandics have at least one firearm in the house (and the bad guys know it). I'm OK with limited laws implemented for firearm ownership (I don't want a known psychotic with a 9mm). But people have to be more offensively minded and local, state and federal governments must have more strict consequences in place to help detour violence. It needs to stop before it can start. And for me, if that means stopping Syrians, Iranians & other targeted pro-violence countries from having their people fly over to the US - that I see that as playing offense, not defense. Until these countries get a handle on their own situation, no reason the US, the UK - most other civilized countries have their problems spill over to others. As for Israel, I've been there numerous times. I recall it was very unsettling the first time there seeing soldiers in the streets and on the bus casually going about life. Similar feeling I had back in 1994 seeing armed National Guards patrolling the streets of Los Angeles after the Rodney King riots. Israel does things right. It racially profiles (especially at the airport). It takes the offensive. 98% of the reason terror happens in the streets is because Israel is the only country in the region that respects all nationalities. You might look like a Palestinian terrorist but you can still walk the streets of any city. One can't completely stop terrorism from happening but all countries should look at Israel as an example how it should be done - even if its politically incorrect.
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