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Everything posted by Howard

  1. Except for a couple folks, this specific forum use to post links to 3 - 4+ vids daily. The past 18-24 months, this forum is but a shadow of what it once was. Now, you have participants who post six word sentences (that should be posted in another forum), or gifs that have nothing to do with the subject matter. With the exception of posts that link to vids, scroll back a few pages for examples. As an observation, could be that those who posted videos (as I did frequently in the past) no longer frequent CC and/or RLC. I know that I don't visit as often as I once did. Could be a new life direction, moved beyond both what RLC and CC have to offer, maturity (gosh, I hope not!), or maybe a combination of all three. I assume the sysop wants to see more people participate w/ uploads and not posting a sentence of just a few words. I'm sure if more people uploaded vids, CC (as would forum participants) benefit. OK...just wanted to express a viewpoint (specific to this forum). Thanks for reading.
  2. Looks like Leora colored (brightened) her hair. When I was dating, I had a couple girlfriends add highlights to their hair within the first two weeks. That is my 'data analysis' as to why I'm confident she's getting dick (good for her).
  3. Observations: - Malia's 'new' hairstyle' from a week ago didn't last long. She looked much, much better with the new do. Actually, she looked attractive while with the old hairstyle, she looks average (to me) - Leora has been MIA the past 48 hours (that I can tell). Anyone know why? Is she getting any? Is someone parking the ol' hot dog in her bun? His Cadillac in her garage? Using his putter for a hole-in-one? - With Leora gone, Malia seems lonely. She's alone on Leora's bed like a dog waiting for her owner to come home. - I'm in L.A. Stores are being boarded up for fear that if Biden doesn't get elected, the liberals/democrats will riot and loot (as they have done several times recently throughout the USA). Could the same hold true on RLC if Leora is no longer showcased? Will there be virtual rioting?
  4. So,.... the pole is only holding up the ceiling and Tibor wants to be the next Justin Timberlake. Not necessarily asking what they do. But it seems they hold jobs similar to office hours (gone by early morning, returns before dinner time).
  5. Seems logical, but does the pole in the living room indicate she's a dancer/stripper (and Tibor might be a bouncer)? It doesn't mean they don't have other things going on. Maybe I'm pulling at strings.
  6. What makes you think anyone in the apartment went to college?
  7. It must be Thursday night (local time). Girls are playing "let's be a lesbian" game. The game I'm looking forward to seeing played is "hole in one (two, or three)", with a dude in the house.
  8. Have ya'll heard the phrase "Money talks, bullshit walks". RLC has to increase views to generate income. Leora & Malia aren't being touchy-feely because they desire to be. Boss says views are down - Make like lesbians, generate views, or you're walking. Now, if Leora had a dick to fuck/suck, it would be a different story. Malia joined Leora because, as I've said before, watching her, and only her, bate over and over and over again is boring (ya'll can watch her do that for free on the many videos you have of her). Leora needed someone to interact with. Since neither pick up dudes and have casual sex, the lez-thing was the next ,natural step to increase traffic. Personally, I think it is a temporary solution that people see through after two or three 'sessions'.. Leora needs a dick in the house (that leaves out Pepe and Squirrely) to make her worth watching (paying for membership...which I think costs too much, but that's for another thread).
  9. Well, you're tuning in (maybe you're an RLC member). Of course the RLC kingpins will tell them to work the lesbian angle. It generate views (suspense, as if it will/may happen). On a side note, I was surprised seeing Leora rubbing Malia's sweet spot a couple days ago for a solid 60 seconds. Malia's response is to sing and/or motion her hands upwards to take her mind off the fact that she might be getting turned on. If either one of them will go to the other side, I think it will be Malia who initiates.
  10. Also saw her yesterday wearing a couple pony tails. Had to do a double-take as she looked completely different. No more Lilly Munster hairstyle.
  11. I don't like leeches, lemmings, or beggers.
  12. I see your point. But rubbing the knob too often causes displeasure. Keep parking the compact car in the garage and soon the garage will be able to accommodate a large SUV. More Indians in the teepee causes massive wig-wam (should I continue?).
  13. Leora wasn't home last night and most of today. Me thinks she's boinking the pool boy (lucky guy). Hopefully the relationship will renew her growth as a person. Maybe she has a new job??? No - her job is at home. Now, if Malia would change her hair style to something more contemporary, she wouldn't spend nights alone.
  14. If she's bating less, she's banging him. I'll let those infatuated w/ Leora determine if she's bating less.
  15. A bit confused...Does Leora have a boyfriend (if so, has this been confirmed)?
  16. I hope this helps you -https://www.nimh.nih.gov/health/find-help/index.shtml
  17. NEWS FLASH! Over 250 cats and dogs from the St. Petersburg animal shelter have escaped! Nearby outdoor camera footage shows a 28....make that 29 year old brunette, carrying an iPad and wearing see-thru lingerie, and what appears to be a black phallic-like object protruding from her rear, enter the St Petersburg bank. Upon leaving the bank, she had a thick stack of rubles in her hand as she walked inside Paul's Locksmith Shop next door. From the locksmith, she went across the street and walked out with two large bags of Kibbles 'n Bits (for a dog's healthy glow), and Purina cat chow from Malia's Pet Shop; their motto being "meaty lips and tasty treats" to satisfy your pet's appetite. The brunette's thick stack of rubles are gone. The brunette was then seen walking to the nearby St Petersburg Animal Shelter. About 25 minutes pass before it is (figuratively) raining cats and dogs in the nearby streets of St Petersburg! There are animals running in all directions away from the shelter! They're dodging cars as if they half-backs for an NFL football team! OH THE HUMANITY!! Upon review of videos taken from inside the shelter, we see this 28....make that 29 year old brunette, disappearing from all camera views inside the shelter. It's not until about 25 minutes later, her hair disheveled and her lingerie looking ragged and wrinkled, she is seen walking with wobbly legs; emerging into a hallway and to where the animals are kept. Using a master key - she opened the padlocks that secured various dogs, cats and other critters inside their enclosures. Luring them out with food, you can hear her scream "Run Eva, Run" as the animals begin to scatter. The 28....make that 29 year old brunette magically disappears, not to be seen again. The police arrived a few minutes later to survey the crime scene. But for a few pieces of kibble and cat chow, all the enclosures are empty. Not an animal in sight. The special investigative team arrived a little later looking for forensic evidence. No fingerprints, no strands of hair - no evidence left as to who may have committed this crime. Just as Sergie, the youngest of the forensic specialists, was packing up his gear, he noticed an odd shape from the corner of his eye glistening in a room a few feet away. As he approached, he put on a fresh pair of gloves, new eye protection, and additional hazmat apparel. He was walking into a restroom. He approached the object by the sink. It appeared to be a 7" black dildo with some residue. Sergie placed it in a plastic bag, troubled by how sticky it was as it wouldn't easily release from his glove. He took it to the police lab for further analysis. To be continued (maybe).
  18. There's an irony there not to go unnoticed - words coming from a skunk. #StinkyButt 🙂
  19. I don't know. My guess is it is based on view count and data derived from paid membership. I'm also guessing with COVID affecting the world, viewership has increased significantly. Side note: Here in the US, businesses began to shut down late March. It's estimate that maternity departments in hospitals will see an increase in 'activities' from December thru February.
  20. I *may* stand corrected. Has the SYSOP ever verified that she had an account on CC? Nevertheless, it doesn't take away the SYSOP's directive of not speaking about what goes on outside the apartment. And as I previously said, even if she does charity work outside the apartment, it doesn't change my opinion of her. Not to the penny or ruble. She spreads her vagina for money (she shouldn't find this insulting to be said), shows little ambition by remaining in the apartment (observation), and it is evident she has shown a decay of her mental well-being the past several years. When in the apartment, 95% of her times she's either spreading the hoochie, bating, pretending to be gay, nearly naked, sensually bathing, or watching a mindless video on her iPad. Before moving into this apartment, there were many other things that occupied her time. She read, she painted, did puzzles, knitted (I do recall her knitting a few times). She had responsibilities that involved others in the apartment. She did activities that were MENTALLY STIMULATING. She's 28. Is this acceptable behavior for a woman her age who has shown to be capable of so much more? Other then it being her choice, there's nothing to defend of her. And as she places her life, as we factually know it, for all to see, anyone has the right to criticize.
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