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Everything posted by fasterboss

  1. and ruby situation, she does not fool anyone she said how it works, she has to be with him for pity, that would be the worst that could happen to calvin
  2. me too, but juliet has potential just this in the wrong house, this house is very boring, only when ruby right here and that it gains interest
  3. yes but this has to be a decision of his, he knows that ruby and so we know and she already said that Calvin was just friend and would fuck with others, I will not take his pains because he and he fucks ruby almost 24 hours and we just watched, he knows the woman who has it and knows that it will not change, has to get in the balance and see what is best for him
  4. It seems like we have people taking Calvin's pain here. in my opinion ruby did right, she already said that she would not be only with calvin, even said she did not fuck with zack but maybe she can fuck herself with blonde calvin is not here and it's better for him we've seen how it was last time, with this pressure all over calvin, ruby will still end up alone
  5. Well Monica threatened to take off her clothes in front of her friend,🙄 but backed up, it looked like we were going to have some different fun here
  6. It's not the first time they do it, it's already a habit. but I agree with you the place is very uninteresting, and it only earns a real interest when ruby is here
  7. that groomy has just dismantled a conspiracy theory that has lived here lately,😀 We need more people to understand Russian, so maybe this forum turns out to be fun again. which was the main reason why I joined
  8. yes I am sad too, sometimes life is not easy, and on the other hand also shows the negative side of vhtv, the pressure it has on people who are not achieving the goal😟
  9. and difficult to know why, we do not know if it has anything to do with the previous nights, we know that these issues are sometimes complicated for a couple when both may not be in the same tune as the situation anyway they looked fun yesterday, it might not have anything to do
  10. That was a good night in this house,😍 I would like to see Ramona at a party. of the sort of today😋
  11. I can not understand this cry, I have member that I do not like your comments and simple mind go to ignore list very easy to solve, the big problem and that this and personal, in the past sparkles has already been attacked, and they are back because it will, in the past was because he put many caps, now that he returns to do the problems back but the important thing is that if someone talks about porno, it soon shows the souls of the usual to speak to have life look out of the window, because it and that is real life, serious real life, in recent days we have seen who does not have life he complains about the complaints of others when he has the same attitude when things do not suit him
  12. that Nacy is doing very well, she also seems to enjoy herself, she smiles a lot😍
  13. it seems that it will advance, hot moments the😋
  14. for those who complain about the complaints, has not done anything else in recent times, in every comment he makes, perhaps you can follow the advice that he himself indicates to others
  15. yes she seems very interested, but when they try to take some clothes off she goes back, I do not think they're going to get her naked
  16. the trip seems to be long, last time too took too long
  17. yes this house is very dead, even being occupied by young people, and it is necessary to resort to ruby to stir a little interest about this house
  18. whitney is not blocking anything, they have a room, when whitney is not here clair just lies on the sofa and spends infinite hours lying in it so I think clair only benefits with the whitney company
  19. I think they want to do something different to get attention, I do not think it's the best way to get attention.
  20. art is not strange, this place may not be the right place
  21. I agree, most ridiculous and a little humiliating for her😑
  22. How to clair this sexy😘 This girl is really beautiful.😍
  23. I do not know the ideal number, but if I start clicking on each apartment from the beginning, then I get to the middle and I'm already tired, I just watch my favorites that are not more than 10, and also liked that it was possible to sign only the apartments I want to see, this would be a good measure of vhtv
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