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Everything posted by letsdothis

  1. "I am hungary." "Maybe you should czech the fridge." "I'm russian to the kitchen. Is there any turkey?" "We have some, but it's covered in greece" "Ew, there's norway I'd eat that!"
  2. "I feel like carp today" "Yeah, you look a little fishy"
  3. Autocorrect has become my worst enema.
  4. Thanks. Do you know for sure who's there? Silly question. You always know everyone. 😊
  5. Actually, I don't believe I personally called him a mass murderer until this post. Other people did, you're right, but it is a WELL deserved moniker, since he is responsible for half a million deaths, so far. And there is concrete evidence to support that, as well. But, it doesn't matter who called who what, first, last or in between. Calling Cuomo a mass murderer pales in the face of what your psychopathic boy is responsible for. It's just you trying to divert attention away from your psychopathic führer. Typical. I'll bet you're just like him, too, never taking responsibility for anything. Always pointing a finger at everyone else and shifting blame away from you. History will show he's also a traitor to this country, an insurrectionist, among many other things, who deserves to be convicted and have the prison jacked up with him thrown under it. Why is it you always come at people with this filthy, vile, vitriolic name calling. For someone with 3/4 of a century of life experience, it's sad you never got past that juvenile behavior.
  6. Those are his game faces.
  7. You posted this video under the St. Trinian picture, but this was all I could see. You probably can't fix that, IDK. It's probably up to the person who posted it originally. Just thought you'd like to know. Video unavailable The uploader has not made this video available in your country.
  8. Not having an RLC sub makes it difficult to know everyone, so I just leave the filename the way it is, unless I'm sure I know who's in the video. If you tell me who is there, including the guy, I'll change the names listed in the post. Thanks, Moos.
  9. Seriously!!?? I cannot believe even you had the unmitigated gall to utter those words. I'm not defending Cuomo, if he's guilty, he' guilty. But, for you to call someone, anyone, a mass murderer when your boy, the psychopath, has the blood of half a million people on his hands, is truly unbelievable—although maybe not so much, considering the source. And don't say it's not true because if you can call Cuomo a mass murderer, then anyone else in this country with two grains of sense could justifiably lay that title squarely on the head of your idiot, fascist führer, IQ45.
  10. Claire, Amalia, Amira, Loraine and Serafima kiss and rub a guest (Content No Longer Available)
  11. @inesteait turned out I already had that program I mentioned above installed. It's called Allavsoft. https://www.bitsdujour.com/software/allavsoft-2/src=day?bdj-unid=bd68c42f-9431-4146-b26d-c772a325b22d&utm_source=DailyBits&utm_medium=email&utm_content=allavsoft-2+Title&utm_campaign=2021-02-11+PC+A So, I ran your video of the Greek Goddess through it and in about 90 seconds it had reduced it to 40 MB as an MP4 file.
  12. Loraine and Anthony blowjob, rimjob, pussy eat and hard fuck (Content No Longer Available)
  13. Amalia hard pussy rub (Content No Longer Available)
  14. I had heard the term, but had not seen a definition. Wiki is a reliable source of information. It's not a discussion I have the time for. I was just interested to know how you applied the term, specifically, to CC. That you have to try to insult me, instead of just answering a casual, but legitimate question...really? I wasn't picking at you, just had a question I thought you could answer.
  15. This was a very large file. I had to split it into four segments so zippyshare would accept each piece. If you want to rejoin the segments, Lossless Cut makes it extremely simple to do, and it's free. Let me know if you need help using it. BTW— onanism means: masturbation, or coitus interruptus https://www19.zippyshare.com/v/T6k1KZHd/file.html https://www19.zippyshare.com/v/JMnePd4w/file.html https://www19.zippyshare.com/v/kZj1rldF/file.html https://www19.zippyshare.com/v/UqkPbirT/file.html
  16. I have two questions for you. How many visitors would 20% be? Why on Earth would you want to ruin your videos by putting that gigantic watermark on them. That is really bad. I'm not trying to give you a hard time. These are serious questions. _____________ J'ai deux questions pour vous. Combien de visiteurs seraient 20%? Pourquoi diable voudriez-vous ruiner vos vidéos en y mettant ce gigantesque filigrane. C'est vraiment mauvais. Je n'essaye pas de te donner du fil à retordre. Ce sont des questions sérieuses.
  17. You've always been a rebel, I get that, but... Cancel culture is a modern form of ostracism in which someone is thrust out of social or professional circles - either online on social media, in the physical world, or both. Those who are subject to this ostracism are said to be "canceled." Wikipedia How does that apply to CC. Just asking.
  18. That's what I thought, too, but since it was named that already, I left it the way it was. I figured I got it wrong. Thanks for the confirmation.
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