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Everything posted by letsdothis

  1. I don't disagree with you about China. However, if Trump has the set of 'nads you say he has and those other Presidents would have held China accountable, then the question begs to be asked, "Why hasn't Trump held them accountable for this virus?" You're also right that he's a loudmouth, arrogant dick and a lot more besides. All of which make him unfit to be president.
  2. At least Biden would listen to his advisors and experts and take their advice. After his "brilliant" idea about disinfectants, Donald Dump has to go, at all costs.
  3. Pray to God, I certainly hope not. This country won't make it through another four years of this twat.
  4. He also says in that video that the US has "done more testing than every other nation combined." This is a complete lie. Just the eight countries below the US with the most cases have done more than double the amount of testing the US has done.
  5. I agree, he is certifiable, but that's what I meant by diarrhea of the mouth. He just spews forth whatever pops into his head, no matter how crazy or idiotic it sounds. He has no regard for the people who actually know what they're talking about. It's obvious he's grasping at straws trying to find any way he can to open the country sooner than recommended by the people who know better.
  6. I was just reading about that a couple of hours ago. And some people wonder why people think this guy is a complete, moronic, babbling buffoon. RR once said that it was all, "Trump fueled hatred" and I thought, wow, he got it right; Trump certainly has fueled all the hatred against him.
  7. That was hysterical!!! All he had to do was puncture the can with the can opener and they were gagging and heaving. 🤣🤣🤣
  8. Guilty is guilty. Whether it's now or in the past, you said what you said and that doesn't go away just because you now decide not to talk about Trump. No one can wipe your slate clean for you. And, whether it was in response to someone else or you initiated it makes not one lick of difference whatsoever. You are solely responsible for your actions, words and deeds, and they prevent you from pointing a finger at anyone else for the same infractions. That's the very definition of being a hypocrite. "In the future on this thread I intend to be quiet about Trump." We'll see how that goes. Time will tell.
  9. You know, I don't get you. I believe you're just pretending to be as dumb as a box of rocks because I don't believe anyone of your age could possibly be as dumb as this post would seem to indicate. I certainly hope my belief is correct. This subject has been explained multiple times in this topic in extremely simple terms that anyone could understand. Any model is only as accurate as the data that is available to it at that moment in time. They're not grossly inaccurate or wrong or unreliable. They are only as reliable as the current data allows them to be. And how could they be anything else? They're based entirely on the currently available data because no one can predict the future. No one has a magic crystal ball that will give them exact, 100%, perfectly accurate data. No one can predict the future; certainly no one in this topic and not even the experts like Dr. Fauci, although he is certainly more knowledgeable than we are. And then, you had to go and spin my words, manipulate what I said, put words in my mouth and even quote dubious facts not in evidence. I never said these models were reliable. I've only ever said they were as accurate as the currently available data allowed them to be. And that will always be true. The hope is, each successive model will become more accurate, more reliable as the virus evolves, as the data evolves. Then you said, "the actual number is only somewhere between 50-60 thousand." Where is that data coming from? We're only a hair's breadth, about one day, away from 50,000 deaths in this country. We're averaging between 2,000-2,500 new deaths every day. That's approximately 10,000 new deaths every 4-5 days. And we haven't even reached the peak of the devastation this virus is going to heap on us. Can you give me a link to something that proves those numbers for the US?
  10. Somebody please get that poor girl a vibrator! A long, thick one.😊
  11. As I and others in this topic have said previously, the first models were not ridiculous or wrong or even inaccurate. They were based on the data available at the time it was calculated. As the data changed and became more accurate, so the results changed, as well. The results of the more recent models do not mean that the first models were wrong, inaccurate or ridiculous, as you put it.
  12. Here we go again. Why is it not OK for a non-Trump supporter to talk politics, but when you and your fellow comrades spout political, it's perfectly permissible and you say nothing? Once again, the hypocrite.
  13. Seriously?? Really?? You know, I think I read somewhere on this site at sometime, that you are in your mid-70s, but you act and speak as if you're six.
  14. I agree, the numbers being reported by any country, especially the US, are most likely not as accurate as they should be, even based on current testing. But, using that model, if you say that the number of cases is lower than what is actually true, then it also follows that the number of deaths is also lower.
  15. And, once again you miss the point. I made no claims to be a nice person. I merely pointed the finger at the hypocrite in the room.
  16. Jesus H. Fucking Roosevelt Christ!! I cannot actually believe you have the unmitigated gall to even think those words about anyone else in this topic, let alone put pen to paper and write them down!! After all the political diatribe, personal attacks and insults you've spewed and spat at other people in this topic over the last weeks, you actually have the colossal nerve to bring those words to bear against someone else, anyone else, in this topic. You are utterly shameful. Your master has taught you well and coming from me, that is most assuredly NOT a compliment. You are just as despicable as he is.
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