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Everything posted by letsdothis

  1. Good one. Unfortunately, I don't think it works that way, but I like the way you think.
  2. These were the final stats for yesterday's (4/28) reporting period. And, today the US will have more than 60,000 dead. So sad.
  3. Hairless cats are naturally drawn to heat, even warm water. Because they have no hair, or very short hair, they have to use other methods to stay warm.
  4. Misquoting me and Trump this time. Does that make what you said above, fake news? He might kick you out of his fan club for that. I quoted him verbatim, directly from his speech. I watched him say it. He said the US has done more testing than all other nations combined. That's not even anywhere close to being true. As I said in my post about it then, just the next eight countries with the highest number of cases after the US had more than double the number of tests as the US (not including China because we don't have those numbers for China). That was then. IDK what it is now. Think about that. Out of 210 countries and territories around the world affected by this virus, just eight have done more than twice as much testing as the US. If you were to add in the number of tests from all the other countries, the difference would be astronomical. Testing in the other countries ranges from a few dozen to a few hundred to several hundred thousand to over a million for the UAE. There are also some countries with no numbers for testing.
  5. I was going to say good job on getting one right, but you just had to get your little jab in there at the end. I may have read it wrong, but you have no leg to stand on and no room to tell anyone to get their facts straight. However, notwithstanding my mistake, the facts remain the same. He said weeks ago there would be an investigation into why the death rate at the nursing homes was so high. That's when I read the article, maybe even around the time he issued the advisory. IDK, it's been a while.
  6. If you're going to attack someone, at least make sure your facts are correct. The abnormally high death rate in New York's nursing homes occurred weeks before he issued his advisory on March 25, not the 24th. The deaths occurred throughout the month of March, not since the advisory was issued yesterday. The whole paragraph is 4th-5th grade English. Very easy, but let me spell it out. Weeks ago, it was found that New York nursing homes had an abnormally high death rate. At that time, the Governor said there would be an investigation into that problem. Yesterday, 4/25, he issued an order, called an advisory (see below, note the date), stating exactly what you said it did. "No resident shall be denied re-admission or admission to the NH solely based on a confirmed or suspected diagnosis of COVID-19." He didn't issue the order and then wonder why so many were dying in nursing homes, which is what you said. He wanted to know why so many were dying weeks ago, long before he issued the order.
  7. How about posting a link to his post, so I know what you're talking about. It's very easy to do. Go to his post Click the share button at the top right of the post Press Ctrl+C to copy the link Open a new post Press Ctrl+V to paste the link Submit it
  8. Here's the hypocrite, again. What's laughable is that you have the nerve to call anyone in this topic, biased. You, probably the most biased person in this topic, have the utter audacity to cry "bias" at anyone else. After all the many times your comments have been corrected, you would think it would be obvious who is not thinking for himself, nor, apparently, doing any research, either. Who should we defer to, you? You're certainly no expert, although you keep commenting as if you were. The experts got where they are because they are expert at what they do. This has been explained to you over and over and still you pretend not to understand. No one your age could possibly be that ignorant. And, about the 60,000 or less dead, in case you hadn't noticed, as of this very minute, 55,411 people have died from this virus in the US. Just in the last seven days, not including today (Sunday), there have been 14,240 deaths from COVID-19 in this country. Whatever his ability to think, it's one hell of a sight better than what you've exhibited. And you think you have??? 🤣
  9. Also, how would you know they're facts? Just a few posts above this one, you stated you had not watched the press conference in question.
  10. If you're going to attack someone, at least make sure your facts are correct. The abnormally high death rate in New York's nursing homes occurred weeks before he issued his advisory on March 25, not the 24th. The deaths occurred throughout the month of March, not since the advisory was issued yesterday.
  11. And the hypocrite raises his head yet again. In the same tiny paragraph you have the colossal gall to accuse people of not being factual, then make a biased comment based on hearsay.
  12. I wasn't making excuses for anything because nothing failed. I simply stated the facts of how models work. You, however, keep beating this dead horse because you desperately want to find something or someone to lay the blame on, anywhere other than at your master's feet where it belongs.
  13. It's not as if you couldn't look it up online in a matter of seconds and watch it any time you wanted. Makes one wonder why you choose not to watch it. But, even though you didn't watch it, you still comment in his defense that it was, "...a big to-do about nothing." For those who did see it, it was a grossly moronic thing to say and hugely irresponsible. Then, he tried to spin a cover-up, saying it was a sarcastic question posed to the "fake news media," which is a gargantuan lie.
  14. I told Stone about this a few weeks ago and he said they're just waiting on the new update hoping that will do the trick. Fingers crossed. In the meantime, except for Donzi, using the profile page has always been a workaround for me.
  15. That's very strange, it works every time for me. Well, Mark, I take it back. It has worked every other time I've done it that way and just now it worked with several others I tried...except Donzi. I don't know why he is the lone exception. Maybe his mailbox is full, but that is just a wild guess.
  16. That's very strange, it works every time for me.
  17. Because that's what they have to use against something like this in their arsenal of tools. Would you prefer they sit on their thumbs and rotate or fiddle away while the nation burns, like modern-day Neros? Or, if they invented data to make the results look more accurate, then you really would have unrealistic models and you'd scream about that, too. And, you keep saying these models are unrealistic. Why can't you see they are anything except unrealistic or unreliable. They are accurate representations of a moment in time. Each time they run the model, they feed it newer, better, more accurate data and, logically, the results become more and more accurate. Imagine a new pencil two inches in diameter. If you had a sharpener big enough, you could start twisting that pencil in it and slowly start to make that pencil more and more pointed until finally you have a finely sharpened point on the end. Models are the same. They start out blunt because of lack of data, especially with a virus that changes continuously and rapidly. But, as time goes on you get more data, better data, more accurate data and the results start to be more accurate, i.e. they start to look like that sharpened pencil. I think you pretend not to understand just so you have something to rail against, something to argue about. You want it to be your way so badly and find someone to lay the blame on so much, that you're completely blinded to the fact that it can't be your way.
  18. No, I'm not familiar with that song and I'm no longer able to understand the melody or the lyrics of songs I hear.
  19. Reminded me of an old-fashioned silent movie. Loved the music. 👍👍
  20. Hey, Mark. There's a bug in the PM system right now. What you described happens depending on from where you initiate the PM. If you go the user's profile page by clicking on their avatar or username, you can click on the Message button there and it should work as you would expect it to.
  21. Sure you can know. Just click on the Staff button at the top of the page and you'll see this.
  22. You need to read more carefully. I was replying to Starider's remarks about Kennedy and Reagan. Maybe you should start with his post.
  23. Starider, you're talking to the wrong person. I got interested in this virus because of the worldwide implications. Through investigating the virus, I learned what Trump was not doing for weeks and weeks and I got even angrier at him. Don't get me wrong, I wanted him impeached and removed from office long before he was impeached. Before that, I am not political, I don't keep up with current events, but I'm an information junkie and a quick study. But, you're asking the wrong person for an answer to that question. I don't even have a desire to research the answer to that question. I just want him GONE! FOREVER!
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