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Everything posted by letsdothis

  1. No, they truly are like fingerprints.
  2. Now, there's one for the VH Funnies topic. Hilarious!!
  3. So, you would have us believe that of the 29 Republican mayors in the 100 largest cities in the US, not a single one has done the same thing? As I said before, you always blame someone else. On the other hand, since Democratic mayors outnumber Republican mayors by more than 2 to 1, in the 100 largest cities in the US, I guess you could always blame the Democrats for the majority of EVERYTHING that gets done in those 100 cities. And since the Republican vs Democratic governors are split at almost 50/50, you expect us to believe that a Republican governor has never had anything to do with the early release of inmates? Always pointing the finger across the aisle trying to shift blame. If there's one thing my life on this big blue marble called Earth has taught me so far, it's that people are at fault. Nothing else matters. It's always people who are the cause of everything. And being Republican certainly doesn't give you some special pass or exemption at being blameless. So, suck it up and own up. Be an adult.
  4. I think it might just be because it was recently sheared. Once its coat grows back, it will probably look fine.
  5. First, I didn't write this article, so how on God's green Earth could I be stretching things? Second, again it sounds like you haven't read the article because it clearly says that Barr ordered the Bureau of Prisons to expand the group of federal inmates eligible for early release. Now, aside from Attorney General, I have no idea who Barr is or what his political affiliation is and I don't give a shit one way or the other. I would guess he ordered the BOP to find more ways to release inmates early because it falls under the purview of his job as AG. And, that's something he would have refuted if it wasn't true. But, I'm going to make an educated guess, based on your previous rhetoric, that he's a Republican. Also, based on your previous comments, whenever anyone says something you don't like or doesn't fit with or suit your agenda, you get your back up and go into discredit mode. That's even more true if it's being said about a Republican and especially so if it's about the person claiming leadership of this country. You hop up on your rabble-rousing soapbox and try to lay the blame at the feet of anyone and anything else you can come up with, exactly like your "messiah" does. Anything that might make "your side" look bad is always someone else's fault.
  6. Only in your mind. It has no bearing and carries no weight with anything that's happening right now. In the future, as I said, we can revisit this, but right now, it's like smoke in a hurricane.
  7. You ask such ridiculous questions. How on Earth would I know the answer to that question? As I said before, I don't have a crystal ball, I'm not psychic, I'm not a prognosticator, I'm not even a scientific mathematician. I don't have access to numbers with that kind of detail. You would need to direct your question to someone with access to much more explicit numbers than the general public has available to them. Here are the numbers, knock yourself out. COVID-19 Coronavirus Pandemic
  8. Barr Expands Early Release of Inmates at Prisons Seeing More Coronavirus Cases
  9. It was a ridiculous question. I don't think you'll find anyone who expects everyone infected with this virus to die. Useless, rabble-rousing thinking. That 5.5% recovery rate is 100% valid, true, accurate and meaningful right now. It may be different next week or next month, but right now it is completely meaningful, certainly much more so than your claim of a 98% recovery rate. As more people recover and we stop having 30,000+ new cases every day, then that number will grow. Whether it will reach 98% is anyone's guess and no one knows. But, right now, one thing is certain, a 98% recovery rate is completely meaningless. It may get close to that in the end, who knows. But, right now it has no merit whatsoever.
  10. ‘Disaster waiting to happen’: Thousands of inmates released as jails and prisons face coronavirus threat
  11. These are all the models on ChickStream. Chickstream - Free Girls Chat, Private shows and Adult live cams CHICKSTREAM.COM Free webcam access to hottest girls around the world. Chat with hundreds of models with no limits
  12. She's in the new Star Trek: Picard TV show.
  13. You can sign up for a free VHTV account.
  14. It's what it is now. I don't have a crystal ball. I can't predict the future. You just love twisting words around. I didn't say anything even remotely close to that.
  15. It means we are waiting for an outcome on the remaining 482,033 active cases. And yes, that outcome is recovery or death. You said it yourself in your first sentence and contradicted it in the second one. Why is the recovery rate not meaningful? You claimed a 98% recovery rate. I simply wanted to show that the actual recovery rate is at the opposite end of the spectrum. I can't think of a single reason why it wouldn't be meaningful, not just to refute your claim, but for any other reason. It's completely accurate. It's based on the current numbers, as we've been given them. What's not meaningful? (That, BTW, is a rhetorical question.)
  16. Yearning to be back at the office? With this, you can...sort of. Missing the office? This website recreates their typical sounds In addition to what the article says, you can also use the up, down, left and right keys. Also, if you double-click and hold, on the image, you can move it around some, like a 3-D picture.
  17. Smoking Helps Open Gateway to Coronavirus Infection, Study Shows COPD patients are also at higher risk. However, weed has been used medicinally by a lot of people for a long time. And, it's been shown to work. That may be why the shops were left open.
  18. As of 5.56 PM Eastern time today, 22.6% of those infected worldwide, have recovered. That number falls to 5.5% recovered cases in the US. The worldwide death rate is 6.1%. In the US, that's 3.9%, assuming the death toll is accurate. I have my doubts.
  19. Apple, Google Bring Covid-19 Contact-Tracing to 3 Billion People
  20. It's fine to post cammers' names and what site they broadcast on like, Chaturbate (CB for short), Chickstream, etc. You can also post them in the main apt. forums. As for VHTV, there is already kind of a system in place. If you look in each top-level apt. forum, you'll sometimes see a Cam Shows sub-forum, if someone in the apt. is a cammer, but not always. A lot of members, here, are against cammers to the point they won't even watch the VHTV stream if there's a cammer in the apt. (As my Grandmother used to say, that's like cutting off your nose to spite your face.) But, sometimes you'll see this. When you click on Cam Shows, you'll see a topic(s) for the camme(s)r in the apt., like this. But, as I said, you won't always find the Cam Shows sub-forum, even if there is a cammer in the apt. It's hit or miss because so many members dislike cammers. Never could understand that, but to each his own. I hope that's helpful. Oh, you may also find the cammer's broadcast name in the cam show topics. Sometimes, they're also posted in the main topic for the apt.
  21. Her feet look dirtier now than before she got in the tub! (It's tinted glass.)
  22. Only premium members can delete their own posts. Send a PM to @StnCld316and ask him to delete it for you.
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