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Everything posted by letsdothis

  1. Oh, I see. Payback. Hey, who are you calling a balloon and a tosser. Ye'll ha' me claidheamh mor rattlin' in their case. 🤣
  2. Now, how come you didn't try to wind up Stone. He said the same thing and before I did. 😊
  3. Masha 'bating in the bedroom. (Video Content No Longer Available)
  4. This lighting scheme is unbelievably awful. There's not enough light to see much of anything. Most everything looks fuzzy and out of focus, probably because of the different wavelengths of the different colored lights. It's just a mess. I like Masha, but I don't know what she was thinking when she did this. Just terrible. (Attachment Removed)
  5. Judge, I'm a little confused, here. I don't understand your smart-assed remark. Could you please explain why you responded in that manner?
  6. @Folivora, Sina, sweetie, yesterday, I posted this in the wrong place and you couldn't see it. I hope you had a great birthday. HAPPY BIRTHDAY, SINA!!!
  7. At least she knows where it is and it's easily accessible.
  8. I don't blame you, Funny. If I had those puppies I'd be playing with them 24/7. 😊
  9. Hey @Dave 27, did you know that Robert Redford's father, Charles, was born in Edinburgh?
  10. ...interrogating P & P. 🤣🤣🤣 I'm just messing with you, man. I couldn't resist that one. It was waaaay too big an invitation for fun. Congratulations on your newborn son. I hope you all are well and healthy and recovering nicely. Something to look forward to. Oh, and don't ever do this right after you feed him.
  11. I wonder how long it took her to get it to the sofa? What did she do after she crawled up on top of it? Was she just resting from being so exhausted?
  12. You may be thinking of Aikido.
  13. Would that be tosser or balloon?
  14. Maybe I'm a little late to the party, here, but I think Funny is flat out gorgeous!! Her eyes sparkle, her smile could guide ships into harbor on a moonless night and her body is damn near perfect. Love Funny! ❤️
  15. Probably a bathtub full of water and about 5% caustic soda (aka lye) would do the trick. Hey, you asked. (No intent intended here, guys, just answering a question.)
  16. That cam name is for Sofie, Ellie and their group, The name for Falcon's group is Sexyru_coup1e. 😊
  17. The Twitter page said that someone, thinking it looked like Stewart with hair, probably posted it as such and the search engine bots probably picked it up and ran with it as being true. Or something like that.
  18. They're only in relocation, according to support.
  19. Thanks, Stone, I'll try that one. Much appreciated.
  20. I forgot to explain about Andy Whitfield. Sorry. I was perusing a page of Star Trek photos from all the different Star Treks, when this one of Whitfield popped up. The caption read that it was a young Patrick Stewart with hair. Later that day, completely unintentionally, I happened to be on a Twitter page that said it wasn't Stewart with hair, but Andy Whitfield. I don't even remember how I got there, it was so accidental. Considering he was "...hot as hell," as you put it, I'm sure you knew it was him right off the top of your head. 😊
  21. Do you know why we have a Father's Day? About 30 days after Mother's Day, a father said, "Hey, wait a minute, here..." 🤣
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