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Everything posted by letsdothis

  1. Hey Henri. That's only if you use mab to host them. The pictures you posted on the previous page were deleted in just a few hours. I never saw them at all.
  2. I'm trying to figure out why there's a separate topic to talk about someone being pregnant. It's perfectly OK to talk about pregnancy in the main topic. Just a thought.
  3. Found this online. Thought the Edda fans out there might enjoy it. Edda Cleaning House_2.mp4
  4. That was completely hysterical!!! Thanks. 🤣🤣
  5. @Dave 27, @Just In, @bluewinner, @Robwin and all of you from the United Kingdom, you have some AMAZING neighbors. Be sure to read some of the comments. It's Been 173 Years - Ireland Never Forgets
  6. So funny! That looked more like, "Mommy, get up and fix my breakfast."
  7. I'm very sorry you're not well. I hope it's not serious and you recover quickly. Sleep as much as you want or need to sleep. Your health is important. BTW, that is one seriously cute little kitten. It's markings are just beautiful. Would you mind sharing his or her name with us?
  8. It makes no difference that the tenants gave a response. They should never have had to respond to that kind of crap in the first place. I'm sorry to say this, Stone, but as long as you, Admin and the mods continue to have this attitude toward this problem it will never be closed. This is a problem and it's an ongoing one and it's long overdue for a solution, once and for all.
  9. PLEASE!! SERIOUSLY!! Bullies have no power. They like to think they do. That's why the bullies on this site hide behind their keyboards, spouting their shite comments, trying to pass them off as "opinions". In reality, they get off on trying to hurt people and reel tenants into their shit talk, so they can hurt them some more. And don't try to blame the tenants. It absolutely is not their fault. It's the asshole bullies, here, who can't keep a civil tongue in their mouths They wouldn't know a civil comment if someone typed it for them and said, "just hit enter." And then, they have the utter gall to wonder why there's a whole other forum, like they're clueless, and why this one's a ghost town and why no one is interested in their shit posts.
  10. Boo!!! Hiss!!!!!! Speak for yourself!!!! 👎👎👎
  11. I'll take a wild guess and say he had to travel a long way from his lassie and now misses her and wants to see her again. Or, maybe she died and he's praying that she be returned to him. And I didn't look up anything.
  12. Only Premium Members can delete their own posts. The best he can do is erase the contents (text, link, etc.). The post will remain, though it will be blank.
  13. Dr. Honjo has declared the claims made in the article posted by Starider.to be untrue. He didn't make them. Nobel laureate Tasuku Honjo refutes 'false' quote attributed to him about the novel coronavirus
  14. LOL!! Oh, well, gee...um, OK. Pardon me. I'm all about making life easier. It's already too hard to start with. But, hey that's just me. 🤣🤣
  15. LOL!! Wow, nothing gets by you guys, does it?
  16. LOL!! You are a strange little puppy...but very funny. 🤣🤣🤣 (I mean that in the nicest possible way.) 😊
  17. Or, you could let Google do it for you. 😊 Currency Converter
  18. Nor am I, nor have I ever. I just watch a lot of movies.
  19. Yeah, unfortunately that happens a lot in this, the RLC forum. RLC does not like having their copyrighted content posted on the Internet, so they religiously have it deleted from the host servers. In many cases, within hours of it being posted. My only advice is to check these topics often and download quickly.
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