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Everything posted by letsdothis

  1. Counting the dimples on the lid, it looks like about a dozen and a half. 😊
  2. I'm sorry to hear that. I hope you're both better now or will be soon. BTW, I may have missed it, but I haven't seen anything about the name of your new cat. I'm glad you got another one. Please tell us her name. Thanks.
  3. I think you meant this part for Madwolf, instead of Franklin.
  4. That's not exactly correct. Comments about posted pictures are allowed and they were commenting on posted pictures. Read the first post on the first page of any RLC picture or video topic for the rules.
  5. JABBA!!!! WTF, man!!! That was an exceptionally mean thing to say and directly to a transgirl, no less. Just because you have an opinion or an idea or a thought or a belief doesn't mean it's OK to post it. I've seen you say things about other users who post mean, rude and insulting things about tenants and now you do the same thing to Amy. That was just wrong.
  6. That's also what I got from what he was saying.
  7. Too funny. They both qualify! 🤣🤣
  8. Intercourse is the name of the town.
  9. You might also be interested in #4 and how it got its name.
  10. Check out #1 in the list (at the bottom). 😊 https://reallyweirdplacenames.blogspot.com/2013/10/lancaster-county-pa.html
  11. The sign at the pretzel factory in Intercourse, PA. 😊
  12. Celentano, you've got me on that one. I see what you are talking about. The words I quoted from Paixtaras showed up with your name on them. I'm not sure how that happened. Maybe a bug in the software. But, if you go to this link, you can see that the words I quoted came from this post that Paixtaras made on page five. Scratching my head on that one. https://camcaps.net/forums/topic/12497-anabel-efim-videos-2019/?do=findComment&comment=1635594420 My reply to this post was not intended for you.
  13. I never even knew she played the piano until just a few days ago. She's not only multi-talented, she's really good!!
  14. Only because you choose not to fix an easily solved issue. Some choose to light a candle to show the way. Others would rather curse the darkness. Good luck.
  15. I didn't say you weren't, I just disagreed with it. You're talking about apples and oranges. Popups and viruses are not controlled by the same software. Anti-virus software will not stop popups, as you have well found out. That's why the blockers are essential. I've tried to help make your surfing easier and more hassle-free. You can choose to implement the basic precautions and get rid of most popups, or you can choose not to and suffer through the popups that many sites serve up. Good luck.
  16. I'll be the first to tell you that blockers aren't perfect. That's why you run more than one. What one doesn't catch, another will. But, they definitely work and work well. IMHO, it's unfair for you to say that hotscopes should be avoided because it's the worst site. It simply isn't true and doesn't hold up under scrutiny. I play and download videos there all the time without any problems, as do other CC users. If you take the necessary precautions for surfing the Internet, not just hotscopes, and use a download manager, you should easily be able to play and download videos from hotscopes and many other sites, as well. Except for the ones that have been deleted. There's not much you can do about those. On the other hand, if you don't take those precautions, you have no room to complain about popups on hotscopes or any other site because they are easily avoided. Also, create a free account on hotscopes and login with it. That should help, too.
  17. That's not what I said. I was only talking about hotscopes specifically, which is what I said. As I said, if you see a popup start to load, just press Ctrl+W and it will close immediately. That works with any popup or tab on any website. The companies that design and create the AV software, anti-spyware software, etc., do not also create viruses, spyware and other malware. These companies fight viruses, etc., with the software they design. That's like saying people should avoid the Internet. Are there dangers on the Internet? Sure, that's why it's necessary to take the proper precautions by using blockers, AV apps, etc. If you don't protect yourself, you're just a target waiting to be caught in some nefarious hacker's trap. I have a suggestion. Disable those ad/popup blockers you're using then try to play the videos on hotscopes. If they still won't play, it may be that Flash Player is not turned on in your browser(s). Since it's being phased out, browsers don't usually activate it by default anymore. You have to do it manually. See if that helps. This will also help. Create a free account at hotscopes and login. That made a difference for me. It should for you, as well. I hope this is helpful.
  18. An observation. The only rule (in Global Rules) that pertains to begging applies to free account information, but not videos. 2) No begging for free account information.
  19. Boy, did I set you up for that one, or what? Shame on me.
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