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Everything posted by letsdothis

  1. Looks like she's camming for one. Is that what a private show looks like?
  2. Thank you for answering back. If they had been your daughters, I'd have thought you have excellent genes, because you don't look old enough to have daughters that age. Judging from your picture, you don't even look old enough to call them "very little sisters". "Little sisters" I could possibly believe. 😊 Thanks, again. You're very kind to answer my question.
  3. Sorry to take so long to get back to you. I fell asleep (side effect of my meds). Facetious means: flippant, frivolous, tongue-in-cheek, ironic mischievous, etc. You could also call it the opposite of sincere. 😊
  4. JMO, but anything to do with shit gets a gross rating of at least 100 from me. Never could understand people's fascination with shit. 👎
  5. Hey Keetarp. I, too, am a long-time fan and follower of Leora, since their first apt. I would also agree with a lot of what you said. There are, however, two points I would have to disagree with. Leora and Paul became RLC tenants on 6/28/13, which would be a little over five years ago. I don't believe RLC has even been in business for eight years. Some of the historians for the site can correct me if I'm wrong, but I think they have been around for about six years, maybe seven, give or take. While I think Leora is great and I love who she is and what she does, I could never call her a goddess. I'm simply not into worshiping people, no matter how good, beautiful, talented, etc., they might be. JMO. I just noticed one more thing I'd like to point out. You said: "...you may call it profit making or whatever business purposes if you feel, but I'd rather call it self satisfaction" I actually called it both profit-making (although I didn't use those words), as well as self-satisfaction. And, yes, cheers to Leora!
  6. Damn, Hope. OUTSTANDING!!! And, thanks to you, too, Nelly!!!! ❤️
  7. Wow, the exact date, no less. Good job. We should call you the historian. BTW, if it's OK to ask, are the girls in your profile pic friends or daughters? 😊
  8. A screwincorn sounds interesting, but a Cleveland accordion is gross as shit, literally!! JMO.
  9. And, that's a GREAT looking pussy, too!! ❤️
  10. JMO, but I don't think these girls have been given a fair shake since they've been here. And, that's not only a friendly looking ass, it's also a cute ass. And I'm not even an ass-man.
  11. Isn't that Gargamel? Isn't he the one with the bald spot? Just guessing.
  12. I went all the way back to page 36 and read every post. I couldn't find a single detractor in the bunch. But, I see they pulled his comment.
  13. Love or not, the sheer gall and laziness of this jerk is unbelievable. If he did have any love for her, he wouldn't use her hand to spit seeds into. And, even if she agreed to do it, he certainly wouldn't allow her to hold it there so long that she needed to use her left hand to hold up her right arm, because it was so tired. There's no love there on his part and jerk is putting it mildly. He's just using her. Even if she's not an actual girlfriend, you don't treat someone you're having sex with like that. IMHO.
  14. OMG!! RLC brought back Barca1. And, with Irma ❤️ as one of the first tenants!! There is a God. 😊 Welcome back all of you.
  15. Of course, she wouldn't make a fortune in the beginning. That goes without saying. She would have to build up her number of followers, just like everyone else. But, she would have a head start with her loyal RLC fans.
  16. If tenants or guests block, cover, move or cut off the cameras, then a fine is well deserved and should be progressive. If we lose dick brain's apt because of it, then so be it. He should have thought about that before the cams are messed with And, the answer is not special treatment because they're girls or a different placement of the cameras. The answer is, if they don't want to fuck on camera, just go somewhere else. JMO
  17. She may be an excellent violinist, but her violin is not that powerful. 😊 Me thinks he doth pull my leg. LOL.
  18. WOW!! he says in stunned silence. And, again, thank you VERY much!! I'm not used to such random compliments and I'm definitely not used to being called amazing. In fact, that might just be a first. And I'm glad I can put a smile on somebody's face. So, once again, my heartfelt thanks and I'll just bounce it all right back to you. ❤️ Enjoy the rest of your weekend.
  19. Thank you. I'll take it. Right back at ya, Amy!!! But, just out of curiosity, where did that come from? Did I say something to spark your kind words? ❤️
  20. I wondered what happened to that table. How did it break? Just curious.
  21. I may be a little late to this party, but I have a thought I'd like to add. Neither do prostitutes work by the hour, they work by the "john". Here, guys, whether they're friends or strangers, visit the apt, they have sex with one or more girls, they leave money with someone for sexual services rendered and they leave. Whether it happens once a week or 10 times a day, you would be hard-pressed to give a more accurate demonstration or definition of the word, prostitution, which, according to the dictionary, means: "the practice or occupation of engaging in sexual activity with someone for payment" Mind you I don't care if that's what they choose to do. I still enjoy watching regardless. I'm just saying if it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck, then it must be a duck. JMHO.
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