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Everything posted by letsdothis

  1. I agree the word certainly has more than one meaning, as do a lot of words in any language. And, I absolutely understand your trouble if that was the only meaning you were aware of. For example, I wasn't aware of the meaning, "Moments, hours immediately preceding death," until I looked it up. But, since my only knowledge of the word was, extreme or acute pain and suffering, that's how I used it in my previous post.
  2. Dark, that was my entire point. In none of those three posts was there a single word of compassion for Lexy. It was all about Pete's state of mind and Pete's well being and how soon it would be over for Pete, etc. I'm sure you're not heartless, but your only concern and consideration in those posts was for Pete. But it's Lexy who lay suffering in pain. Pete loves Lexy more than he can probably express in words and, I'm sure, more with every breath he takes. I have no doubt that he would do anything in his power to help the woman he loves so dearly, including transferring her pain to himself, if he could. But, it wasn't Pete who was suffering, except maybe from the helplessness of not being able to offer much solace or relief to Lexy. Bottom line, I just think it's Lexy who should be the object of our greatest concern. She's the one who's sick.
  3. Straight from the dictionary. Agony - extreme physical or mental suffering also - intense feelings of suffering; acute mental or physical pain also - a state of acute pain synonyms - pain, hurt, suffering Yea, I'm pretty sure I had it right...before I looked it up.
  4. Really?!! Seriously?!!! How about a little compassion for Lexi? She's the one in excruciating pain and agony. Jesus, guys.
  5. As they say in show business, she leaves it all on the stage! ❤️ 👍👌 (And I don't mean to say she's acting in any way. Quite the contrary. She's very real.)
  6. That's very true, but that wasn't the purpose of the post. The post wasn't intended for people to download videos. It was just to show the four different URLs they could use to get to the site. You probably noticed I was able to show a text version of the URLs by deactivating the links. In order to use them, people have to copy and paste the text. What I would prefer is to have them be active links, instead. I appreciate you looking into it. Thanks.
  7. I didn't download a video I didn't upload a video. I didn't post a video. I just created and posted a link that points to a video on a web page. These 1188 videos all reside on this website. https://cdn.reallifecamhd.xyz/1.mp4 Or, you can use .org or .net or .com, instead of .xyz. That's what I was trying to show. The four different URLs/links you can use to get to this website. The embedded videos don't show that. The system took my links, changed them into videos and embedded them in the post. All without asking if I wanted to do that.
  8. It always gets me when cats watch their tails as if it's not a part of them. Like it's some external "thing" they're about to pounce on. And, sometimes they do pounce.
  9. I searched for Angelica_sweetheart on Chaturbate, but couldn't find it.
  10. You suppose well: great smile: ... with the Ulead Gif Animator program I always thought it was to showcase all those super cool special effects. He's got a million of them. ☺️ I always liked the one where the girl slowly disappears as she walks to the door to leave the apt for the last time when her stay is over (B1).
  11. Would you mind please posting those URLs, so I can do the same? I'd rather not wait until the next time I get those popups. Thanks a bunch.
  12. Now, she needs to teach Dana about the importance of light. 😁
  13. Check the links again. A page shows for both Index Off That's because you can't go directly to the main domain. You have to add a video number to it, like this: https://cdn.reallifecamhd.com/1188.mp4 I've found that any of these four URLs will work, as long as there's a video number where the 1 is. (Copy and paste any of them and it will take you to video #1. From there you can change the number in the URL to any number up to 1188--currently.) Happy hunting. https://cdn.reallifecamhd.org/1.mp4 https://cdn.reallifecamhd.net/1.mp4 https://cdn.reallifecamhd.com/1.mp4 https://cdn.reallifecamhd.xyz/1.mp4
  14. Do you have any Earthly idea how completely inappropriate both of those commands are? Aside from the fact that most people don't appreciate being told what to do, especially by someone who thinks it's perfectly OK to order people what to do, adblockers serve a very useful and necessary function. When you have sites like Openload, that inundates users to their site with popup after popup, including the dreaded, "error from MiCROsoft" popup, they are an absolute necessity. And why should I have to use another browser just to avoid popups from sites the likes of Openload, that thinks it's perfectly OK to dump any and all manner of garbage on peoples' computers. And, btw, it looks like you missed the line in my previous post that said I actually did completely disable all three adblockers and still couldn't get past this page. This is the entire page. Nothing else shows up.
  15. My tongue would fall right out of my mouth. 😁
  16. When he's done massaging her, you know he's going to just fall over dead and go straight to heaven. 😁 Good ones Hope!!!
  17. What video screen? I would use a download manager, but all I see is: The publisher of this file doesnt allow adblock, please disable and reload! So, I trusted the site in my three adblockers, one at a time so I could see which one was blocking access. I still couldn't get through. So, I disabled all three completely and I still couldn't get through.
  18. Thank you very much! But to be fair, it was all Megan. I just pressed a key. Although, I don't think she held that position for long because I only have that one cap of her on her knees.
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