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Everything posted by letsdothis

  1. Ha Ha. That's funny, but it's, All Day I Dream About Soccer.
  2. In Sanskrit, Ira is the name of the wind-god who is father of the God of strength and devotion, Hanuman. In Russia and Finland, Ira is a female given name, which is the short form of the Greek name, Eirene.
  3. I agree with "...habits and behaviors." But I think there's quite a bit of shyness in her, as well. Even when they first started out and they were on fire, her nudity was confined to the bedroom and the bathroom. It's only been very recently that I've seen a couple of pics of her topless in the kit/LR/DR areas. And they are very few and far between. Sometimes I see these videos that say Adriana masturbating in LR. And when I watch them, she's on the sofa, fully freaking clothed. Who gives a rat's ass? That would be like Leora 'bating fully naked and legs spread wide...off camera. Who would care? Like @xdjernix said before...most boring apt, IMHO.
  4. I don't know about Sasha. I'd say Masha needs the oxygen. She was doing all the work.
  5. Hey plum, VH doesn't have to do a thing. You can do it yourself. Check out the post below, from tweety. Works like a charm. Good luck.
  6. ?? What power magnifying glass and flashlight are you using?
  7. Thank you profusely for that little tip. Already had the free account. Didn't know it would get rid of the preview bar over the main screen. I could kiss you, if you aren't a guy.
  8. Truer words!! The way that poor cat gets thrown about is sinful. She's not a toy!!
  9. Sparkles, I only said that because I was pretty sure I'd read a post of yours where you said that was the reason you stopped. I read it somewhere. It must have been someone else who said it.
  10. That is one hell of a bruise. When you get to the full-size of this pic, you can see it's a circle with a line through it. Rather a strange shape for a bruise. Did you say she got it having sex?
  11. He made that decision because people criticized the way he posted pics.
  12. Glad I could help. Good to have you back. You seem to be in a better state of mind. I'm happy for you.
  13. That middle finger sure is a universal gesture. It's at least 2500 years old. Aristophanes wrote about this gesture in his play "The Clouds", which first played in 423 BC, where none other than Socrates was presented the middle finger by Strepsiades. And even then it was considered a rude and indecent gesture, mimicking the penis and testicles. The gesture communicates moderate to extreme contempt and is roughly equivalent in meaning to "fuck off," "fuck you," "shove it up your ass," "up yours," or "go fuck yourself." The word "fuck" is of Germanic origin (way to go, Jabba! ), related to Dutch, German, and Swedish words for “to strike” and “to move back and forth.” Probably more than you wanted to know, but now you know.
  14. I think I came pretty close. I enlarged the pic 300%. This is a section of that enlargement. I think you're right. It looks like her foot is on the bed beside his leg. However, it looks to me like her shin is laying up against his knee, if not slightly overlapping it. But, I'm sure you know how the camera can play tricks on the eye. Although, I think @Howard is right. We're just grasping at straws in the wind. And @Howard, ( can I call you Popeye? Every time I see your avatar, I just want to call you Popeye. Would that be OK?) I think you're right on pretty much everything you said. And what you said in your last paragraph, is just about a spot on definition for "cuckold". (Image Content No Longer Available)
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