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Everything posted by letsdothis

  1. Am I seeing things or is her leg draped over his? And are they watching a movie together? Is this an old pic?
  2. Now that you say it, I can see that little baby-fat face of Belle on the girl by the tree. But, the girl on the left, who is obviously the same girl, doesn't look anything like Belle at all, in the face, IMHO. And she looks a LOT older than the other girls. Much older. Even when Belle started out back in B1, I could never understand peoples' fascination with her. Again, this is all JMO.
  3. OK, I'll bite. Which one is BB? And who is the girl in the GIF? Edit: Or did you mean BBsq69?
  4. Smithy, I think you misspelled that. Shouldn't it be "dick"? BTW, I love your avatar.
  5. With the addition of the preview bar across the main screen for non-members, with no way to remove it, that makes VH pretty much useless to me. And you were doing such a great job.
  6. This looks like a tactic RLC would use and as far as I'm concerned, RLC is the asshole of the world. This is stooping pretty low, VH. " RLC is the asshole of the world." Refers to the management who make the shitty, greedy decisions, not the regular staff or the website.
  7. Bear, I'm really trying, but I guess we're gonna have to agree to not understand. You seem to be saying the same thing, but it doesn't seem to have anything to do with what I'm saying. For example: "Not that we stop "discussing" but that was precisely our "discussion" about what I believe (my vision)" If I understand this correctly, what I was talking about in my first reply to you, was completely unrelated to your "vision" of, "this is just Stella, Stephen, and Chris." We weren't talking about your vision. I was referring only to your point where you said we should not discuss any further, whether or not they were siblings because it had already been discussed. That's what I was talking about to moos, so that had to be what you were talking about in the first line of your first post, which was: "Gentlemen, please! This has already been observed." That line has nothing to do with your vision. I tried to be as clear as possible. I hope I was.
  8. It's actually the name of the company that made it, but I was asking what it was made of.
  9. I'm a little confused. I didn't know what lello was, so I looked it up. So far, I've found that it's slang for cocaine and Spanish slang for "dummy". I'm pretty sure neither of those is what you meant for the composition of your dildo. Can you help me out?" Edit: I see, now that you added "Soraya", that you weren't talking about what it's made of. You meant who made it. "LELO is a Swedish company that designs and develops upmarket sex toys." I was asking what it's made of.
  10. "What would be impediment of something more effective between them." I don't understand what you're asking, here. I simply meant they couldn't possibly be brothers, since they are male and female. "Nothing against exhausting the subject in debates in the forum..." This statement in your first post: "Gentlemen, please! This has already been observed." Seemed to say just the opposite. That you wanted us to stop because it had already been discussed. And of course, you're entitled to your vision, bear. Just please let the rest of us talk about what we choose to, so we can form our own visions.
  11. That's hysterical!!! Another one for the Funnies. Is that what you call, fucking her bowlegged?
  12. "Gentlemen, please! This has already been observed." Bear, are you saying we can't talk about a subject that's already been brought up? That if a subject has already been talked about once, it's off limits for further discussion? That we can't talk about whatever we want to talk about, even if it's already been talked about? Maybe someone has another opinion about that same discussion. Maybe someone or some people weren't involved in that previous discussion because they didn't see the previous conversation and now wish to input their opinions on the matter. I don't know about you, but I have much too little time to even try to read all the current texts, let alone try to research back 10, 20, 50 pages to see if a subject has been discussed before. Maybe there should be a new conversation now because new people have opinions or even those involved in the old discussion have new opinions. Maybe I'm repeating myself, but maybe we should talk about anything we choose to, even if it's been discussed before. "For the CB website they identify as brothers." I haven't read that particular CB site, but it probably doesn't say "brothers". Unless it's a mistake.
  13. Viki is the one laying on the bed with her legs open.
  14. That's a good point, nack. And IMHO, if there were less, as in no, thumbnail-sized GIFs and 4x6ish sized pics, there would be a lot more bandwidth to load more larger-sized and more useful pics and GIFs. And remember, bandwidth is not an infinite entity, but it can be increased. And it would make sense that VH has allowed for that in their business plan and subscription costs.
  15. What I hope for in pics & GIFs. Many more pics and GIFs, unless they're near-duplicates from the same poster. Duplicates from different posters can't always be avoided and that's understandable. I say more because unlike some, I and maybe a few others will never have the opportunity to have a membership, unless I win one. So, I have to rely on you guys and gals to help me see what's going on, but 4 or 5 pics can't usually do that. You all are definitely my eyes and I thank you for that. Larger pics & GIFs, at least the size of your screen. I understand not everyone has the same size screen or resolution, but everyone can post fullscreen pics & GIFs. You just have to click on the fullscreen icon and record or cap in fullscreen mode. Easy peasy. Some of you may be familiar with Hope85. He only posts on RLC and his work is always the sharpest, crispest, clearest media around. It's really outstanding. All his GIFs are 1200 x 675 give or take a pixel or two and they average 1.5-15MB in size. That's tiny for such a decent sized GIF. I only found one that was larger and it was only 18MB. I'd say that's a very good size to start with, IMO. I don't know what resolution he uses for those GIFs, but at least 720p, maybe 1080p.
  16. I like it! I was talking about pics, but of course, it would be a good thing for GIFs, too.
  17. I say, sticks and stones, Jabba. Hard drive real estate is so cheap these days it's laughable. I've seen 5TB portable hard drives for about $150. That's about $30 per TB. That's unreal. If you just want an extra TB or two, they start around $40 or $50. I like large, but maybe they don't have to be UHD. Maybe just 1080p HD would save on file size, but still allow for large dimensions and clear, sharp, detailed pics. Just a thought.
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