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Everything posted by letsdothis

  1. Jabba, I always look forward to your pics and GIFs, not only because they're good shots, but because they're big enough that you can actually see what you're looking at. Even your GIFs are BIG, although I wouldn't mind if they were a bit bigger. But, they're a LOT BETTER already, than the thumbnail-sized GIFs that some post. Those are like a tiny blob of color or shades of grey, unless they enlarge to bigger GIFs. Imagination is great, but not when it comes to the pics and GIFs on this forum. I for one, miss all the pics you used to post. I wish you'd go back to posting more of your great pics. I hope you will.
  2. You're right, moos, it could very well be a ruse to get more and bigger tips. Or, they could also be actual siblings. They certainly have the same body style, very thin. They also have the same facial features. They might even be fraternal twins, who don't have to look any more like twins than normal siblings. It's a 50/50 shot if they're related or not and we may never know for sure. As for being naked around your sibling: In their world of professional camming, I'm sure the blush has been off that rose for a long time. Meaning, they're so used to seeing each other naked by now, that's it's no big deal to them, seeing each other naked. If they are siblings.
  3. But before they do, they should give him a treatment like he gave Anabel.
  4. Sparkles. these would be great shots if she just wasn't so ugly.
  5. Thanks, Squirrely. Appreciate it. DMCA? At VHTV?
  6. I'm positive you're right. I have two ASUS ROGs and their keyboards don't light up that brightly. Plus, when you said MSI, I looked up their logo and it's a match. compared to Mods: I know this picture (on the right) doesn't contain the VH logo, but it also doesn't contain any VH tenants or anything remotely resembling a VH apt, so I thought it might be exempt from the rule. If that is not the case, let me know and I'll remove it.
  7. I'm just curious. Does anyone know what brand laptop that is? I enlarged the logo on the back of the screen and I'm not familiar with it. Thanks.
  8. I will miss you, my friend. I am sorry to see you go, but I think I might understand why. All the best. I pray you someday get to be the actual woman you so long to be.
  9. DAMN!!!!! She looks fine in that picture!!! MMMMMMM-MMM
  10. Very well thought out and excellently written!! I might add, "not reaching for the hedge trimmers," to find the target. I like the first three pussies just as much as I like the fourth and fifth. And, @Oldstalker, I believe you're right. Each one "is as individual as a fingerprint" and "NO furburgers"!!
  11. It's from the 60s, I think. And, back then I think just about every woman on the planet had a full-on furry bush, even the porn actors. I remember when Playboy made such a big deal when they published their first full-frontal nudes. I remember thinking, what full-frontal nudes? All I see is a bunch of furry, black hair.
  12. If he's leaving, he probably has to pack his stuff.
  13. I'd happily shave my pubic hair completely bald for any woman who wanted me to and have done so on several occasions. What's good for the gander is good for the goose, to paraphrase a popular saying.
  14. Beautiful shot, Refur. Great picture size, too. Thanks a lot.
  15. Yes, I know you guys don't like cam shows. And that's OK. To each his own. As long as I can get reasonably close-up, unrestricted views of what I'm capping, I'm happy as a pig in shit, as the old saying goes. What can I say, I love naked women. It matters not to me what they're doing or how they got that way, I'm having fun and I hope they are, too. All I can say is if you don't like 'em, don't watch 'em. And I'm not trying to be a smartass. Just logical. Why waste your time watching something you don't like? I agree, Tomi is very, very high on the cute factor.
  16. Yes, at a 5% earnings, the $4800 is correct, but I'm not sure where you got the $2880. On the backend, CH would earn $7680-$4800=$2880. That's where you got the $2880. On the frontend, they would also earn whatever % they charge the token buyer. Quite a racket.
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