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Posts posted by letsdothis

  1. Just now, martyen said:

    Max ton post is interesting and is a possible solution the only problem for me is the casting: Gina, Tereza, the twins not sure that it pleases many of us. But maybe you have information that comfirme this casting and I would be very decue. That's just my opinion

    Anyplace Gina and the twins are, would certainly please me a great deal. Love
    me some Gina and the twins are just so damn cute. And, I heard one of them
    got their pussy eaten by Shea. Sure wish I could have seen that. Wish I could
    see a lot more action from the 2nd floor.

  2. 38 minutes ago, ozzie. said:

    Why the hell there is no videos?? Website is not allowing?? So what's the purpose of this forum?? I'm really eager to watch Leora's vids. Please guide me guys

    Hey ozzie, welcome. With RLC videos, you have to be quick, in order to download
    them. But, there is one that's still available, right above your post. Some third-
    party hosts take down RLC videos (at the request of DMCA) very quickly. Sendvid,
    Zippyshare and Mega usually take them down within hours. With MyAirBridge, you
    usually get a day or two, before they take them down.

    The CC notification system stopped working, for me, months ago, so I keep a browser
    window open, with all the picture and video threads in it. Periodically, I just run
    through them to see if there is any new content, especially videos. Works for me.

    I hope some of this helps.

    • Like 1
  3. On 11/19/2017 at 4:52 PM, thedbear said:

    Okay, I'll do a better explanation.
    first look at the dates. It was not intentional, but exactly 14 days between them.

    Before the apartment comes the line. So Sally / Linda and Carrie already knew each other (and well), before it was opened. (torpedo # 1).

    When the apartment came along the line, Linda and Carrie made it clear to anyone who wanted to see that they had an intimate relationship with each other (Torpedo # 2).
    We did not have male presences there yet.

    And torpedo # 3 would be a caps from Linda and Carrie, together, and then teasing with a male guest in bed. and then became an effective sex with Carrie. The first of the apartment (six days after this image).

    Again leaving "in the air" that apartment would have a liberal potential and equally daring.
    All this before was in the field of teaser and teaser.
    But now and today we have evolved in this and we are in the real field of execution


    So to follow what was suggested before and to make effective would be in my view the adequate (and efficient) way of recovering and increasing even more the credibility of this apartment, the girls and the project.

    Unfortunately what we have here today is the appearance of Leon, which blocks with its constant presence the expected evolution and I believe intended.

    Carrie has no more "stage" to shine again.

    bear, I have labored long and hard over what to say to you and how to say it, so as
    not to sound harsh or insulting, or in any other way to come across as negative or
    condescending. That is certainly not my intention. I say that because I had a difficult
    time comprehending what you were saying to me, due to the language barrier between
    us. Unfortunately, there's not going to be anything that either of us can do about that
    in near future. Hence, my dilemma.

    Then it dawned on me that we were talking about two completely unrelated subjects. I
    was trying to offer a defining explanation of just the two phrases written in ze81's and
    waldi's posts, which I listed in my original post. I think you were trying to disprove what
    I said, based on your knowledge of the tenants, their behaviors, their personalities, their
    guests, etc., none of which I had any knowledge of and wasn't referring to.

    I hope this helps to explain everything.

    Also, I don't have a VH membership, unfortunately, so i don't have access to the Timeline,
    the Archives, the Memories, or whatever they are called. I wish I did. :sad:

  4. On ‎2017‎-‎11‎-‎21 at 2:49 PM, vahid said:

    renata and victoria kiss

    (Video Content No Longer Available)


    On ‎2017‎-‎11‎-‎21 at 2:55 PM, vahid said:

    renata and victoria kiss

    (Video Content No Longer Available)

    vahid, these two files are gone already. Could you possibly use myairbridge or
    another host and upload them again, please? Thanks if you can. Thanks for
    trying if you can't.

  5. 9 hours ago, ze81 said:

    I can see your point,but what lead a lot of us to believe this two residents would had an bi relation was their actions..first over Tim place and then continue in this house.Neither of the girls(at least in my view)are bi,they teases weren't authentic at all,and both looked a more at easy and liking it with the dudes.My point(but I can see others thinking the oposite)from the start that was what the manager and residentes wanted us to believe..that they had some kind of intim relationship,but from what I seen they are just friends.This type of residents,houses will work when they opened an place with real lesbian couples or bi.

    Thank you, ze. I appreciate that. And, I completely understand what you're saying.
    And you know all that, because you follow the apt. I was just trying to explain the
    phrases in your and waldi's posts, not based on the tenants behavior. I'm glad at
    least one person understood what I was saying. Thank you.

    And you're right, if the managers and tenants lead you to believe one thing is going
    to happen, knowing something else is going to happen, that's unfair advertising. If
    they keep doing that, pretty soon we won't believe a word they say.

    • Like 1
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  6. 4 hours ago, nack said:

    There can be a 100 sides for every viewpoint for all i care and i know i am in the minority.Heck,there might be only 2-3 of us BUT they absolutely bore me from the first day they joined.

    You did say one thing that we completely agree on, I do believe that you are in the
    minority on this point. I believe Eric is OK, but Layla is absolutely awesome. She
    is drop dead gorgeous and has one of the best looking bodies I've ever laid eyes
    on. I could watch her all day, and not be bored. Except maybe when she has
    on clothes. :biggrin:

  7. 49 minutes ago, thedbear said:


    torpedo # 2 !!!

    That also doesn't mean they are bisexual with each other,:cool:


    I already did a good damage, in your battleship or should I send torpedo # 3?

    thedbear, I don't follow this apt or maybe it's two apts. I've never seen these
    girls. I don't know their living situation or if they're guests of one of the tenants.
    I'm completely in the dark. All I see are two, or possibly four girls making out
    with each other. You're going to need to be a little more succinct, please.

  8. 23 hours ago, waldi said:

    they don't have to be, but why vhtv announced that as an only girl/girl apartment then?

    First, if those are the actual words VH used, that doesn't say they are lesbian or
    bisexual. It doesn't even imply it. It simply says, there are two girls living in the
    same apt. And that in itself doesn't make them lesbian or bisexual, just two girls
    living in the same apt.

    Second, @ze81 said, "...advertised by VH for,,two bi girls living togheter ." That
    also doesn't mean they are bisexual with each other, just that they swing both
    ways. It just means there are two bisexual girls living in the same apt and they
    may bring their own partners to their beds. Hell, they may not even have known
    each other when they first moved in together. IDK.

    Unless they are adult entertainment actors, it would probably be difficult for two,
    unacquainted girls to have sex with each other, until they got to know each other,
    and chose to do so. Unless that's what they were looking to do in the first place,
    IMHO. Now, an unacquainted guy and girl having sex as soon as they meet, that's
    a different story. Misty proves that true, almost everyday, much to our delight!

    Just my take on it.

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