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Everything posted by letsdothis

  1. You both are just big teasers. That's not what it looks like, at all.
  2. In the second paragraph, I explained why. Some people prefer to download the videos and keep a copy on their HDD. Also, the videos on those other sites frequently get deleted and don't play when you click on them, especially the older ones. Even some of the newer ones I can't play because of various errors.
  3. 或许spygasm中的女性那么性感就是用了PS技术? Hi Yuu, I'm not sure what your reply has to do with my comment, but thanks and welcome to the forum. And spygasm hasn't been in operation for quite a while.
  4. Yes, it is too bad. If you know of a program that will remove them without leaving a bigger mess than the watermark, I'm all ears. I don't like them any more than you do. My only interests are the RLC participants in the videos and providing a way for people to download those videos. I'm not advertising for any business. You may have also noticed there are at least two other sites that use that same style of watermark. The reason the guy from hotscopes was banned is that he was posting videos in the open downloads with links to his site which created spam so he got banned. By downloading the videos and using a 3rd-party host to post them, I avoid that situation. That, and the fact that I don't work for hotscopes or any other site. That's fine if you don't want to download them. No harm, no foul.
  5. Jabba, that's not very hospitable to a brand-new member.
  6. Amira with Amalia and Loraine with Anthony massage and rub their bodies (Too bad there's a big smudge on the camera lens right where Amalia's pussy is. But, Anthony must have thought he had died and gone to heaven!) (Content No Longer Available)
  7. Radislava hot pussy rub with her dildo (Content No Longer Available)
  8. Foreign policy expert and military historian Max Boot served as the senior foreign policy adviser for the presidential campaigns of Republican candidates John McCain, Mitt Romney and Marco Rubio, and is a champion of classic Republican ideas.
  9. You gotta watch out for those sneaky camels.
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