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Everything posted by letsdothis

  1. Ever had a car bomb? The ones I've had, didn't have the whiskey in them, at least I didn't see it. In fact, until I read this article, I didn't even know they were made with whiskey. Now I feel cheated. 😊 But, it's so good and I don't even like stout. ___________ As you get prepared to enjoy many car bombs this Saint Patrick's Day, you may want to know a few things before you get too inebriated. First, the Irish Car Bomb is an American cocktail -- it's only called Irish because of the use of Guinness, Baileys Irish Cream and Jameson Irish Whiskey. Second, we call it a car bomb because when the shot of Baileys is dropped into the glass of Guinness, it bubbles up like an explosion. Because of the Irish ingredients, someone thought it was a good idea to name it an Irish Car Bomb. It was not. Car bombs are not taken lightly in Ireland and the name makes reference to a difficult time in Ireland -- one where many people were hurt, and times were hard. It's offensive and naming a drink after this time in history doesn't really make a lot of sense -- it's just insensitive. Third, if you're going to make this drink, you need to know how to make it properly (and try to come up with a different name for it). Pour yourself a glass of Guinness. Not too much because you'll have to chug it all, but enough to cover the height of a shot glass (about half a pint). Next, in a shot glass pour half an ounce of Jameson Irish Whiskey and half an ounce of Baileys Irish Cream. Drop the shot glass into the beer, chug and repeat.
  2. "Here is the full 2019 list of most popular baby names in the US, which includes the Top 1000 names for girls and names for boys. Note that the SSA (Social Security Administration) counts each spelling and variation as a separate name, so that some names with many popular variations rank much higher than it appears from this list. Considering all spellings together, Jackson is actually the most popular name for boys in the US and Sophia the top name for girls." If you click on a name, you'll get MANY more statistics for it.
  3. Hey Secret. You might want to move this to the video topic before the mods delete it. Just copy and paste from here to there.
  4. Here's another one. What's the opposite of isolate... ...yousoearly.
  5. Examples of Picasso's paintings. _______________ You ever hear of deviled eggs? Yum.
  6. Thanks. Glad you liked it. It's a very old video. Maybe from their first time on RLC.
  7. Artist Pablo Picasso surprised a burglar at work in his new chateau. The intruder got away, but Picasso told the police he could do a rough sketch of the suspect. On the basis of his drawing, the police arrested a mother superior, the minister of finance, a washing machine, and the Eiffel tower.
  8. The Devil whispered in my ear, “You’re not strong enough to withstand the storm.” I whispered in the Devil’s ear, “I like your eggs.”
  9. It was just a joke. What I meant was, it's not a kitten anymore.
  10. Budda, I think you may have misunderstood everything I said before. I couldn't care less about the date and time. I don't have access to the timeline, so the date and time mean absolutely nothing to me. I only care about the subjects, more precisely, the women. I don't recall who it was, but someone else asked for the date and time, so they could look it up on the timeline.
  11. I'll see if I can find a fix. It may take some time. Hang in there.
  12. The opposite of isolate... ... is yousoearly.
  13. Seems that's happened on this site before: Mira and Henry, Lola and Otto come to mind. Didn't Felix also get it in the ass? I think there have been others, too, IDK, not my thing.
  14. From what I can see, the Womanizer seems to work a bit differently than the ones I was referring to. It looks like the Womanizer blows air on the clit while these others actually suck on it.
  15. Some of you may remember this video from years ago. It's a 63 second, FLV file, recorded at 25 frames per second (FPS), with a bitrate of 195 kb/s, which is horrible quality. But, no matter what I tried, for the life of me I could not improve the quality enough to make it worth viewing. I was about to give up, when I found that if I took a screenshot of individual frames, I could enhance the still shots much more to my liking. So, that's what I did. I deconstructed the original video into individual frames (think pictures), all 1575 of them (63 seconds * 25 FPS). Then I denoised and sharpened each individual frame. When that was done, I reconstructed the enhanced frames back into an MP4 video. Once I had the MP4 file, I corrected the white balance to get rid of the dull, muddy-looking, grayish veil over the colors. The finished video has a bitrate of 7109. The higher the bitrate, the better the quality. Since it's only a minute, I posted both the original and the final result. Kitty 'bate on sofa (Content No Longer Available)
  16. That would be a heat wave in Scotland, so I'm told.
  17. Budda, could you please post the full size version of this. Thanks a lot.
  18. I'm not sure of its actual name, but the nickname for that genre of vibrator is the "magic sucker".
  19. I missed your PS when I downloaded your video the other day. It's not just hotscopes, there are many sites that aggregate RLC videos from wherever they can find them, even from each other. It's just the nature of the beast. We don't own what we post, so they can do whatever they want with it. If it's any consolation, I posted a video about a week ago and in less than an hour I saw that exact video on hotscopes. Please don't let it stop you from posting. That would be the tragedy for the CC community.
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