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Everything posted by Maturin

  1. Uhhh, what? They are all facts mate, just google any one of them - I'm not going to do your research for you. If you say I'm wrong then prove me wrong. Also, you say that if they are facts then they are a good thing? I'll leave these two here then:
  2. Guess I missed the best part of the evening, fun on the sofa!
  3. Absolutely nailed it. I could see VH ending up like this when they opened that awful compound with those shit managers. This business model is fucked up - the people we are watching are constantly thinking about who, when and where they can fuck so that they can earn money to get by. I don't care to be involved in that at all, either as a viewer and definitely not a subscriber. Until VH gets rid of this flawed concept of managers running "tenants" who have to perform to earn a decent living whilst the managers take a cut of the performers' earnings then I won't be tuning in. It is a fucking grim situation verging on sex slavery. @Voyeur House TV you need to stop this or take any reference off your site to "Voyeurism," becuase this isn't it - what you are promoting is nasty, please have a word with yourselves. Pay your tenants directly and stop creating a situation in which they feel pressured to "perform".
  4. I wish the main light was on, it's annoying when the tv messes up the nightvision, it happens in all apartments
  5. There's a big big difference in capability and intelligence between Reagen and Trump. Trump will never approach being worthy of a mention in the same paragraph as Reagen and I'm not even a fan of Ronnie.
  6. While we are on the subject of the UK, imagine having such a shit president that he feels he cannot engage in a state visit to its oldest ally because the British people know how shit he is and they will jeer and boo him. Imagine having such a weak baby of a president that people jeering and booing him upsets him so much. What a grade A loser that guy is.
  7. Here we go. That mighty impressive 550 billion (how much of that is propping up just Israel?) ) works out to a shitty 0.19% of your GDP. Portugal spends a greater percentage of its GDP on foregin aid and the majority of that doesn't got to the oppressive Saudi and Israeli cartels. Next... Yes and it is fucking disgusting, people are doing something about it, not blindly cheering for our Prime Minister or her cabinet of goons and believing everything she says or the media makes up. Her party will be gone in the next election, you boys will still vote Republican.
  8. Yep, I know this one too, gimmie a sec to get the actual facts of what that figure you quoted means.
  9. "The United States is the world's largest economy with a GDP of approximately $18.56 trillion." yeah? Really? Kinda makes it difficult to excuse why your schools are overpopulated and short of teachers, or that your infrastucture is crumbling, or why people who get suddenly sick have to choose between getting treated and going bankrupt or just dying. If you're worth so much then why do 20% of your children livein poverty? Like I said, they are fucking you over. Don't quote statistics at me when it's clear that you are not able to ask or answer the real questions that those statistics raise. GDP of approximately $18.56 trillion. On January 26, 2016, debt held by the public was $13.62 trillion Yes, well done USA.
  10. There's not really much opinon in any of the points up there, every one of them can be backed up as I'm sure you are more than aware because it won't be the first time you've read similar. It's OK to change your mind, poltics isn't a sport with tribal alleignaces to the team you've supported all your life. You picked an absolutley shit person to be your head of state and surrounded him with the absolute worst people in America by electing those individuals to office, Paul Ryan? Jesus Christ is that really the best that was on offer? They are fucking you over, they have no loyalty to you so stop being loyal to them. Demand change and stop watching their propaganda TV stations because it is obvious you can't see that your country is right on the precipice of fucking itself up. I know that California is a leading example of treating immigrants and those in need with repect and dignity compared to the rest of your country. I also know that California is one of the wealthiest states, they say it would be the world's 6th largest economy if it were a country in it's own right. It's not too far a stretch to realise that California is being held back by the rest of the crumbling USA.
  11. Haha, yeah ok, America is doing great! Allow me to extend a massive thumbs up on behalf of all the non-shut down governments in the rest of the world. Your President is in Putin's pocket and you cheer as he subverts your much lauded justice system in order to keep himself out of jail The Republicans control both houses and the presidency yet they can't stop a shut down of your government Your Fox News doesn't even try to pretend any more that it is anything but a dishonest propaganda machine Your people have genuine conversations on the merits for and against a national health service, whilst the rst of the developed world looks on and scratches its head at the idiocy of not having such People that are for a national health service are labelled commies When your president moaned about too many people from "shithole countries," and that he wanted more people from Norway, Norwegians were like, "The fuck do I want to move to America?" Americans post pictures of poverty and people who have fallen out of the system (as you did in another post) and laugh at those unfortunate people as if they deserve to be living in tents in the "land of the free" 20% of US children live in poverty 50% of your people believe in creationism Your standards of living are significantly poorer compared to Europe, Canada, Japan etc You pick fights with East Asian arable farmers that have shit nuclear weapons which are probably more dangerous to them than to anyone else yet they are not scared ofyou - not one bit Shock and Awe worked out well didn't it? Maybe one day you'll win a war, it's been many many decades since you did that Look at the disgusting way your treat your veterans, you should all be fucking ashamed of yourselves Your people allowed all their jobs to be shipped overseas and now you believe that Donald Trump is the man to get them back again? hahaha 1% of your population own 95% of the wealth, yet you are are fine with this because you still believe the lie that the 1% tell you about the "American dream" and that one day you'll have some of that if only you could catch a break - they have rigged the game against you, you will never "catch a break" But yeah, please keep going on about Europe and Islam like you only get your news from 2015 whilst your country is tearing itself apart.
  12. What is more embarrasing for America is that the rest of the world is watching people, who you would think should know better, defending Trump and the Republican party! Fools!
  13. I'm hoping you put some porn on the tv tonight and watch it, that's the best! :D love watching you play with yourself!!
  14. Only masturbates in the bath or in bed with lights off, never in the living room with the best light, getting boring now.
  15. She really needs one of these. Leora, ask Santa nicely for this bad boy:
  16. Yep I'm getting it too. Holding control and scrolling with the mouse to zoom in or out sometimes allows you to scroll the page, or you can zoom far anough out that you can see all the apartment pics but then they become quite small. They are probably working on it.
  17. Unfortunately it seems that each political party represent two sides of the same coin. The Democrats and the Republicans seem to be made up of a political class that serves business and moneyed interest first and then the people that voted for them. They differ only in the promises they make to secure election but both exist only to better the interests of their donors through tax breaks and deregulation or turning a religious blind eye. The Democrats could have changed that but they fucked over Bernie Sanders for Clinton so fuck the Dems just as much as fuck the Republicans in general. I've said it before iPirate but it's worth repeating in reply to what you wrote: I don't hate religion or people that are religious. I hate people who use religion to control other people and religious people whose critical thinking and wonder at the universe stops short at the myths offered in a 2,000 year old book - in spite of the evidence of their own eyes. If people who were religious stopped trying to use their unfounded beliefs as authority to dictate how other people should live their lives then I would have no problem with them. And to be honest I recognise that it is only the minority of religious people that are fanatical in this way - I'd class most here as part of that subset though. There is no need to be so fanatical - quoting scripture at people and telling them that they will burn in damnation is no way at all to convince people of your case. Especially to someone like me that went through a Catholic education (thankfully without the pedophilia or sex pests) from the age of 4 right up through university level. I know all about the teachings of Christ, enough to see that people like you have lost your way. "What would Jesus do," has become such a cliche nowadays but if you are remotely religious then you should ask yourself that before typing, acting or speaking. It seems to me that instead of asking themselves what would Jesus say or do, people in this thread must be asking themselves, what would Sean Hannity say, what would Dick Cheney say, what would Trump do? You people talk about world events and flashpoints with such moral authority but please go back and read through all the stuff you ever seem to write on any subject - the courses of action you prescribe are always the shittiest choices; the ones with the most suffering, the ones with the most division, the ones championed by the most immoral people, like Trump. What the Christians here are for: Building walls Banning Muslims (except Muslims from Saudi Arabia - the nation responsible for 9/11) Supporting white men that promote Nazism on US soil Supporting a pedophile for Senate (good news today, well done Alabama) More guns Excusing police brutality Killing people as a means of conflict resolution Believing the money lenders that their lies about tax cuts will help you rather than serve themselves Not questioning the idolatory of Fox News Shouting down and harrassing people that believe in equality/environmental protection/ more fair distribution of wealth The list could go on: You people always choose the shittiest, most uncharitable, most un-Christian positions, so excuse me if I get pissed off by that and it shows in my responses because, more so than the moral authority of a mythical man in the sky, I hate bullshit artists. If you're a Christian then start acting that way, speak to your pastor or priest if you need help with that, seriously.
  18. Dublin isn't part of the UK - apart from that I don' think anyone in the UK would care where the US puts its embassy because the UK is at peace, even in Northern Ireland. Unlike in the Levant where one group of people has illegally taken the lands of another and is daily tightening its implementation of apartheid. Why shouldn't we put the US embassy where the parliament is because... is a typical American response to everything. "Why shouldn't we do whatever we want to give us a short term benefit regardless of the lives that are placed in danger because of our immature, shortsighted actions?" What's most disappointing about all this is that Americans haven't worked out why this is happening now, why this has been chosen to dominate the news cycle. It is a play to focus you all (and of course it has worked) away from matters at home, namely your traitorous President taking Russian brown envelopes and the net that the FBI is pulling taught around him. He would rather invite a massive terrorist attack by announcing this now to destablise Palestine than have his Russian links discussed in your "free" media, This is the man that you "Christians" support. The man that is endorsing a pedophile senate candidate in Alabama because he is not a Democrat - Jesus must be so proud of you all. This thread has been dominated by pious, uninformed religionists that support Donald Trump (!) the irony of that is not lost on the rest of us, it is laughable. What would Jesus do in such a situation, support Donald Trump? Support the Israelis with their social, economic and military apartheid? Have a word with yourselves, you people are about as Christian as the lowest, must inconsequential Al-Qaeda foot soldier. Fundamentalism must be resisted wherever it raises its ugly head, be that from the minority of Middle East Muslims or American fundamentalist capitalist pseudo-Christians.
  19. It is 'kin awful. Muted here too. Funny but her constant dancing has set up a rythm in my head anyway!
  20. Who needs couples counciling when all you needs are a couple of pills!
  21. I'm mean, I'm not saying that they are on all the drugs right now, all I'm saying is damn, the site that has tenants regularly taking drugs (in a safe, fun and consensual way) will definitely get my subscription!!
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