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Everything posted by Maturin

  1. It's a positive Utopia compared to what you guys have brought upon yourselves. That's the trouble with identifying as the most powerful nation on Earth - when you fuck it up you can't blame anybody more powerful than yourselves for ruining your day. Oh hang on, you blame refugees and migrants, the least powerful people, for your problems... Yeah, I'll stay in Europe, thanks.
  2. Myth: This is not a new policy and was practiced under Obama and Clinton - FALSE. The policy to separate parents and children is new and was instituted on 4/6/2018. It was the brainchild of John Kelly and Stephen Miller to serve as a deterrent for undocumented immigration, approved by Trump, and adopted by Sessions. Prior administrations detained migrant families, but didn’t have a practice of forcibly separating parents from their children unless the adults were deemed unfit. https://www.justice.gov/…/press-rele…/file/1049751/download… Are you seriously saying that all the images and videos of kids in cages which are provably recent and are a result of Trump's policy, "were taken when Obama was king?" Wow. Just, wow.
  3. And Darth Tangerine has just ended his own policy of separating families and keeping the children and babies in cages. The cognitively challenged among you will now praise his humanity for ending the inhumane practice that he started.
  5. Have you heard that children were separated from their parents under Obama & Clinton? Then, you need a little Facts vs Myths lesson. Michelle Martin, PhD Cal State Fullerton summed up the most important FACTS: There is so much misinformation out there about the Trump administration's new "zero tolerance" policy that requires criminal prosecution, which then warrants the separating of parents and children at the border. Before responding to a post defending this policy, please do your research...As a professor at a local Cal State, I research and write about these issues, so here, I'll make it easier for you: Myth: This is not a new policy and was practiced under Obama and Clinton - FALSE. The policy to separate parents and children is new and was instituted on 4/6/2018. It was the brainchild of John Kelly and Stephen Miller to serve as a deterrent for undocumented immigration, approved by Trump, and adopted by Sessions. Prior administrations detained migrant families, but didn’t have a practice of forcibly separating parents from their children unless the adults were deemed unfit. https://www.justice.gov/…/press-rele…/file/1049751/download… Myth: This is the only way to deter undocumented immigration - FALSE. Annual trends show that arrests for undocumented entry are at a 46 year low, and undocumented crossings dropped in 2007, with a net loss (more people leaving than arriving). Deportations have increased steadily though (spiking in 1996 and more recently), because several laws that were passed since 1996 have made it legally more difficult to gain legal status for people already here, and thus increased their deportations (I address this later under the myth that it's the Democrats' fault). What we mostly have now are people crossing the border illegally because they've already been hired by a US company, or because they are seeking political asylum. Economic migrants come to this country because our country has kept the demand going. But again, many of these people impacted by Trump's "zero tolerance" policy appear to be political asylum-seekers. https://www.npr.org/…/arrests-for-illegal-border-crossings-… Myth: Most of the people coming across the border are just trying to take advantage of our country by taking our jobs - FALSE. Most of the parents who have been impacted by Trump's "zero tolerance" policy have presented themselves as political asylum-seekers at a U.S. port-of-entry, from El Salvador, Guatemala, and Honduras. Rather than processing their claims, they have been taken into custody on the spot and had their children ripped from their arms. The ACLU alleges that this practice violates the Asylum Act, and the UN asserts that it violates the UN Treaty on the State of Refugees, one of the few treaties the US has ratified. This is an illegal act on the part of the United States government, not to mention morally and ethically reprehensible. https://www.nytimes.com/…/meatpackers-profits-hinge-on-pool… Myth: We're a country that respects the Rule of Law, and if people break the law, this is what they get - FALSE. We are a country that has an above-ground system of immigration and an underground system. Our government (under both parties) has always been aware that US companies recruit workers in the poorest parts of Mexico for cheap labor, and ICE (and its predecessor INS) has looked the other way because this underground economy benefits our country to the tune of billions of dollars annually. Thus, even though the majority of people crossing the border now are asylum-seekers, those who are economic migrants (migrant workers) likely have been recruited here to do jobs Americans will not do. https://www.upi.com/…/Donald-Trumps-wall-ign…/2621477498203/ Myth: The children have to be separated from their parents because there parents must be arrested and it would be cruel to put children in jail with their parents - FALSE. First, in the case of economic migrants crossing the border illegally, criminal prosecution has not been the legal norm, and families have been kept together at all cost. Also, crossing the border without documentation is a typically a misdemeanor not requiring arrest, but rather a civil proceeding. Additionally, parents who have been detained have historically been detained with their children in ICE "family residential centers," again, for civil processing. The Trump administration's shift in policy is for political purposes only, not legal ones. See p. 18: https://www.aclu.org/…/ms-l-v-ice-plaintiffs-opposition-def… Myth: We have rampant fraud in our asylum process the proof of which is the significant increase we have in the number of people applying for asylum. - FALSE. The increase in asylum seekers is a direct result of the increase in civil conflict and violence across the globe. While some people may believe that we shouldn't allow any refugees into our country because "it's not our problem," neither our current asylum law, nor our ideological foundation as a country support such an isolationist approach. There is very little evidence to support Sessions' claim that abuse of our asylum-seeking policies is rampant. Also, what Sessions failed to mention is that the majority of asylum seekers are from China, not South of the border. Here is a very fair and balanced assessment of his statements: http://www.politifact.com/…/jeff-sessions-claim-about-asyl…/ Myth: The Democrats caused this, "it's their law." - FALSE. Neither the Republicans nor the Democrats caused this, the Trump administration did (although the Republicans could fix this today, and have refused). I believe what this myth refers to is the passage of the Illegal Immigration Reform and Immigrant Responsibility Act, which were both passed under Clinton in 1996. These laws essentially made unauthorized entry into the US a crime (typically a misdemeanor for first-time offenders), but under both Republicans and Democrats, these cases were handled through civil deportation proceedings, not a criminal proceeding, which did not require separation. And again, even in cases where detainment was required, families were always kept together in family residential centers, unless the parents were deemed unfit (as mentioned above). Thus, Trump's assertion that he hates this policy but has no choice but to separate the parents from their children, because the Democrats "gave us this law" is false and nothing more than propaganda designed to compel negotiation on bad policy. https://www.independent.co.uk/…/trump-democrats-us-border-m… Myth: The parents and children will be reunited shortly, once the parents' court cases are finalized. - FALSE. Criminal court is a vastly different beast than civil court proceedings. Also, the children are being processed as unaccompanied minors ("unaccompanied alien children"), which typically means they are sent into the custody of the Office of Refugee Resettlement (ORR), which is part of the Department of Health and Human Services (DHS). Under normal circumstances when a child enters the country without his or her parent, ORR attempts to locate a family member within a few weeks, and the child is then released to a family member, or if a family member cannot be located, the child is placed in a residential center (anywhere in the country), or in some cases, foster care. Prior to Trump's new policy, ORR was operating at 95% capacity, and they simply cannot effectively manage the influx of 2000+ children, some as young as 4 months. Also, keep in mind, these are not unaccompanied minor children, they have parents. There is great legal ambiguity on how and even whether the parents will get their children back because we are in uncharted territory right now. According to the ACLU lawsuit (see below), there is currently no easy vehicle for reuniting parents with their children. Additionally, according to a May 2018 report, numerous cases of verbal, physical and sexual abuse were found to have occurred in these residential centers. https://www.aclu.org/…/aclu-obtains-documents-showing-wides… Myth: This policy is legal. - LIKELY FALSE. The ACLU filed a lawsuit against the Trump administration on 5/6/18, and a recent court ruling denied the government's motion to dismiss the suit. The judge deciding the case stated that the Trump Administration policy is "brutal, offensive, and fails to comport with traditional notions of fair play and decency." The case is moving forward because it was deemed to have legal merit. https://www.bloomberg.com/…/aclu-suit-over-child-separation…
  6. Two words; Fox News You're doing that stupid thing again mate. You know...
  7. I don't think you know what some of those words you've used mean.
  8. Thanks for your input. You've really moved the debate up a notch or two. Your a real credit to your nation. A fine example of the current state of the US.
  9. Mate, nobody believes that you did not just plagiarise the above from the last right wing news source you read! Haha, very poor parroting, I fucking read almost the same word for word on the BBC. Hahaha
  10. I don't want you to do anything. I'm glad the US has left the UNHR Council. Hopefully you'll fuck off from the UN too and make and buy all your stuff from within your own borders and the rest of the world can forget about you!
  11. RIdgerunner School of Debate Tip Number One: When someone describes the idiotic and inane things you say, just use throw the same descriptions back at them. That way you don't even have to think. For example, if someone says that the things you say are parroting the the right wing propaganda that you consume, just tell them that they are also a parrot. Make sure you use the words (in this order) "Liberal progressive bullshit" there is no need to learn what these words mean.
  12. Just copied the above from Sean Hannity? What are you supposed to do? Well your president has just announced that your country is no longer a member of the UN Human Rights Council. Have you got the slightest idea what that means for Americans such as yourself? Not refugees or children but what you would call "regular" Americans. You have brought what is coming to you down on yourselves now and you should be scared for yourselves and your own children (you obviously don't give a fuck about others' but the chickens are about to come home to roost). Let's get his clear, so you understand - the way governments treat refugees and prisoners is the way governments would treat their people if they could get away with it. The only THE ONLY reason that governments can't get away with treating their people like that is the UN conventions on human rights. So... Instead of being a leader and sorting out the inhumane, Nazi treatment that is happening to migrant families in your country, your president leaves the UN HR Council. Wow, just wow. Do you finally see what everyone has been fucking asking you to see since before you voted to make him president???!
  13. You know literally nothing though mate, whether that's about your own country or outside it. You repeat your smart-arse-Alex-Jones-Fox-News bullshit like you're a parrot or a zombie but obviously both. One thing I've noticed is how you schmucks project onto others when you call them names, you say "You sound like a total idiot..." ...and then go on to prove time after time, post after post what a clown you are. The funny thing is that you think you're somebody on the internet and that people read what you say and nod along like you know what you're talking about - mate, you're just talking to the same cognitively challenged right-wing fascists who just want to hear another voice repeat the lies that Fox News is telling them every day. You say nothing new, you offer no new insight, you're a parrot. A Nazi Parrot - your parents would be proud huh? "Benghazi-Hilary-Obama-excuses-wah-wah-wah," fucking parrot! 😂 You deserve everything you got coming to you, it's just a shame that decent Americans will have to suffer too before parrots like you are taken out.
  14. Like I said, you are nothing but a fascist, stop pretending that you aren't because you're fooling nobody. And try proofreading what you write, the above is an utter mess.
  15. Really weird that you're bringing God into this, which is pretty much like a fundamentalist Muslim terrorist move. You can't explain, or are too embarrassed to explain, why you support the evil that is being committed in your name and with your support, so you appeal to God to back you up?! You really think the Christian God would support any of what is going on? This is a beyond pathetic response. Your president is holding children hostage in order to get through his bullshit plan of building a wall on your southern border but yeah, Hilary, look at Hilary umm, God too, one nation under God, yeah. Fucking weird as fuck.
  16. It is the US that enables Saudi Arabia, it is the US that enables Israel, it is the US that separates children from their parents and puts them in detention centers, it is the US people that believe the lies their government tell them. You people are humanity's new axis of evil.
  17. Dear America: You are waking up, as Germany once did, to the awareness that 1/3 of your people would kill another 1/3, while 1/3 watches. Werner Herzog No matter how smart the people in this thread that are justifying what's going on think they are, no matter the fact that they have got any answer for everything (even if it is ridiculous), no matter the amount of times that they say they are true Americans, defending the USA from foreign invaders - They aren't any of that - they are subhuman fascist scum. They are cognitively challenged man children desperate for a big boy to protect them from imaginary threats. They are dollar store white supremacists acting like tough guys on the internet because to do it in real life would scare them. They are nothing. If you support an administration that behaves like this, you are not American, you are nothing. Never forget that the rest of us consider you to be nothing.
  18. Uruguay will be fine. Egypt just went out to defend a draw and Uruguay couldn't break them down. Most modern teams are almost impossible to break down when they go into defensive mode. Russia will need to attack and will open up a lot of space for Suarez and Cavani.
  19. Please bow your heads as a mark of respect as we bear witness to the above; the intellectual and rational death of this once proud nation.
  20. And Trump and his Republicans are going to change that? Mate, you obviously have no idea what you are talking about by saying the above after Trump signed in some of the biggest tax cuts for the already rich in history. But, yeah, those Dems huh? Those emails huh? Pathetic. "the injustice of income and wealth distribution," the Left, wahh wahh wahhh etc etc. Its almost as if you are parroting exactly what Fox News wants you to parrot. It's almost as if the rich cunts that are cleaning out your middle and working classes are banking on your stupidity in order to get through the tax breaks that will increase their wealth whilst decreasing yours. It's almost as if the republicans and the right wing shit press that you call news have so little regard for your mental capabilities that they tried to get you to believe that all the thieving and lying that they are doing to you is actually beneficial. It's almost as if you have no idea what is going on and are desperate for a strong sounding man to tell you that it's going to be ok. Even if he is lying through his ass, you just need to hear him tell you that everything is going to be ok - and you pussies call the Left "snowflakes"!!!
  21. 20 plus trillion GDP but a national debt of 21 trillion - yeah go USA!!! The only thing that seems to be of any value to you is the lies that you tell yourselves to pretend that you're still a decent country!! 😂
  22. The combined military forces of the EU has nothing to worry about - would much rather there was no US influence, that will cut out our boys getting shot up by your unprofessional meatheads in blue on blue incidents, which happens far too often to be coincidence instead of poor training. Your military is big but it is shit. How many wars have you won in the past 40 years? Fuck's sake, Iraq and Afghanistan, you lot are up against peasants armed with only AK47s and plastic explosive and you can't finish those off!
  23. All of that is spot on and it's really sad that Trump fans cannot or will not see the wood for the trees. They are being fucked over massively yet the more it is pointed out to them the angrier they get at those speaking the truth! Fucking crazy days, eh?!
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