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Everything posted by Maturin

  1. I think you should apply to Trumps administration as the Secretary for Misinformation! I'm not arguing with the specific shooting events, but I counted up all the school shootings deaths across Europe since 1913; from Wikipedia, across Europe in the last 104 years the total is 117 In the US since 2000; also totalled from Wikipedia, in the last 27 years the total is 245 It is absolutely clear that your society which has easy access to guns has a massive problem with the wrong sort of people getting hold of those guns. In Europe the wrong sort of people find it a lot harder to get hold of guns, so we have less atrocities, no matter the scale. It's really not rocket science.
  2. Did you know that you can download a grammar correction tool for your Samsung S8?
  3. Ha, ain't that the truth! 8 trial concepts with 6 contractors, I wonder how much tax money has been spent on this already and who of Trump's circle has big shares in these contractor companies. I say it time and time again and it becomes more obvious everytime, the American taxpayer is being fucked over but they are loving it!! Crazy times.
  4. If the gave it to a pack of hyenas it would be more entertaining.
  5. They should start again. Chuck these nobs out and give the place to the couple that were 'round at Mira's last night.
  6. What is the point in having a discount when you're actively considering replacing all the tenants? Surely it would be better to get some new people in, follow a plan to communicate what's expected of the new people so that they are sure of what your subscribers expect, and only then offer a discounted subscription. I saw the discount and though, "It might be cheaper but it's still the same people, so no thanks." It's obvious that the current tenants are aware of the poll as their activity has picked up a bit but it's too little and too late. I think everyone that knows these people can 100% guarentee that any of the tenants that remain will very quickly move to the same boring cycle of pretty much nothing 6 days per week and then 2 hours of a fake party in which very little happens. C'mon! Either do or don't, there is no try!
  7. Can someone tell them to turn the lights on? This is a constant problem with A+A apartments. I'm starting to think that Alex or Anna have super amazing cats at night vision and can see in any level of darkness, which is why everything they do seems dark to the rest of us mortals.
  8. Good stuff. My reply was quite long, maybe too long for the form, not sure. Let me know if you recieved all of it or have any questions. Regards.
  9. It would be simply amazing to see the look on the Rock's face the moment he tunes into Misty's apartment to see Ana getting DP'd by two of Misty's guests. To be honest I'd be watching Rock's breakdown instead of watching Ana's DP!
  10. I wish she would stop using that blanket on the sofa. It's getting into the same sort of teasing shit that Julia does in her crappy apartment. Just turn the heating up.
  11. True. Ain't nobody getting anything good from conversations with him!
  12. Thought you were going to work mate? Better git too it, them longhairs aint gonna fuck theyselves boy.
  13. Your doing that thing again, talking about things of which you have no idea.
  14. Aye, it's good to keep an eye on him but also it would be good as customers to make sure that you make your greivances known to the people you are paying. I hope that's happening or else he won't be made to leave. They seem like nasty little bullies. I hope Adam knocks them both out with his plaster cast arm.
  15. You realise you are paying for this little shit to live for free and make others miserable. Has anyone made a complaint to VH yet? He's got to go, I'd be really annoyed if they were taking my money but day after day this wanker is profiting from it.
  16. "Crush Your RIghts," in a thread about getting rid of a President that ordered his VP to protest using your tax money in order to stamp out the peaceful protest of others. Step away from the keyboard you nauseous little oik and go read some fucking books.
  17. I'm from the UK, lived for many years in Barcelona and now live in Sweden. Every single one of those countries is orders of magnitude more preferable than living where you do now and running the risk of meeting people like yourself. Stop using words like socialist and communist or talking about rights and taxes - you clearly have no idea what you are talking about and are making yourself sound even more ridiculous than we all think you are.
  18. I can definitively state that I do not want to live in America. Europe has many issues but none of them are on the scale that is caused by the greed, the fear and the unreasonable uninformed tribalism that your country exhibits to the rest of the world. Are all Americans like this? No of course they aren't, as evidenced by a small number for example on this site but most Americans are. You are being fucked over yet you defend the people that are fucking you over because; flags, songs, skin colour, wealth. Fuck off mate, you'd be hard pushed to find any educated European, Asian, South American or even African that wants to live in your country. Look at how you treat the refugees that are bombed out of their livelihoods because of your resource wars? It's scummy. Beyond scummy. WHat person in their right mind would want to leave what they have and set up and contribute to your awful standards? The more Trump and Pence act and the more their supporters blindly follow them and seek to shut down any dissent, then the more your country becomes like a failing totalitarian state. Fuck that, I'll stay where I am, away from the likes of you mate. You Spying, epitomise through your words, everything that is gross, base, uncultured and unreasonable about this place you idolise. America could and should be better than people like you and its time that decent Americans take their fucking country back from you all and make it decent again.
  19. I see Kitty has a little wet patch on her panties, she has the nicest pussy on RLC, just wish she would show it more!
  20. Sorry if I'm being harsh @voyeur-villa but that's the way I see it and I actually want your project to be the most successful of the sites that are around. RLC are arseholes and I really hate the management by middle men approach that Voyeur House has taken. You guys seem to be sticking to the more traditional route and communicate decently but you've got to be brave enough to either tell your tenants to up their game or move in people who actually want to have genuine fun. At the very least, having fake orgasm parties is something that should never happen!!
  21. It's stale, the people are bored and boring. The high point of the month, apparently, seems to be when some of the girls get together and watch a porno to "masturbate". Only they don't because they just go through the motions of it for an obviously agreed amount of time and then stop all together. The lowest points, and it's happened when both Iris and Sonia are together and also when the larger group of ladies are together, is when the agreed time to stop "masturbating" is reached and they make fake orgasm noises before finishing. They are taking the piss out of your viewers - who is going to want to pay for that kind of nonsense? Apart from Zoe and Sun who deserve a chance based on Zoe previously, they all need to go - none of them are a major attraction because they've become cynical and boring. But this has been suggested before anyway. VV even had a series of HUGE announcements a few months back about new people, new direction, new management - and then built it all around the same recurring cast of people who can no longer be bothered to make a proper effort. It's not even about making a proper effort, they are actually trying to be as boring and linear as they can.
  22. Apart from that, it seemed like a fun evening of dancing and drinking. Thumbs up!
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