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Everything posted by Maturin

  1. She's early 20s. Young women is more correct yes. Thanks for weighing in though, really valuable contribution from you coming out on the side of the body shamers. Good for you bud.
  2. Excellent. Here's hoping you hold yourself to higher standards in future. Have a good day.
  3. People don't care what you think mate. What are you doing? Seriously, what need is there to risk upsetting someone who is obviously so unhappy with her body that she has had surgery to it, just because you don't like what she choose to do for herself? Who cares what you believe in, are you that desperate for your opinions to be validated by strangers on the internet that you need to act like a complete - I'm obviously not going to finish that sentence because apparently cyberbullies are snowflakes and we must not call them names. It has everything to do with being behind the cover of the internet, stop lying to yourself, or prove me wrong by recording yourself with your phone body shaming the next young women that you meet. @Spoon I hear you but we also have the right and the freedom to disagree with these people, as annoying as it is to stoop to their level. Indeed, if/when Kitty reads this pathetic episode, it will probably do some good to show that not everyone here is like this and that the loudest doesn't speak for us all. P.S. Mods, sorry for calling cyberbullies "snowflakes," I meant all cyberbullies in general and was not referring specifically or solely to the example that we have here.
  4. There's also ways of being a decent human being without resorting to body shaming young women from behind the cover of the internet and an anonymous screen name. As was said, is cyberbullying OK now but calling out cyberbullies not OK?
  5. So it appears any response I make is just being deleted by the mods. Is it any wonder that the RLC forums of CC are so worthless and toxic when people aren't allowed to challenge the shit that gets written, yet the shit that gets written is allowed to stay? Pff, this'll get "moderated" too, so what's the point.
  6. Yeah, you do know she reads the forums, right? That's just the sort of thing that you should be saying to young girls, isnt it? Well done you Billy Bigbollocks. 1) Your opinion doesn't mean shit 2) If you've got an awful opinion that could upset a young girl, keep it to yourself big man.
  7. I think that a few of the tenants, especially the ones that are not bringing any value or incentive to sign up must actually be the owners of the site. If you entertain that idea then it falls into place why the site has gone downhill. The way it stands at the moment is that these couples/owners (and it is the same ones who always "win" any poll about who needs to leave, yet never do so) must be earning enough to pay for their bills and food etc but they are unwilling to put in the effort needed to compete with Voyeur House or at least make a good fraction of the metric fuck ton of money that the others sites are making. When replying to their poll I took the time to send a long action plan of what they need to do, some were very easy wins and some a bit more long term. Absolutely none of them have been acted upon - in fact almost the next day they did some crappy 10 bucks off offer that completely ruined the experience of the site for any new visitor, this payment thing is still there. A new vistor is shown boring tenants doing nothing except look at their phones or play dress up for 10 minutes then VV asks people to pay to see more angles of the same boring tenants!!! Sorry but anyone in their right mind would close the page and never look back!! I don't know why it bothers me so much really, except for the fact that the tenants/owners seem like decent people that are sitting on a gold mine but have no tools to extract the wealth. It's not their fault that they are boring, I'm sure they've just had enough of the whole experience - and it really shows! Guys and girls, you are standing in your own way. You are making all the wrong decisions. That happens in life, especially when you're both an owner and a tenant - if this is the case then move out, rent your own place away from the cameras and get some people in the apartments that are going to drive traffic and profit to your site. Follow the plan I sent, seriously!
  8. “I will splinter the CIA into a thousand pieces and scatter it into the wind," JFK.
  9. I'd much prefer it if you addressed YOUR demons in public, here on CC. Don't worry we're an understanding bunch, you're safe. So Howard, let's discuss what went wrongin your life to make you the man you currently are... GO!
  10. To be honest I was hoping that you would only keep one couple and start new with the rest. I realy think it's needed
  11. Taxes that I don't mind paying. My only concern about where my tax money goes is that it is properly allocated to the social welfare programs that me, my loved ones and everyone I meet benefit from throughout our lives. And there I think is the pivot of the difference between TrotskydemocraticsocialdemocraticLeninist Europe and AmeriMeMeMeMeMeCa. You couldn't pay me enough to live in your country with the way you think, seriously.
  12. I was trying to be generous and go by the standards that the Overton window in the US regarding socialism but it's too difficult when they willingly buy the right wing elite line that democratic socialism - a system in which the government aims to promote the public welfare through taxation and spending, within the framework of a capitalist economy - is regarded as socialism that will bring about a Bolshevik Red Terror. You've got your free market capitalism, with fenced social spending for public and national welfare = democratic socialism - pretty much most of the developed world. Then you've got your hypercapitalism, in which the wealth of labour is concentrated and accelerated ever upwards, where the politicians are capable of only short term thinking, and the markets are contrived, where the richest get to design and amend the rules of the game, usually through the granting of ever increasing tax breaks (just for winning their own game) = the US, where any attempt to level this playing field in favour of its citizenry rather than business is branded as socialist, communist or Trotskyist. The branding is of course done by the hypercapitalists in their media who have the most to lose should they be required to pay a fair tax rate. Item #1 on the US foreign policy To Do List is surely to, Crush Any Nation That Threatens To Show Our Nation Up For The Massive Ponzi Scheme That It Is (And Get All Their Natural Resources Whilst Doing So). Looking at it like that certainly makes some sense out of what's currently happening in Venezuela. There is a US led economic war against the nation with the largest proven oil reserves on the planet. Does anybody seriously think that with so much potential oil wealth that the nation will seriously not exploit that on international markets by becoming a closed, planned economy or worse a communist state? Where is the threat to the US if it were to do so anyway? The US oil dollar will be affected of course. So, instead of allowing the "free" market, that for some reason the US seems so proud of to find its balance, we see what is happening now in Venezuela... We see the Saudis acting in concert with the US and Israel ( the modern day Axis of almost everything that's wrong on this planet today) flooding the market with cheap oil to put socialist Venezuela into poverty , whilst the US stirs up dissent using it's time honoured method of infiltration, distraction and deception to capitalise on the terrible economic situation that they have created. Meanwhile US folks back home? "Hahaha, look what those terrible socialists have done to themselves, gosh darn it I'm so glad that I'm not a socialist or a democratic socialist or a social democrat or TrotskyMarxistScandinavianLenninist, I just hope I never get sick or expect 6 months paid maternity leave. GO USA!!" Ah fuck it, I can't be bothered! It's massively demotivating to continue more than 30 minutes typing to show people in the US that they are being fed bullshit which is ruining their country and others when you know that the most likely reply will be some youtube propaganda, that took 30 seconds to find, which glosses over all the pertinent facts and cherry picks the ones that = USA great.
  13. Except every other Western democratic country. Ask Germany, UK, Scandinavia, France, Italy, Spain - Jesus too many to name, ask them how ther paid holiday, collective worker bargaining, health care that's free at the point of need, health and saftey regulation, living wage, state pension, maternity leave for both parents, need I go on? I think you'll find that democratic socialism is working a heck of a lot better than you realise. If you define the "failiure" of socialism as the nascent attempts by South American countries to follow the European model that are systematically infiltrated and crushed by the US secret services and overt US economic bullying every time, then as I keep saying, I don't think you understand what socialism is. I don't know whether to laugh or cry when I see posts like this cheering about how you are allowing the hypercapitalists in your country to completely fuck you over whilst they ensure that neighbouring countries are unable to follow a different path. What a world we live in :(
  14. There really is no point talking about what socialism actually is in this thread mate. When Bernie Sanders is called far left then you know that you're fighting against a elite-skewed Overton window that they've brought upon themselves.
  15. https://impeachdonaldtrumpnow.org/case-for-impeachment/grounds-for-impeachment/ Any one of these would do for any other president. But purely on a diplomatic level, he's turned America into a laughing stock, even worse than W. managed.
  16. Especially when it gives you the chance to duck out of answering a simple question with the answer which is so obvious because you haven't the balls to admit that you've been talking out of your arse - again.
  17. Oh I think there'll be riots when he arrives. May will want to shield him from any protest at all but there'll be hundreds of thousands waiting for him, all it'll need is one spark. The more he carries on the way he's going the less likely I think that he'll come. He's not going to stop being a reprehensible moron but he knows that as you say, more and more banners are being painted every day. Riots in London to welcome the US President, it could not get any worse than that for his legacy. Well, it could but if/when he decides to press the nuclear button there'll be no-one left to discuss him anyway.
  18. When the Queen refuses him a state visit, clear evidence that you're doing it wrong America!!
  19. You are speaking with quite some authority on lower gun control and freedom and all the other good stuff, yet you're unable to answer a simple question? Anyone would think that you haven't a clue what you're talking about.
  20. That is a completely transparent and immature way to try and deflect the focus of an argument that you can't support. It's a very simple question, we're not asking for facts or figures or industry figure/gun crime victim statements; we're simply asking, why do you think more school children are killed while in school by guns in the USA than in Europe?
  21. C'mon Kitty, I know you're thinking about playing with your gorgeous pussy on the sofa! :p
  22. Or even limit it to school children for him. @SPYING 1, why have much more school children been killed by guns in the US than in Europe?
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